Where Moon got his theology from

Where Moon got the concepts for the Divine Principle from

Updated January 30, 2021

Here is a chart of some of the small spiritual groups active in Korea from the 1920s. Rev. Moon studied the ideas of all of them. Baek Nam-joo taught about the three ages of providential history. Rev. Lee Yong-do heavily influenced both Rev. Moon and Miss Kim Young-oon. She had met him in person; Rev. Moon did not, but he did join Lee’s church as a teenager and a pastor from that church performed his marriage to his first wife, Choi Seon-gil. Kim Baek-moon devised the parallels of history which culminated in 1917, the year of his own birth. LINK

Quotes from the book: The Life of Sun Myung Moon – the Messiah of a Perverted Sex Religion by Ryo Hagiwara (1991)

Kim Baek-moon talked about “sexual union with God.” He defined this “sexual union” ritual as the atonement ceremony and he called it the “physical ceremony” [pikareum]. He was Sun Myung Moon’s teacher, and he advocated the spread of this ceremony as a religious practise. Likewise, Moon’s bizarre “theory of restoration” teaching was a completely secondhand use of Kim Baek-moon’s restoration principles.

Sun Myung Moon was first arrested by the security police on August 11, 1946. He was detained for three months at the Daedong police station [in Pyongyang]. The charge was for causing social disorder, for alleged sexual immorality. (混淫 = mixed dirty sex).

On February 22, 1948 Sun Myung Moon was arrested for a second time by the Interior Department for the coerced marriage with a housewife, Mrs Kim Chong-hwa. On April 7 he was sentenced to five years in Heungnam prison. [Mrs Kim was also jailed for 10-12 months. When she was released, she completely rejected Moon. She was so grateful to her husband who took her back.]

The Unification Church mass weddings are one of the most exceptionally bizarre group events in the world. Their pikareum doctrine is based on extracting the blood of Satan and then injecting the pure blood of God. This pure blood is given through the Messiah having sexual intercourse with female believers. ……

The Unification Church proclaims itself to be Christian, but where on earth can you find a Christian church which defines as an important ritual the number of times and positions to be taken for the first times of sexual intercourse? The Unification Church knowingly misrepresents itself as Christian to lure innocent young men and women – who do not know about these things – to join. They then become firmly tied to Sun Myung Moon through these sex rituals. It is evident that the Unification Church is a religious group whose core doctrine is “manipulation of people through sex.”

Pascal Zivi was interviewed on video in Tokyo in 1994 by Steven Hassan. The videos have been available for a while, either as one video, or in five parts. (Links below) However, they are not always easy to understand, partly because of the Japanese pronunciation of Korean names. The material is very important. Here is an edited and expanded transcript of the second and third videos.

Link to the second video: https://vimeo.com/24085649

How did Mr. Moon make the Divine Principle? Which books and teachings was the Divine Principle based on?

This photograph of Mr Pak Chung-hwa 朴正華 (Japanese パクーチョンフ, Korean 박 정 화 ) was taken on November 30, 1993 in my hotel room in Seoul. Mr Pak was the man who had fractured his left ankle in Pyongyang and had travelled with Mr Sun Myung Moon 文鮮明 and Mr Kim Won-pil 金元弼 from Pyongyang to South Korea in 1950.

Mr Pak brought me a book which in Korean is called 生의 原理 and in English it is called The Principle of Life. It is funny that the book of Mr Moon 文鮮明 is called the Divine Principle, and the book of one of the people who taught Mr Moon is called The Principle of Life. The book was written by a woman called Mrs Chong Deuk-eun 丁得恩 or 鄭得恩. (Her name can also be written as Chong Tuk-un in English. In Japanese it is pronounced Te Toku-on.)

In some official books of the Moon church, she was given the pseudonym of ‘Park Un-nyeo’ 朴雲女. In Japanese it is written パク・ウンニョ.

Mr Moon first met Mrs Chong Deuk-eun in Pyongyang in the summer of 1946 when he traveled there together with Mr Kim Baek-moon 金百文. (His name is pronounced Kim Yaku-bun in Japanese.) Mrs Chong had visited Mr Kim Baek-moon in Seoul in 1945. She had hoped that he would follow her. Mr Kim Baek-moon is mentioned in her book. (It is possible that Moon had met Mrs Chong in 1945, or at least heard of her then.)

Mrs Chong dictated the main part of her book to a faithful follower, Mr Pang Ho-dong 方好童, in 1947 at Samgak Mountain 三角山 ( 北漢山 ), which is just north of Seoul. The book was edited by a man named Mr Om Yu-sop 嚴攸燮 and published on July 5, 1958. Mrs Chong was known as “DaeSeongMo” 대성모 “Great Holy Mother” 大聖母. She claimed to have the lineage of God, and to be the “wife of Jehovah”.

The Principle of Life has three sections:

一  創造論      1. Discourse on Creation            page 11

二  復歸役事   2. The History of Restoration      page 36

三  生의 原役  3. The Principle of Life               page 55

Mrs Chong Deuk-eun’s book contains many ideas that were incorporated into Mr Moon’s Divine Principle which was first published as a book in 1957. The notes for Mrs Chong’s book were written down in 1947 – ten years before Mr Moon’s book was published.

