Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary

Updated March 20, 2022

“God has to be educated. People will say that I am a heretic, but it is true. God doesn’t know about love—He hasn’t experienced it before. God has no sexual organs, so until a man becomes one with God, he cannot experience making love to a woman. Through me, God has done this.”
Sun Myung Moon

“God’s Day Morning Address,” January 1, 1990, page 2.

1. Jesus, Judas and Mary Magdalene (who was married to Jesus) – G. C. Lester:
2. Sun Myung Moon said he “came through the fallen lineage” and had original sin.
3. How did Moon remove his original sin? & Finding the “wife of Jehovah”
4. Kirsti L. Nevalainen explains about “the wife of Jehovah” in Pyongyang in 1946
5. Ruth A. Tucker, PhD: Moon’s Other Gospel of Sex Rituals to “Womb Cleanse”
6. Three testimonies about Sun Myung Moon’s pikareum sex rituals
7. Sun Myung Moon: “God himself nursed Adam and Eve”
8. Five of the many ways in which the Divine Principle view of the Fall is nonsensical
9. Sun Myung Moon’s Divine Principle Theory Applied – John H.
10. Tamarism is a key theology upon which Moon based his mission

1. Jesus, Judas and Mary Magdalene (who was married to Jesus)

by Graham C. Lester

It is indeed official Unification Church teaching that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene:
“According to True Father [Sun Myung Moon]’s first Principle text, Wolli Wonbon (written 1951-1952), Jesus was indeed married to Mary Magdalene. It was a conditional marriage, however, because Mary Magdalene also had been sleeping with another man in the Archangel position (Judas Iscariot), who was supposed to give her to Jesus. Mention that Jesus would have to restore Eve in this way is hinted at in Exposition of the Divine Principle in the discussion of Abraham and Sarah in Egypt”

(Bible quotation skipped)

“God set up this situation to restore the Fall of Man. God had created Adam and Eve to become husband and wife, but Lucifer slept with Eve and stole her from Adam. To restore the Fall, this action had to be reversed: an Archangel-type husband would have to give up his wife, representing Eve, to a man in the position of Adam — and do it voluntarily. Thus Pharaoh (the Archangel) was induced to give up Sarah (Eve) to Abraham (Adam).

In this regard, Wolli Wonbon describes a triangular relationship between Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Judas, who were in the positions of Adam, Eve and Archangel:
Jesus tried to set up Judas’ wife as the woman in the position of Eve who would fulfill the original purpose of the Will. Mary Magdalene was this woman. Although she was Judas Iscariot’s lover, she absolutely obeyed Jesus’ will. Thus, as Satan had taken Eve from Adam, Jesus would try to take Judas’ wife for himself and thereby fulfill the Will according to the Principle.”


Who were the ‘Six Marys’?
They were six married women who Sun Myung Moon had sex with, one after the other, to perform “sex evangelism” According to Mr Chung-hwa Pak’s book, the reason was Moon’s peculiar interpretation of Christianity. Eve had sex with Satan and so all mankind became descendants of the devil. The mission of Jesus Christ was to take Eve back from Satan who had stolen her from God. To do this Christ must have sexual intercourse, pikareum, with six married women, including Mary – Jesus’ own mother. But Jesus Christ left this world having failed to save even one married woman by doing pikareum with them. So God sent Sun Myung Moon to earth as the third Adam. His mission was to cleanse the blood of six married women, namely the Six Marys. This was to be done by pikareum with Moon three times. Through a kind of relay sex with these Marys, humankind could be cleansed and saved and brought back to God’s side for the first time. It was Moon who preached this “Principle” to Mr. Pak. (This explanation comes from a magazine interview Mr Pak gave to a famous Japanese politician. LINK to magazine )

2. Sun Myung Moon said he “came through the fallen lineage” and had original sin.

Sun Myung Moon had older and younger siblings. Were they born without sin? No.

There is support for the claim of Hak Ja Han on the matter of Sun Myung Moon having original sin.

