Kim Baek-moon was Sun Myung Moon’s teacher from November 1945 to June 1946.
▲ Kim Baek-moon’s group in 1946. Kim can be seen at the back. He is wearing glasses.
“Kim Baek-moon talked about ‘sexual union with God.’ He defined this ‘sexual union’ ritual as the atonement ceremony and he called it the ‘physical ceremony’ [pikareum]. He was Sun Myung Moon’s teacher, and he advocated the spread of this ceremony as a religious practice. Likewise, Moon’s bizarre ‘theory of restoration’ teaching was a completely second-hand use of Kim Baek-moon’s restoration principles.”
From The Life of Sun Myung Moon – the Messiah of a Perverted Sex Religion
by Hagiwara Ryo (1991)
Information on this book 淫教のメシア•文鮮明伝 萩原 遼 in Japanese
In Korean, pikareum 피가름 means blood separation ( 피 pi = blood and 가름 kareum = separation. ‘Blood separation’ refers to dividing the blood from the ‘satanic blood’ introduced by the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
In 1991 the Unification Church of Japan held a series of seminars in several major cities to explain Sun Myung Moon’s pikareum theology. This caused a number of members to leave. Lectures were given by the top lecturers of the country. This extract explains Moon’s ideas on his relationship with Kim Baek-moon.
Change of Blood Lineage Lecture
1991 広 Hiro 義昭 Yoshiaki 講師 lecturer
In the providence of restoration centering on Teacher Sun Myung Moon, Kim Baek-moon was the person in the position of John the Baptist. However, he too couldn’t overcome the feeling of a decrease of love for Teacher Sun Myung Moon, and so Kim Baek-moon failed. The indemnity for this failure had to be paid by the 36 blessed couples, whom Teacher trusted the most. Accordingly, each of the 36 husbands had to offer his beloved wife to Teacher Sun Myung Moon, in order to overcome the feeling of a diminished sense of love. This was called the Body Ceremony, which was also known as the Three Day Ceremony. The contents of this Body Ceremony were clearly explained by Teacher Moon, and it was a fact that he himself also practiced it.
Kim Baek-moon had originally also revealed very similar contents [in his books], Theology of the Holy Spirit and Fundamental Christian Principles. Kim Baek-moon carried out the Body Ceremony in front of his disciples. [He wrote about the ‘fall’ and a ‘three-day ceremony to purify the blood’ on pages 128-130 of the first of his three books, Theology of the Holy Spirit, which was published in 1954. Sun Myung Moon’s first book of theology, the Divine Principle was not published until 1957. Before that a few handwritten notebooks were circulated by church members.]
Further workshops notes here:
Sun Myung Moon had sex ceremonies with the wives of all the first 36 couples – Official FFWPU / Unification Church workshops in Japan
The original text of these lectures can be found here:
The Divine Principle ‘parallels of history’ predicted the messiah would come in 1917. He did. His name was Kim Baek-moon, born on October 19, 1917. Kim wrote the ‘parallels of history.’ Moon stole them. That is why 1917 does not match up with Moon’s 1920 birth.
There were exactly 400 years from Martin Luther’s 1517 declaration to Kim Baek-moon’s 1917 birth.
Note: This chart is based on one produced by the Unification Church / FFWPU. It has been modified and a photograph of Kim Baek-moon has been added.
Stories were related at the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown that Moon used to look for papers in Kim Baek-moon’s trash during the time Moon was with Kim in late 1945 to mid 1946.
Some early Unification Church members who were very familiar with Kim Baek-moon’s teachings, or whose relatives had been Kim’s followers, have confirmed that the ‘parallels of history’ were developed by Kim. In Korea this is no secret.
Kim was born on October 19, 1917 (according to the lunar calendar) in Gyeongsangbukdo (North Gyeongsang Province). Kim was the second son. In his childhood, he lived in the countryside near Taegu and his dream was to become a medical doctor.
Kim traveled to Wonsan in 1934, where he became a disciple of Paek Nam-ju. Paek spoke of three providential ages. Paek and Kim were familiar with the 1924 revelations of Kim Song-do.
In 1935, Kim Baek-moon went to Chulsan with Paek Nam-ju to meet Kim Song-do.
Paek Nam-ju called his church, in the mountains near Wonsan, the Israel Monastery. Kim later used the same name for his church in Pajoo, Kyunggido, out of respect for Paek.