▲ In this photograph taken in Busan in the summer of 1951, Mr Kim Won-pil is in the back row on the left. Clayton O. Wadsworth, a US Army chaplain is in the back on the right. In front of him is Mrs Lee Kee-hwan 이기환 who joined around this time. She was the daughter of Kang Suk-kyong, who was a follower of Kim Baek-moon. It was also around this time that Moon borrowed Kim Baek-moon’s theology notes and copied them. In 1951 Kim was also living in Busan with some of his followers. He did not get his notes back for about six months. Kim was furious with Moon. Moon was not writing original material as he sat by his oil lamp – he was stealing another man’s work. Mr Moon is standing right behind Mrs Chong Deuk-eun. If you look at the photograph which is printed in the front of Mrs Chong’s book (below), you can see that it is the same person.

This photo was taken by Park Kyung-do who had also been a follower of Kim Baek-moon. His sister, a Kim follower, had delivered Moon’s first son, Sung-jin in Seoul in 1946! Mrs Lee Kee-hwan is looking at the photographer as if she knows him well.

Mrs Chong Deuk-eun 丁得恩 or 鄭得恩 (from her book)

The Unification Church Sabo magazine published the Busan photograph and named Mrs Chong Deuk-eun in the caption.

She was a mystical (spiritual) person. Her teaching was very simple. She said she was the wife of God, and that she must find a young man and have sex with him. This sex would purify the young man and he could then be the new messiah.

Do you know who is the new messiah, and who slept with this woman? Mr Pak Chung-hwa told me. Mr Pak also wrote about this sex with Mrs Chong Deuk-eun in his book called The Tragedy of the Six Marys. It was Mr Moon who slept with this woman, Mrs Chong.

In June 1946 Mr Moon left his wife and went to North Korea to meet “the wife of Jehovah”. He met Mrs Chong as soon as he got to Pyongyang. She had a very small group there. Now I forgot the name of her group, but I will tell you later. [After 1947, or after the Korean War, it was called The Great Sacred-Heart Prayer House 大聖心祈禱院.]

Mr Moon was put in jail in Heungnam in North Korea in 1948 and there he met Mr Pak Chung-hwa. I have Mr Pak’s testimony. I interviewed him. Mr Pak told me that Mr Moon told him that he had a sexual relationship with this woman, Mrs Chong Deuk-eun, and Mr Moon was purified and he was then qualified to be the new messiah.

[Mr Moon’s relationship with Mrs Chong Deuk-eun is confirmed in the PhD thesis of Mr Choe Joong-Hyun, called The Korean War and messianic groups: Two cases in contrast, Syracuse University, 1993. Mr Michael Breen mentions Mrs Chong Deuk-eun in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years 1920-53. Rev Yong Jin-Hun of the Korean FFWPU Education Department mentions her in his presentations about Mr Moon’s life.]

Mr Pak Chung-hwa 朴正華

Mr Moon had a sexual relationship with Mrs Chong and he told Mr Pak Chung-hwa – and Mr Pak told me two years ago. I have his testimony recorded on an audio cassette. And also Mr Pak explained about this problem in his book called The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!
( 六マリアの悲劇―真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!! )

If it could be possible to translate The Tragedy of the Six Marys into English, it would be very interesting for the young people in America. And the funny thing is that when you read the book written by Mrs Chong Deuk-eun you can find 17 very important points that are exactly the same as what you find in the Divine Principle.

Steven Hassan: Can you tell us some of those?

The true family, the four position foundation is not the thinking of Mr Moon, but it is the thinking of this woman, Mrs Chong Deuk-eun. For example, Eve made love with the archangel, you can find the same teaching in her book, this woman. (Pascal points to the photograph of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun.)

And I want to show you some more interesting photographs – these are photographs of her book, the real book which she wrote. Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan 卓明煥, who was murdered, had a copy of her book and he permitted me to take these photographs of the book. It is not a big book. It has just less than one hundred pages.

Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan 卓明煥 (July 8, 1937 – February 18, 1994)

Steven: Tell us some more parallels, the four position foundation…

The fall of man is the same. Also the three steps, formation, growth and perfection. You find exactly the same thing. You can also find that Abraham made a mistake, and also that all religions must become one. And other points like this. It is amazing. It is difficult for the young American people to read her book and understand. For young Japanese people it is easier because older books in the Korean language use the same characters. Even if you can’t read the Korean hangul characters, if you look at the Korean hanja characters, they are the same as Japanese kanji characters and so you can understand very easily that it is the same teaching.

And there is one important thing that I want to show you. Here in the introduction to Mrs Chong Deuk-eun’s book you can find that the name of Mr Lee Yo-han is written. Mr Lee Yo-han has been a member of the Moon church since the very early days. He joined Moon in Busan in 1952.

▲ Unification Church leaders in Daegu in 1954. Front row from the left: Kim Gwan-seong (with beard), Lee Yo-han (이요한), Sun Myung Moon, Pak Chung-hwa (박정화) (who had been in Heungnam prison with Moon) and next to him is Eu Hyo-min (유효민). In the back row are Eu Hyo-won (유효원), Kang So-yong (강서용), Lee Han-seong (이한성), Lee Bong-wun (이봉운) and Shin Seong-muk (신성묵) who was the husband of Eu Shin-hee.

Mr Lee Yo-han had been the assistant pastor of Chong Deuk-eun; he knew all her teachings very well. Mr Eu Hyo-won wrote the 1957 Divine Principle with a copy of the notes of the teachings of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun and a copy of Mr. Kim Baek-moon’s first book on his desk.