The words of Sun Myung Moon:

Sun Myung Moon. Collected Sermons. Vol. 463, August 1, 2004:
“I am not a person born from the original lineage, but came through the lineage of my mother from Satan’s world”

Sun Myung Moon. Collected Sermons. Vol. 296, November 3, 1998:
“Since I received the fallen lineage as well, I bleached it many times and made it like a blank piece of paper to write on.”

“Sermons of Rev. Moon” original version Vol. 611. p.307-308:
“Those who say, ‘Father was born from the fallen lineage…’ are crazy people. They don’t know Principle.”
“I have had nothing to do with the fallen lineage since I was young. You should know that.”
(These words where deleted from the collection of sermons by order of Hak Ja Han.)

“Sermons of Rev. Moon” original version Vol. 608. p.276:
“Would God use me if I had original sin? … Can you decide whether I have original sin or not yourself? You are wasting your time. Do you think I can do the work as a spiritual leader who is seeking to restore lineage without thinking about such things? Heaven has been teaching me since I was small. Do you think I didn’t ask whether my lineage was normal or not? Even though Heaven told me, ‘You don’t need to ask’, I asked and Heaven replied ‘there was no need to ask’.”
(These words where deleted from the collection of sermons by order of Hak Ja Han.)

February 7, 2010 “Unpublished words”:
Some of you may say, “Father is also the descendant of the Fall, or, he needs to restore his lineage”, but how is it possible for a person of the fallen lineage to restore the lineage? How can that person become the Messiah?

3. So how did Sun Myung Moon purify his lineage?

Moon cleansed his lineage through pikareum sex rituals with the “wife of Jehovah” in Pyongyang in 1946. According to Moon’s theology, he had to restore the fallen sexual intercourse of Adam and Eve (who, according to the Bible, WERE married BEFORE the fall in the Garden of Eden !?!?! ). Then he could stand as a purified messiah.

Sun Myung Moon claims to be the “substance of God’s original sperm”. But only after his fallen lineage was cleansed.

Sun Myung Moon: “A person is born through a man’s seed going into a woman. Where does the way of reversal begin? It is within the woman’s womb. The condition must be established so that history is reversed in the womb. For complete restoration, the starting point is the seed which exists in the body of a male. The condition must be established in which the seed within a male is united with God’s love. Without establishing that condition, complete reversal of the blood lineage cannot be established.” (October 13, 1970, Seoul)

Moon left his wife and infant son in 1946 to join the “wife of Jehovah”

Sun Myung Moon:
“The woman in the position of Jehovah’s wife
I was twenty-six years old… If I have inherited a blessing from a man [Kim Baek-moon in 1946], I must also receive one from a woman. If I receive a blessing from a man based on my connection with Kim Baek-moon’s group, I must gain the blessing from a woman, too. Otherwise, I cannot inherit all the dispensational foundation God has built up in Korea until now.

This is why a woman whom God can directly lead has to appear on earth, a woman who can say, “I am God’s wife.” Because God directly leads that woman, those in the spirit world connected to God can be mobilized to work with her. So for the first time, through a woman who could say she was Jehovah’s wife, God made a base to come to earth. Eve was Adam’s wife, but she was also Jehovah’s “external” wife, his bodily wife. What I am saying is true. Such things must be revealed and brought to fruition.

When I was in southern Korea, in the year of Korea’s liberation, I joined the Zion group, Kim Baek-moon’s group [Israel Monastery], for six months. This was the group for the New Testament restoration of the Garden of Eden. The group attracted all the spiritually open people throughout the whole of Korea.

There, they were talking about one grandmother who had declared she was the wife of Jehovah, but Kim Baek-moon’s group was deriding and mocking her. As soon as I heard them talking about this, I went to North Korea.

Works of both good and evil
The woman was called Grandmother Pak. She represented both restored Eve and Eve immediately after the Fall, so she was representing two divergent realities. She had flexible capacity; God sometimes entered her to perform His work, and Satan would also sometimes enter her to perform his work.

Her husband, whose surname was Han, was a very influential person, locally. They had ten sons who were really quite awful. He was one of the richest men in Pyongyang, and she lived in his home as his secondary wife. Restoration could not be carried out through his primary wife. The primary wife stood on Satan’s side, so the progress of restoration had to go through a side branch.