▲ 白南柱氏 (右端) と李韻道牧師 (右から2人目)、 1930年ごろの平壌にて
Mr. Paek Nam-joo (right) and Mr. Lee Yong-do (second from right) in Pyongyang circa 1930.
From the left, the remaining three are: Park Seung-geul 朴承傑 (in black) and Lee Ho-bin 李浩彬 who frequently worked together; and the woman standing in the center may well be Yoo Myung-hwa 劉明花, the Goddess of Wonsan 元山 who claimed to be the incarnation of Jesus after a spiritual experience around 1927.
Kim Baek-moon began to teach his disciples his ideas in 1940. (This was explained by Shin Hyōn-shik 申鉉植, a follower.) Kim entered Joseon Theological Seminary in Seoul in about 1942. He studied there for three years.
Kim Baek-moon had an experience with Jesus on Gangsan mountain in Gyeonggi Province in 1946.
“It was around this time that there occurred a phenomenon which Kim’s later followers would consider to mark the real beginning of the history of the group. They say that on March 2, 1946, the Holy Spirit came down. Jesus is said to have appeared, and Kim began receiving continuous revelations concerning Korea’s apparent role as the new chosen country. He received the revelation “You are Israel.” He asked God what this meant, and received the answer that he had the mission in the future to spread the new teaching throughout the world…. According to Kim’s elder, Shin Hyon-shik. Shin said that from this time, Kim began compiling his revelations into a comprehensive theology.”
Michael Breen, Sun Myung Moon, the early years, pages 69 and 173.
In 1977 Moon’s cousins had never heard of Moon’s experience with Jesus on a mountain.
Frederick Sontag Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church (1977) page 78:
“It is interesting that his [Moon’s] two cousins to whom I talked knew nothing of the “Easter revelation experience.” This does not mean it did not take place, but it does mean that for a while he kept his own counsel about his mission. … His family reported him as quiet, serious, and given to spending time alone. On Easter morning in 1936, when he was sixteen, Moon reports later in life, Jesus appeared to him and told him he was chosen to attempt the completion of Jesus’ mission.”
Did Moon steal the ‘mountain encounter with Jesus’ narrative from Kim Baek-moon and use it for his teenage ‘encounter’ story and his own claim to have authority from Jesus?
▲ Kim Baek-moon standing in front of the thatched roof of his Israel Monastery in about 1946.
Kim’s experience with Jesus in 1946 decided the course of his life. Kim said that he received his mission from Jesus in this revelation. It was to proclaim the enlightenment given there and the Second Advent of Christ. Since then, in his church, March 2nd has been celebrated as the day on which heaven was opened. 1946 was defined as the first year of the Completed Testament Age.
Kim explained, “From 11:23 a.m. to 12:00, March 2nd, 1946, on the mountain of Gangsan, in Gyeonggido, Korea, I met Jesus Christ who manifested himself directly.” [This was during a worship service with 33 faithful members present.] Then Kim promised to publish the book, Fundamental Christian Principles, in front of Jesus. That grace gave him the spiritual power to start to write the book.
Kim Baek-moon held “the wedding of the Lamb” on December 25, 1953. In this ceremony, Kim was the bridegroom. His wife’s name was Kim Jeong-ae.
Kim wrote three books. He regarded the three together as the eternal Gospel mentioned in Revelations 14:6 – the new truth which people sought in the era of the fulfillment of God’s Will. The books represented the three stages. The first book is the formation stage, the second is the growth stage, and the last one represents perfection.
聖神神學 성신신학 (Seongshin Shinhak) 479 pages
Theology of the Holy Spirit published on March 2, 1954
基督教根本原理 기독교근본원리 (Kidokkyo Keunbon Wonli) 844 or 885 pages
Fundamental Christian Principles published March 2, 1958
信仰人格論 신앙인격론 (Shinang Inggyeogron) 366 pages
Theory of Character Formed by Faith published September 30, 1970
In the first book, Songshin Shinhak (1954), the fall of man is described as being caused by the sexual relationship between Eve and the Archangel Lucifer. Page 436 is interesting.
On page 436 of Kim Baek-moon’s first book it is clear to see the three stages of restoration are mentioned in the fourth line from the right.