Mr Lee Yo-han 李耀翰 or 李要漢

He is now in Japan, in Hokkaido where I live. He is the leader of the Moon church in Hokkaido. But this man is a deceiver. Mr Lee Yo-han says that Mr Moon is the new christ, and so on, and he teaches the Divine Principle. He says that Mr Moon received this new truth in revelations from God. But before Mr Lee joined the Moon church he was not only a member of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun’s group, he was her assistant pastor. Mr Lee has not spoken about Mrs Chong Deuk-eun to the Moon church members. He has not explained to the members that many of the ideas in the Divine Principle came from his former leader and teacher, Mrs Chong. They did not come from Mr Moon’s struggles and God revealing things directly to Mr Moon. The story of Mr Lee Yo-han is interesting.

Mr Lee Yo-han with Han Hak-ja (the wife of Mr Moon)

There is a funny thing about the family four position foundation. I just told you that Mrs Chong Deuk-eun was the wife of God. She was looking for a young man to have sex with and to start a family four position foundation with. And what did Mr Moon say? I am the new christ and I am looking for a young woman who can be the new Eve, and together we can make the family four position foundation. Mr Moon just took the teachings of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun and put himself in the central position. Do you understand what I mean?

There is further information about her here:
Chong Deuk-eun – Great Holy Mother

LINK to the Korean: 의 原理 – Inside Chong’s book

Steven: But if I was an American member of the church, I would say, how do I trust Pascal? Why should I trust Pascal?

I would say, do what I did. Go to Korea, meet the people; start to understand exactly what the church is. I think it is very important – I know the young American Moonists believe in Mr Moon – but I think truth and belief (or faith) are different things. I can say I believe this, I think this, but the truth might be different to what I believe. Even if I say I believe this, the truth, or reality, may turn out to be different. I think it is very important for the young people who hear my voice, and see the information that I show to them, it is very important for them to start to understand and to think why did the Moon Church in America not explain these things. Many times I said to the Japanese Moon church members, if you don’t believe me, go to Korea. Go by yourself, look and speak to many different people. You have the book; there are people who can tell you. If one person explains certain things to you, you can think, hmm maybe this person is lying. But when you see different people in different parts of Korea, telling you about the same thing, showing you many different pieces of information. And when you try to discuss with the Japanese Moon Church, and they say, we didn’t know, this is just a lie, I think we must think again about exactly what the Moon Church are saying. I think it is very important for each person to see for themselves, to think for themselves, and not just listen to what the Moon Church say. You must verify everything. And for myself, I am going around the world to try to find a lot of information about the Moon church. What is important for me is to find the books, find old pictures from the Moon church, and to meet people and to interview them. To do this I went to many different countries and so I had the chance to discuss with many different Moon church members and with former members. I think it is very important to understand that when you have a chance to discuss with different Moon church members who were there in the early days, Korean, American or European, they all say almost the same thing. And of course if you don’t understand Japanese or Korean sometimes it is difficult.

Mr Moon said I have the new truth. I wrote the new truth, the Divine Principle, only me, no others wrote what is written in this book. The book was first written by Mr Moon in 1951 and 1952 [in Busan in two notebooks]. And later the book was first published in Korea in 1957. The first time it was translated into Japanese was in 1966. But we can find a book written by another mystical [spiritual] person, a long time before Mr Moon wrote the Divine Principle telling us the same thing. And we know Mr Moon was a member of this group, I think it is difficult to say … this is not the truth, this is a lie. You must remember what Mr Moon said to you, that only he found the new truth, only he wrote the new truth and this was between 1951 and 1952. But it you find some person wrote a book a long time before with the same things, I think you must re-evaluate, think again about what Mr Moon said. I think that is very important.

Steven: You said you had actually talked to a woman who said she had sex with Moon.

Yes, I showed you her picture before. She was interviewed on Japanese national TV and I gave you the VIDEO. Her name was Eu Shin-hee 劉信姫. She was the cousin of Eu Hyo-won 劉孝元 who wrote the 1957 Divine Principle. She said she did not understand everything about Moon herself, but she trusted Eu Hyo-won and his brother. She joined with her husband and she put their children in an orphanage. When she saw how Mr Moon used women, she left the Moon church, but by then she had lost all her family. She lived a poor and lonely life. Her testimony is HERE.

Eu Shin-hee is on the right of this picture, taken in 1954.

Steven: Did you talk with any other women who had sex with Moon?

No. Just one. But I can introduce you to another person who has spoken to different people.

Now Sam Park’s mother, Soon-wha Choi known as Annie Choi in America, has given her testimony in two magazines. She spoke of sex rituals with Mr Moon.
Mother Jones
The New Republic – The Fall of The House of Moon

Soon-wha Choi give birth to Sam Park in Washington, DC in 1966.
You can read his testimony HERE    VIDEO HERE

I want to show you one more thing. It is a book written by Mr Kim Baek-moon 金百文. In Korean it is Mr Kim Baek-moon. First I want to show you this picture. Mr Moon said he was in the Israel Monastery in 1945, and he met a man called Mr Kim Baek-moon. In the Japanese Moon church they say that the Israel Monastery was the biggest church in Korea. The most powerful Christian church in Korea during this time. But I went to the church of Mr Kim Baek-moon. I went to the Israel Monastery. This is the Israel Monastery.