With an Eve who has reversed dominion, evil has to be changed and everything has to be taken under the charge of goodness. Heaven has to take charge of goodness, which is the root. It is necessary to go down to the myriads of slaves, lowly maidservants of the spirit world, playboys and lewd women in order to go up. All the bad things have to he straightened out and changed. That which is true has to be put with other true elements, and a new mother who can represent all women has to be created.”

4. Kirsti L. Nevalainen explains about “the wife of Jehovah” in Pyongyang in 1946

This is how Sun Myung Moon “purified” his fallen lineage.

from Kirsti L. Nevalainen’s book:
Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church

Chapter 3. CHANGE OF BLOOD LINEAGE (extract) pages 61-70

Engrafting of Sun Myung Moon into the Blood Lineage of God
“In the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s there were many Christian-related messianic groups in Korea. One of these groups was led by a woman called Pak Wol-yong. … Pak Wol-yong lived about 8 km away from Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea. She was born in 1892 and married to a Han who was an influential person in Pyongyang. Around 1945 Pak Wol-yong began to claim to her followers that she was the wife of Jehovah (Yahweh). She said she had sex with God and received a new spiritual body from God through their sexual intercourse. So she became divine, and God’s spouse in flesh – a goddess incarnated.

Ms. Pak’s messianic group had a local chapter in Seoul. The leader of this church was a minister called Kim Baek-moon and his group was called Israel Sudo-won, the ‘Israel Monastery’. Sun Myung Moon was a member of the Israel Monastery from October 1945 until mid 1946. The Israel Monastery existed as a retreat in the countryside near Seoul, South Korea. …

In June 1946 Kim Baek-moon was planning to take some followers to North Korea for revival meetings in Pyongyang. Moon decided to go with them. … In Pyongyang Rev. Moon met Pak Wol-yong and arrived at her place on June 4th 1946. Ms. Pak was leading a messianic group, called Kwang-ya Kyohoe (the “Wilderness Church”). The Israel Monastery, led by Kim Baek-moon, was in reality a branch of Kwang-ya Kyohoe. So Kim Baek-moon knew Pak Wol-yong. The church did not have official buildings and members met out in the open, or in private homes.

Rev. Moon decided to stay in Ms. Pak’s spiritual group in Pyongyang. He was serving and obeying her completely, even taking care of her laundry. Rev. Moon’s work under her lasted longer than his previous work with Kim Baek-moon in the Israel Monastery. Rev. Moon’s work under her came to an end sometime in mid 1947, when she refused to accept his declaration that she should obey him from then on. Rev. Moon required that Ms. Pak quit her position as a leader of her messianic group and surrender her position to Rev. Moon. Ms. Pak and her family were wealthy people, and Rev. Moon wanted to use her house as his base for mission work. According to Rev. Moon, Ms. Pak Wol-yong and her husband Han were the richest people in Pyongyang. They had 10 children. Rev. Moon said he had to reverse the Fall, so he had to serve Ms. Pak who was in the position of Eve until she would witness to Rev. Moon as the son of God, hence carrying out the reversal. After that she would have to serve him. Ms. Pak got angry with Rev. Moon and required that Kim Baek-moon must be brought to her to replace Rev. Moon. After failing to convince Ms. Pak about his messianic status, Rev. Moon was compelled to find another woman in Eve’s position and form his own independent congregation in Pyongyang from mid 1947 onwards.

The interesting question is why Rev. Moon began to consider himself as a Messiah and required Ms. Pak to surrender her leadership position to him in mid 1947? After all Pak Wol-yong was claiming that she was the wife of Yahweh and God’s spouse in flesh and her followers seemed to agree with this claim. The answer to this question came from Rev. Moon’s immediate disciple, from a woman called Chong Tuk-un [Chong Deuk-eun]. She was in Pyongyang at the time of the liberation from the Japanese rule. In 1946, she began to attend a church in Pyongyang area named Kwang-ya Kyohoe. In this church she met Pak Wol-yong and Sun Myung Moon. One day she received a revelation ordering her to kiss Sun Myung Moon.