이三大原理란 第一 創造에原理 第二 墮落에原理 第三 復歸에原理이니이
The second book, Fundamental Christian Principles (1958), is the largest work at 844 pages. It consists of three parts; the Principle of Creation, the Principle of the Fall and the Principle of Restoration – expanding on the ideas mentioned in the first book.
第一篇 創造原理
第二篇 墮落原理
第三萹 復歸原理
These three things are exactly the same as what is written in the Japanese Divine Principle (1966).
Fundamental Christian Principles showed the way for the perfection of individual character and indicated the way for the unification of all religions (pages 24 and 841). This book also revealed Kim’s special status, which he believed Jesus had given him.
Kim never had a very large following, but he was respected and supported by various leaders of society. He had influence. He died on December 22, 1990.
In the 1990s there were still disciples of Kim witnessing to him as the messiah – and quoting the same Bible verses used in the Divine Principle to promote Moon as a messiah.
▲ This was Kim’s Israel Monastery in 1955.
Kim Baek-moon used to call the Unification Church the ‘dragon cult,’ referring to Moon’s birth name which was Moon Yong-myung, 文龍明. Yong means dragon. And Kim called Moon a thief.
Christians often say the dragon represented satan. That is why Moon changed his name to Sun Myung Moon in about 1946 or 47 while he was in Pyongyang. The official name change documentation was done in Seoul in the 1950s.
The Divine Principle was ‘discovered’ in 1924
“In 1924, Kim Song-do’s church minister was arrested for adultery. She was shocked and prayed deeply about how a man of God could make such a mistake. Satan appeared to her and mocked her. Then Jesus appeared in her prayers and told her that adultery was the root of sin. He also said that his crucifixion had been the result of the mistrust of his own people, that the Second Advent of Christ would occur through another man and that he would appear in Korea. She wrote Jesus’s words out on twelve large strips of paper six foot long by one foot wide. She was told to teach what she had learned. Her minister said it was the work of the devil, but her story got round and soon many Christians began to visit her. As interest grew, the Presbyterian Church expelled her.”Michael Breen: Sun Myung Moon, the early years 1920-1953, page 75
Moon took Kim Baek-moon’s notebook in 1952, and did not return it for six months
Baek Nam-Joo, Kim Seong-do and Lee Yong-do worked together. Baek had the idea of God’s providence in three 2000 year periods.
Baek Nam-Joo taught Kim Baek-moon! Kim attended the Joseon Theological Seminary in Seoul for three years from about 1942. Moon never went to any university or seminary. Moon did not go to Waseda University in Tokyo – that is an often repeated lie in the FFWPU. Moon was introduced to Kim Baek-moon in 1945 by his girlfriend of the time. Sun Myung Moon followed Kim in Seoul from late 1945 to June 1946.
After his time in Heungnam prison, Moon arrived in Busan in 1951 during the Korean War. Kim had also moved to Busan. Michael Breen: “Moon sent Kim a gift of rice and went to see him, but was rebuffed.” Two or three of Kim’s followers left him to follow Moon – including Lee Kee-hwan and, later, Pak Kyung-do. Somehow, Moon got hold of Kim Baek-moon’s notes…
한국 개신교계 신종교의 윤리성에 대한 비판적 접근(3)
신천지 증거 장막성전을 중심으로
본 글은 임웅기 전도사 (한국기독교이단상담소 광주지부) 가 전남대학교대학원 윤리학과 석사과정을 밟으며 금년 2월 논문으로 제출한 ‘한국 개신교계 신종교의 윤리성에 대한 비판적 접근 – 신천지 증거 장막성전을 중심으로 -’ 을 저자의 허락에 의해 요약 정리한 것입니다. -편집자 주-
또한 문선명은 김백문이 1952년 부산 동래에서 피난 중 집필하던 원고 『타락, 복귀원리』를 보고 원고교정을 봐 드리겠다고 가지고 가서 6개월 이상 가져오지 않는 소동을 일으키기도 하였다. … 앞에서 언급하였듯이 문선명은 부산 동래에서 피난하던 시절에 김백문을 찾아가 집필하던『타락, 복귀원리』원고를 교정해주겠다고 가져갔고, 통일교를 창립하는데 지대한 역할을 한 박정화도 자신의 고백서인 『야록 통일교회사』에서 ‘통일교 핵심교리인 「창조, 타락, 복귀」는 문선명이 김백문의 논리를 그대로 도용했으며, 문선명의 부인 최선길이 가지고 다니다가 후에 유효원에 의해 정리되어 책으로 출간한 것’ 이라고 밝히고 있다. LINK
Rough translation:
Chonnam National University thesis, 2008
A Critical Approach to the Ethics of Korean Protestant New Religions (3)
Focusing on the Shincheonji Evangelistic Tent Temple
“In addition, in 1952 in the Dongnae district of Busan, Sun-myung Moon took Kim Baek-moon’s manuscript to check it or to review it. It was called “The Principle of the Fall and Restoration” and Kim had written it during the time he was evacuated [to Busan due to the war]…. However, Sun Myung Moon did not bring it back for more than six months which caused a disturbance. Pak Chung-hwa who played a major role in establishing the Unification Church, wrote in his own confession, An Unofficial History of the Unification Church [which was the name of the Korean edition of the book, The Tragedy of the Six Marys] that Sun-myung Moon used the logic of Kim Baek-moon as the core of the teachings of the Unification Church. Sun Myung Moon’s wife, Choi Seon-gil, said the teachings were organized by Eu Hyo-won and published in a book [Explanation of the Divine Principle in 1957].”