Mr Kim Baek-moon’s Israel Monastery in 1955.

Steven: You are kidding. It looks like a little house.

And here is one of the last disciples of Mr Kim Baek-moon with me. For two days he gave me lectures on the teachings of Mr Kim Baek-moon. The name of this man is Mr Shin Hyōn-shik 申鉉植. This is him with my friend, Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan, on December 3, 1993. Mr Shin’s Japanese was perfect. We discussed in Japanese. Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan spoke Korean with Mr Shin.

Here is the niece of Mr Kim Baek-moon at the Israel Monastery. She is the one who is walking in this photo. I discussed a little bit with her too. She said to me that Mr Moon used a lot the teachings of her uncle.

Steven: What was the teaching of the Israel Monastery?

Of course. Here is another picture of the Israel Monastery.

This is Mr Kim Baek-moon when he was younger. He was born on October 19, 1917 and died on December 22, 1990. Mr Kim also wrote the parallels of history, which concluded in the year of his birth, 1917.

Note: This chart is based on one produced by the Unification Church / FFWPU. It has been modified and a photograph of Kim Baek-moon has been added. This has been done based on the fact that several members of the 36 couples, who were formerly followers of Kim Baek-moon’s Israel Monastery, openly stated that Kim devised the ‘parallels of history’. The couples said that Moon was the person who took the Divine Principle to the world level, and that was what mattered. Kim, as a young man, studied with Baek Nam-ju in Wonsan in North Korea. Kim may have got some of his ideas for the parallels from Baek who wrote about three providential eras. Kim’s theology was much more developed than that of Moon. Kim Baek-moon claimed to be the messiah, and wrote his books to demonstrate that he was.

Mr Kim Baek-moon wrote three books. The first was called
Theology of the Holy Spirit  聖神神學 성신신학  Seongshin Shinhak
479 pages. It was published on March 2, 1954

The second book was
Fundamental Christian Principle
基督教根本原理  기독교근본원리  Kidokkyo Keunbon Wonli
885, or another edition was 844, pages. It was published on March 2, 1958

The third book was about what kind of faith you have to have
Theory of Character Formed by Faith
信仰人格論  신앙인격론  Shinang Inggyeogron
366 pages. It was published on September 30, 1970

I want to tell you something that one of Mr Kim Baek-moon’s last disciples explained to me.

Here are the three books of Mr Kim Baek-moon. (1954, 1958 and 1970)

Mr Moon explained about the three stages, formation, growth and perfection.

The three books of Mr Kim Baek-moon represent the three stages. The first book is the formation stage, the second is the growth stage, and the last one represents perfection. All together this is the new Bible. That is exactly what Mr Moon said about the Divine Principle – it is the new book for the completed testament age.

In Mr Kim’s first book you can read about the fall of man which was the sexual relationship between Eve and the Archangel Lucifer, and on page 436 you find three principles about how you can step by step become reborn as a new man, become a perfect man. In the second book these ideas are expanded. In the last book it explains how if you follow this faith (Mr Kim’s teachings) you can really become a perfect man. That is exactly the same as what Mr Moon said.

Mr Kim Baek-moon began to teach his disciples about his ideas in 1940. I was very interested in this question and so I asked Mr Shin, the disciple of Mr Kim Baek-moon, about this. That means it was a long time before Mr Moon wrote the Divine Principle.

▲  第二節 創世前世界到의榮華〔内容〕

This is page 436 of Kim Baek-moon’s first book which was published in 1954. It is clear to see the three stages of restoration are mentioned in the fourth line from the right.

이三大原理란   第一 創造에原理   第二 墮落에原理   第三 復歸에原理이니이

If you go the the website of the Japanese Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (世界平和統一家庭連合) about the teaching of Divine Principle, you will find they are still using Mr Kim Baek-moon’s ideas.

( 復歸 are older kanji for ‘restoration’, which can now be written as 復帰 )

The Japanese Moon church call these ideas 三本柱 the three pillars (of their faith).

Steven: So Mr Moon stole everything

If you want to say stole, yes. Mr Moon used many things, he used different books. He also used the book of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun, which was written a long time before. It was written down in 1947 and published in 1958, but you must remember that Mr Moon had spent a lot of time with Mrs Chong in Pyongyang between July 1946 and February 1947. Mr Moon also used the teachings of Mr Kim Baek-moon. He used these and put them all into one teaching. He called this teaching the Divine Principle. When you read the Korean language and when you see the Japanese Divine Principle, you understand very quickly that it is the same teaching.

I want to show you something. I have the book with me. I have all the books in my house.

This is part of the table of contents of Mr Kim Baek-moon’s second book,
基督教根本原理 Fundamental Christian Principle.

第一篇 創造原理
第二篇 墮落原理
第三萹 復歸原理

These three things are exactly the same as what is written in the Japanese Divine Principle.

I. The Principles of Creation (This is the principle of the beginning when God created everything.)

II. The Principle of the Fall

III. The Principles of Restoration

原理講論  The Japanese Divine Principle book

1:第一章 創造原理  The Principle of Creation

2:第二章 堕落論  The Human Fall

3:第三章 人類歴史の終末論  Eschatology and Human History

These three things are not the thinking of Mr Moon, but of Mr Kim Baek-moon.

When you see [and compare] these other different books and information and documents, it is very difficult to say exactly what Mr Moon wrote by himself. Very difficult.

Steven: Because there is so little.

Yes. What I heard from Mr Pak Chung-hwa, Mr Eu Hyo-min 劉孝敏 and another former member of the Moon church, was that from these different teachings Mr Moon wrote two note books (I have pictures of them in my house – I can show you, or send the pictures to you in America).

Mr Moon’s teaching at that time was called 原理原本 Wolli Wonbon, The Original Principle. It is important to know that the notebooks did not have chapter headings or section headings. Those were all added later, and of course they make the 1952 teachings look more like Mr Kim Baek-moon’s 1954 book. Mr Kim Baek-moon had spent three years at a seminary and was more educated and more organized than Mr Moon.

Here is a picture of one of the notebooks. They were written between 1951 and May 1952. A few hand written copies were made. Mr Moon asked Mr Kim Won-pil to make a copy. You can read Mr Kim’s copy HERE.

Mr Moon gave these two small notebooks to Mr Eu Hyo-won. Over a period of four years Mr Eu Hyo-won really took his time and organized the ideas and wrote the Divine Principle. Mr Eu said that when he was writing the Divine Principle sometimes he had questions for Mr Moon, but Mr Moon was not able to give clear answers. The Divine Principle was first published as a book in Korea in 1957.

I have a friend who is a former member of the Moon church in Japan. His name is Mr Taguchi Tamiya 田口 民地. He was an early member when the Moon church was established in Japan. He had the chance to many times meet Mr Moon and Mr Eu Hyo-won, the man who wrote the Divine Principle. He met them together, and there is one very important thing he remembered. In 1968 when Mr Moon came to Japan with Mr Eu Hyo-won, Mr Taguchi asked a question about the Divine Principle directly to Mr Moon. And Mr Moon answered: “You know Mr Eu wrote the Divine Principle, and Mr Eu is with you, ask the question to him. He knows better than me.” And Mr Moon left the room and Mr Eu Hyo-won then explained everything. I have a lot of different information (stories) like this.

Steven: Did Mr Eu Hyo-min explain why he left after being a follower for so long.

The man who wrote the Divine Principle, Mr Eu Hyo-won died. But his cousin, Mr Eu Hyo-min, the man in the picture which I showed you before, explained to me, you must understand that the first followers of the Moon church were really – maybe it is difficult for Americans to understand – they really believed if their wife made love with Mr Moon they would then be able to have a baby born free from original sin. Mr Eu Hyo-min, Mr Pak Chung-hwa and every former member said that they really believed this.

The wive’s wombs would be ‘cleansed’ through pikareum (in Korean), or chiwake (in Japanese). This sex ritual meant having intercourse three times with Mr Moon – formation, growth and perfection.

Mr Sun Myung Moon 文鮮明 and Mr Eu Hyo-min 劉孝敏 in the 1950s

But, Mr Eu Hyo-min told me, why do children born without [original] sin still commit sin? And he saw many children, and his own children, and the children of the first 36 couples, when he saw those children lying and doing many bad things, just like normal children, he said – just a moment a baby born without [original] sin can commit sin? He began to see Mr Moon using money and doing many very strange things. And he said the problem with Mr Moon, he does everything except what is written in the Divine Principle. Mr Eu Hyo-min and many other former members said they were very surprised because Mr Moon’s teachings were so different from what Mr Moon was actually doing.

Steven: For example…

For example with money, with respect to people and many things like that. The big problem was when a baby was born, and growing and growing, they were committing sin. And for Mr Eu Hyo-min this was one of the biggest problems. What Mr Moon said about being born without sin and not committing sin, and what the reality was were too different from each other. The reality was so different between what Mr Moon said, and what was written in the Divine Principle, and what Mr Moon was actually doing himself. When many members who were really true believers saw this, they began to have doubts. And the doubts became bigger and bigger – and they started to do some research. Then they started to understand about Mr Kim Baek-moon and Mrs Chong Deuk-eun, and about many other things like this. Then they decided to stop going to the Moon church.

VIDEO part C from 10 minutes

These are pictures of different Korean religious leaders from the 1920s onwards. These teachers on the right, Lee Yong-do and Baek Nam-joo were quite spiritual. In many ways their teachings are similar to the Divine Principle. I already told you about Mrs Chong Deuk-eun who wrote the book, The Principle of Life. This is Mrs Chong standing in front of Mr. Moon taken in 1951. Top left is Kim Baek-moon (1917-1990). I already told you about his three books.

Mrs Kim Seong-do (1883-1944)

Here, lower left, is another significant person, Mrs Kim Seong-do. Her group was called the Holy Lord Church, but later became known as the Inside Belly Church. In 1923 Mrs Kim said she received a new truth from God – which said that it was a mistake for Jesus Christ to die on the cross. He did not come to be put on the cross, but to marry. Jesus did not go to the cross on his own, but the people of Israel failed. She taught that the fall of man was caused by the sexual relationship between the archangel Lucifer and Eve. It is funny that this was in 1923, a long time before Mr Moon received the same thing. And there are books in the Moon church of Japan which explain that her teachings were the same. Another thing is that Hong Soon-ae, the mother of Hak Ja Han, was a member of this group. Hak Ja Han also went to this group with her mother. [Kim Seong-do’s grandson, Su-won Chung joined the UC and was in the 36 couples.] Is all this a coincidence? I don’t know. It is a little bit strange.