Kim Baek-moon was furious with Moon. When Kim was interviewed years later at the Israel Monastery in Seoul, he called Moon a thief and referred to the Unification Church as the “dragon cult” – a reference to Moon’s birth name, Moon Yong-myung. (Yong = dragon)
Kim Won-deok was a policeman in Busan who got Moon out of trouble a number of times. He had met Moon in jail in Pyongyang in 1948 and was a member until 1959.
The story of Moon frantically writing notes by lamplight in his hut on the Busan hillside is probably when Moon was copying Kim’s notes. Moon was not having any revelations from God. He was wearing out pencils as he copied another man’s work.
from Sun Myung Moon’s Life part 9
Moon’s words about Kim Baek-moon:
“Kim Baek-moon and the Israel Jesus Church
Kim Baek-moon (1917-1990) was one of the three main successors to Rev. Lee Yong-do. [Rev. Lee drew followers from different denominations. He died of tuberculosis in 1933.] He led an exemplary life of faith. This group had the status of a John the Baptist group. He heard the voice of God telling him to make a religious retreat. He heard the voice of God telling him to prepare for the returning Lord.
Kim Baek-moon and I were in the position of Cain and Abel, respectively; John the Baptist and Jesus. That’s why we hear the name Kim Baek-moon. Some people say that Rev. Moon was Kim Baek-moon’s disciple. What would I gain from that? He was a Christian, and according to his Christology, Jesus was God. He didn’t know the fundamental Principle. However, when it came to being spiritually attuned, he was on the highest level of faith among the Christians of the time. Because Kim Baek-moon was close to Dr. Syngman Rhee, Kim was a John the Baptist figure. God’s will could have been realized at that time. But it didn’t work out.
I visited this group because I knew it was connected to God’s will. It was soon after liberation, October 1945. I first started along this path in 1944 or 1945. At that time, I was teaching the church members in the Sangdo-jong church. What did I do for the more than six months that I was there? I acted as a servant. I knew everything about God’s will, but in order to inherit it properly I lived a life of devotion and prayer without telling anyone about it. You can’t imagine how earnestly I prayed at that time. My tears stained the floor I prayed on, and there was not a day on which the floor was dry.
I was not able to take people secretly out of this group as might be done in the secular world. Because truth is truth, I had to wait for a time when I could find people in that group who possessed the qualities required by God’s restoration work. That’s why I acted as a servant within that group without saying a word.”
Note: Moon has been accused of stealing Kim Baek-moon’s theology (the parallels of history being just one example) and of getting involved with Kim’s female disciples. Kim did not want Moon to remain in the group. About three of Kim’s followers did eventually follow Moon.
Kim Seong-do and the roots of the Divine Principle
Chong Deuk-eun – Great Holy Mother
Chong Deuk-eun’s book, The Principle of Life (Korean)
Moon had sex ceremonies with the wives of all the first 36 couples
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
Kim Young-oon – it all ended in flames and tears
Moon had a girlfriend from at least 1941. She introduced Moon to Kim Baek-moon!
Elder Park Tae-seon was another pikareum messiah
A brief critical examination of the Divine Principle theory of history