LINK: Kim Seong-do and the roots of the Divine Principle

It is important to understand that between about the years 1930 to 1950, thereabouts, there were many spiritual people in Korea. They created small groups and they almost all had the same thinking and the same teachings. And you can find a large part of those ideas in the Divine Principle. And Mr Moon visited these different groups.

[Moon himself has spoken about his visit to Na Un-mong. In his book, J Isamu Yamamoto wrote: “…Baek Nam-joo whose Theological Mountain at Wonsan Moon had visited prior to 1945. One of the more important ideas was “pikareum” or blood separation, a secret initiation rite, a secret initiation rite. It is said that the female members of the Unification Church had to have intercourse with Moon in order to be purified. Later, intercourse between husbands and wives would purify the male members. Thereafter their offspring would be pure.” (Puppet Master page 20). Kim Won-pil gave a testimony: In 1946 “Father first visited all the famous holy mountains in North Korea … and meeting the many faithful people who also prayed there. I met him soon after he returned to Pyongyang from this journey, one month after he arrived in North Korea. While Father was visiting these famous places and spiritual people…” Testimony of Father’s Life by Kim Won-pil, October 14, 1979.]

Lee Yong-do in about 1928.

Lee Yong-do is in the oval photo on the right in the chart above. He was born in 1901 and died in 1933 when he was 33 by the Korean way of reckoning ages. (A person is considered one year old when they are born.) The Divine Principle is also similar to parts of his teachings. Mr Moon never met him, but when he was young he went to Mr. Lee’s Jesus Church. It was after Mr. Lee had died, but he heard the teachings which were full of passion and emotion.

(Miss Kim Young-oon, the top FFWPU theologian, did meet Lee Yong-do when she was a teenager, and Lee left a life-long impression on her. LINK)

Left to right: Yoo Myeong-hwa, Lee Yong-do and Baek Nam-joo in 1930.

This photo was taken in Pyongyang in 1930. The man in the middle is Lee Yong-do and on the right is Mr. Baek Nam-joo (1901/02-1949) Mr Moon’s teachings also have some similarities with those of Mr Baek, for example the three ages of history. And all of these people were thinking that it was very important to have sexual relations to be born again, to have the blood purified. And these kind of people are, of course, not part of true Korean Christianity. Mr Moon preached that they were true Christians, but no, they were not. (In his thesis, Mr Yang Chang-shik called the groups “major holy religious groups.”) From the perspective of genuine Korean Christianity, they were cults and they had many, many problems. Almost all of these people knew each other or were friends.

VIDEO part C from 1:45 – 10:00 minutes

Steven: What is your understanding of how Mr Moon came to be involved with the Korean government?

I think what is written in the 1978 Fraser Congressional Investigation in the United States is true. Mr Moon had many troubles, but in 1957 four Korean army officers, in particular Colonel Pak Bo Hi joined the Moon church and from this the Moon church started to become a group that was used by the Korean government [from 1961]. But I don’t need to tell you, because you gave me the report written by Mr Fraser – and everything is true. Everybody in Japan knows about the problem.

US Congressional investigation into Moon’s organization – The Fraser Report

❖ Added information

Pak Bo Hi and his wife joined in February 1957. Some months later Han Sang-kook (Bud Han) and his wife joined. Both couples were later in the 36 couples. Kim Sang In (Steve Kim) and Han Sang Kil also joined in 1957. Steve Kim was a member of the KCIA and became head of News World Communications Inc., which published the Washington Times.

44. January 4, 1965: U.S. Intelligence Agency Memorandum for the Record
Kim Jong Pil has been using the Tong-il Church (UC) since 1961.
His interpreter (Steve Kim / Kim Sang-In) is involved in this organization. The organization is secret and run like a communist organization. Bud Han (Han Sang-Keuk) is now General Min Ki Shik’s aide.

45. ca. March 1965: FBI Report, Interview of Curtin
Pak Bo Hi returns to Washington and starts working officially for Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation. He volunteers to assist KCFF financially and arranges through the ROK Embassy for the use of their addressograph plates for KCFF initial fundraising (30-40,000 names). These names are from the Korean Information Services mailing list. KCFF also will use Richard A. Viguerie Co., Inc.

Sun Myung Moon and Col Han Sang-Kil in the New Yorker, 1989.

And my friend, Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan 卓明煥, the pastor who was killed last year, wrote a book against the Moon church in 1979. It has many photographs.

Some years later, he wrote another book about the Moon church, with more details and photographs. The later book was not published. I am going to show you some photographs from that book now. Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan was jailed by the KCIA for three days. He was beaten, and the KCIA told him, if you publish this book we will kill you. And at this time he was forced to sign a paper saying that he was a liar and that the book was not true.

Steven: Because he was afraid of being killed.

Yes. The book was never published. Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan permitted me to take photos of the book during the first two times I went to see him. I want to show you the book now.

▲ 統一教의 内幕 = The Inside Story on the Unification Church, (The Real Fact of the Unification Church) published by 新興宗教問題研究所 刊 The International Institute for Religious Studies.

The pictures of the women on the book cover are of some of the women who slept directly with Mr Moon.

Tahk Myeong-hwan (July 8, 1937 – February 18, 1994)

This is Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan. This is the man who was beaten and then killed with a knife last year by a very strange cult member.

Steven: We can see Mr Moon and his wife in the middle [of the book cover] with the crowns.

Here are some of the women who slept with Mr Moon. Here, of course, is a picture of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun. And I already told you that her teachings are the same as those of the Moon church.

Mrs Chong Deuk-eun

The woman in a circle wearing a crown is Mrs Choi Won-bok. She used to be referred to as “Second Mother” in the Korean Moon church. Two of the other women joined in Pyongyang in 1946 and met Mr Moon again in South Korea in the 1950s.

And in the teachings of Mr Kim Baek-moon and the teachings of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun it is written Jesus Christ didn’t have a chance to marry and to have a sexual relationship, and for this reason he failed. And Mary made a stupid mistake by getting married to Joseph. In the teachings of Mr Kim Baek-moon, and in particular in the teachings of Mrs Chong Deuk-eun, it is written that Mary should have given all her time and commitment to Jesus Christ to find a wife for Jesus Christ. But because she was married to Joseph, it was impossible. She made a mistake by getting married.

And in her book Mrs Chong Deuk-eun explained Jesus Christ will find a woman and make love with her and purify her. Like this you know. And the teaching of Mr Moon is very close to this, and so too is the teaching of Mr Kim Baek-moon.

In this book of Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan you can see many many pictures of the early times. And in particular this picture is very strange. When Mr Moon’s baby was born they put a crown on his head.

Steven: Is that Hyo Jin?

Ye Jin Moon or Hyo Jin Moon wearing a crown

Ye Jin Moon wearing a crown in 1961, probably at her 8 Day ceremony.

Ye Jin was the first child of Mr Moon and Hak Ja Han. Hyo Jin was their second child. There are many interesting pictures. You can see every time Mr Moon is with many women. I don’t think you have a chance to see these pictures in America. These old pictures were taken from Mr Tahk’s book that was never published. Here is a strange picture of six women wearing crowns.

▲ “A picture of Unification Church women preparing for the historic birth, in 1961, of the first baby human being of goodness born without original sin (Moon Ye-jin). All these were women who had all received Moon Sun-myung’s blood [pikareum] and restored through indemnity their original sin. All are married except for Ms Yoon [ Yoon Jeong-hye ] second from left… (text incomplete)”

In particular you can see many, many women around Mr Moon during this time.

I want to show you another very interesting picture. It is of Mr Sasagawa with the Moon church in Korea.

Gimpo airport, Seoul. Probably 1975. Left to right: Won-bok Choi (a ‘second wife’ of Moon), Hak Ja Han, Sun Myung Moon, Ryoichi Sasakawa, unknown, Hyo-won Eu (who wrote the 1957 Divine Principle and was the main lecturer and organizer of the UC in Korea in the late 1950s and 1960s) and Osami Kuboki (leader of the UC of Japan).

This is Mr Sasagawa, a fascist from Japan together with Mr Moon. Mr Sasagawa helped the Moon church to come in Japan, and to grow.

▲ Among the foreign guests who visited Korea during the Great Rally in 1975, Sasagawa of Japan (third from the right) was said to have been a war criminal in the Second World War.

Young people need to understand one thing – when the Moon church first came to Japan it was not to teach the Divine Principle, it was not for religion, but it was as a political group. Do you know Shōkyō Rengō 勝共連合, the Federation for Victory over Communism? The Moon church first came to Japan as a political group. And some years later, with the help of Mr Sasagawa, they had the chance to make the Moon church a religion in Japan. You must understand that the first time the Moon church came to Japan, it was not for religion, but for political reasons with a group called, in Japanese, Shōkyō Rengō.

Pak Bo Hi joined in February 1957 and the first Korean Divine Principle was published on August 15th that year. Mr. Jean-François Boyer wrote a very interesting book, in French it is called L’empire Moon or in English it is The Empire of Moon. In his book Mr Boyer writes that the anti-communist passages in the Divine Principle were last-minute additions before the book was published. However, the English 1956 Divine Principle (translated / written by Kim Young-oon) does refer to communism on pages 38-39 and 183-184. Perhaps Pak Bo Hi and the other three Republic of Korea army officers who joined earlier in 1957 were attracted by the anti-communist theology, but also had an influence on extending the concepts in the Korean 1957 Divine Principle. After that the teachings of the Moon church could be more interesting and useful to the government of Korea. Because the Moon group was against communism, Mr Sasagawa, one of the fascists in Japan, accepted them. But now [the relationship] is broken because their thinking is very different – Mr. Moon thinks he is God. The Japanese fascists only look to the Japanese emperor as like God.

Korea, July 1956: Pastor Joshua McCabe is sitting between Sun Myung Moon and Miss Kim Young-oon. Eu Hyo-won is standing, wearing a black tie. Eu Hyo-min is standing behind Miss Kim. Kim Won-pil is standing on the right.

Miss Kim Young-Oon published an English edition of the Divine Principle in 1956. Several hundred copies were printed and distributed around the world. She was helped with the translation by Pastor Joshua McCabe who arrived in Korea in June 1956 and stayed with the Unification Church for nearly 80 days. The English Divine Principle was published in September 1956.
LINK for further information on the 1956 Divine Principle.

❖ Added information:

A Memoir from the Early Period of the Unification Church of Japan
by Rev. Sudo     Today’s World, October 1991   page 14

…Mr. (Papa San) Choi…had made a connection with Mr. Sasagawa (a powerful right-wing multi-millionaire businessman, head of the Motorboat Association of Japan)…by the 11th of June, 1963…we began the training session in the motorboat race-camp building that could accommodate more than one hundred trainees…This Toda Training Center was where I worked as a lecturer until the end of my mission in training. (During this period, most of the present Japanese church leaders and members came through these training sessions and decided to join full time. This extensive list included Mr. Oyamada, Mr. Kamiyama, Mr. Furuta, Mr. Sakurai, Mr. Kajikuri, Mr. Ohta and a little later, Dr. Shirnmyo and Dr. Masuda.)
The training session at Toda Center continued until July, 1965

Click to access TodaysWorld-9110.pdf

VIDEO part C from 14:12

Steven: Pascal, you have studied the Bible and counseled many people in the Moon cult. How do you explain the Fall of Man to them, because many people coming out are confused, and are afraid.

For myself I just ask them to tell me exactly what is written in the Bible. Did Eve make love with the Archangel? If you look in the Bible you do not see any proof that the Archangel made love with Eve. I just try to push them to look at exactly what is written in the Bible. In your country it is a little bit different because your country is more Christian. Young Japanese people do not know Christianity and they do not know the Bible. I do not try to convert them to Christianity; it is not my job. But I try to push them to understand what is Christianity; what is the Bible; what exactly is written in the Bible, and what is the history of the Bible. I sometimes encourage them to understand more about the Greek and Hebrew languages, so they can better understand the meaning of the words in the Bible.

Steven: In your counseling of young Japanese, what are the main points that you think help them to reevaluate their commitment.

First I try to encourage them to understand about mind control. I think that is really important. I encourage them to think again about what they were searching for before they joined the group, and about the reason why they joined the group. This is important and it is easy to explain why I do this. Many young people are searching for something – but what they find in the group was not what they were looking for. I have one Japanese friend who was a nurse, and her hope was to go to Africa. The Moon church promised her, with us you can go to Africa and work as a volunteer to help people as a nurse. Then she was married with a Korean man. When I was counseling her, I asked her what was the connection between getting married with a Korean man and going to Africa to work as a volunteer nurse? And she started to think and realized there was no connection. I said to her, the first time you went to the Moon Church, was your hope to go to Korea to marry a Korean man and to believe in a messiah. She said no, my hope was very different. And from this point she began to question why did she join the Moon church; why did she started to study the Bible, and what is mind control. I am very happy to say to everybody that now she is alright, and next month she will go to Africa for three months to work as a volunteer to help the people there to know more about nursing and so on. She was in the church for two and a half years.

Steven: A few years ago, in 1992, there was a mass wedding in Seoul – could you tell us what is your understanding of that.

Many, many people who were married by Moon two years ago in 1992 have left the church. Many people went to Korea for the big mass wedding, but a few months later many people left. And now, two years later, I don’t know exactly how many people left, but is is a lot, and I am counseling twenty of them.

Steven: Isn’t it true that some of the people who were in the wedding had never even heard of the Divine Principle?

Of course, many of them.

Steven: I think it is very surprising to Americans to hear that.

To Americans it may be surprising, but to a young Japanese person it is not because this time the Japanese Moon church told the believers: because Mr Moon is victorious there is the possibility that you will be married to a person who has no faith. And before the young people left Japan to go to Korea for the mass wedding, they already knew that they might be married with a person of no faith. They were not afraid because the Japanese Moon church told them that Mr Moon had the victory and it was possible to be married to a person without faith.

Steven: Would any two people who were not involved at all be matched together, or was it just that someone in the church could be matched to someone who was a non-believer?

We have heard many, many things in the last few months from the members who have left the church recently. We know that two participants were not believers. We heard many strange things about this wedding.

Steven: How much money did [the Japanese] people have to pay to be a part of the wedding?

It was 600,000 Japanese yen just to go to the wedding, but after the members returned to Japan, they were told they must also pay another 600,000 yen as a “Blessing Gratitude Donation” 祝福感謝献金, so in total they had to pay 1,200,000 yen. (百二十万円)

That converts to $10,000 using the 1992 yen to dollar conversion rate

Steven: There were 30,000 couples there. That is a lot of money they made.


Japanese woman recruited and sold by FFWPU to a Korean farmer

To be continued

When Steven Hassan was in Japan, his friend and colleague Pascal, had just returned from a fact finding trip to Korea and came back with photos and other documentation on Sun Myung Moon’s cult. Pascal is a Frenchman who went to Japan to study judo, fell in love and married a Japanese woman. He became a Christian, is one of the leading exit-counselors in Japan.

This video is a detailed history of the origins of the Moon cult and should be watched by every person who wishes to know more about this group.

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

Part E

All in one. 94 minutes:

Hwang Gook-joo and his orgies

Chong Deuk-eun, Moon’s pikareum partner, visits his Busan hut

Kim Seong-do and the roots of the Divine Principle

Kim Baek-moon talked about “sexual union with God.” He was Sun Myung Moon’s teacher.

Park Tae-seon – another Korean pikareum messiah

Newsweek on the many Korean messiahs of the 1970s

Other Pascal Zivi, Pak Chung-hwa, Sam Park and Cleophas videos

Korean text of the original Tragedy of the Six Marys

Moon had a girlfriend from at least 1941. Her name was Park Un-nyeo. She introduced Moon to Kim Baek-moon!