Some time later Moon asked her if she had received a revelation. She could not but admit that she had received one. Then Moon said to her that a divine punishment would descend upon her, if she ignored God’s revelation. Therefore Ms. Chong had a sexual relationship with Moon, around June 1946. Some time later she learnt that “Teacher Moon” had already had the same ceremony with Pak Wol-yong, before she did with him. The words used by Ms. Chong were yongch’e-rul padatta (literally it means “received a new spiritual body”). The time when the word yongch’e began to be widely used by the Korean messianists is not known yet. However, the yongch’e seems to have flexibly meant a new soul, a new spirit, a new life, or new blood that was supposed to be handed on in the process of this ceremony. After Ms. Chong had received the yongch’e from Moon, she was ordered in a revelation to become a kyomo (“a religious mother”) for South Korea. She discussed this revelation with Pak Wol-yong and left for the South at the beginning of 1947. She negotiated with Ms. Pak and not with Moon which indicates that she considered Ms. Pak as the real leader of the church.

In order to the yongch’e ceremony to be held, there had to be a revelation from God dictating who give the yongch’e to whom. Secondly, both the giver-to-be and the receiver-to-be should give their words that they want to perform the ceremony at the risk of their lives. Finally, sexual intercourse with the giver on top of the receiver was to be conducted in the presence of a spiritual supervisor. While Ms. Chong called this ceremony “yongch’e exchange ceremony” or just “yongch’e ceremony”, some other words such as “blood-replacement ceremony” or “blood lineage exchange ceremony” also seem to have been in use by the Korean messianists. The yongch’e replacement in Korean is yongch’e kyohwan (= exchange of spiritual body), and the blood replacement in Korean is pikareum (= pi + kareum = blood + separation/replacement). The explanation, which Ms. Chong gave about this ceremony, can be summarized as follows:

Since Eve in the Garden of Eden received dirty blood from the “serpent” that was the embodiment of obscene desire, this dirty blood has been flowing within bodies of humans who are descendants of Eve. The ceremony of “giving and receiving the yongch’e” is a method for purifying this dirty blood. When a divine revelation is given, one who has already received the yongch’e, may be supposed to give it to the one who is allowed through the revelation to receive it. This is conducted in a holy atmosphere, and may be considered a kind of baptism.

The main issue involved in the motif of the exchange of spiritual body or the blood-replacement is what could be called the concept of Messiah or a theory of atonement. Who should be the first giver of the yongch’e? Whose blood was holy and who was supposed to start the purification process of blood of all descendants of Eve? Ms. Chong did not have a sense of mission as a “religious mother” before she had the yongch’e ceremony with Moon. And she knew that Moon had received the yongch’e from Pak Wol-yong before she herself received it from him. In her own understanding, the first giver of the yongch’e, or holy blood, was Pak Wol-yong. Therefore when she received the revelation about her mission as a religious mother for the South, she discussed it with Pak Wol-yong as her leader. As to Sun Myung Moon he received the yongch’e from Ms. Pak in June 1946. So she was his messiah. The yongch’e was transferred from God to Ms. Pak and from her to Moon, in that order.

The ‘blood lineage exchange ceremony’ pikareum or ‘receiving a new spiritual body’ yongch’e, is based on the idea that a divine being with pure blood can pass on his or her sanctity to another person through sexual intercourse.

Children who were going to be born through the yongch’e or pikareum ceremonies would be without sin. Sun Myung Moon and his associates practiced their blood lineage exchange ceremonies in private homes in Pyongyang and later in South Korea. In August 1946 complaints were made against Moon, and he was charged with committing adultery. As a result he was imprisoned for 100 days in Daedong detention house, Pyongyang.
After leaving prison, Moon resumed his activities and left his first wife [Ms. Choi Sun-gil, married to her in 1945] to marry his follower, Ms. Kim [Chong-hwa] . … On February 22, 1948, the North Korean police again arrested Moon on the grounds of bigamy and disturbing the social order. He received a five-year sentence in Heungnam labor camp. Ms. Kim, whom he had married, was also sentenced to prison for 12 [or 18] months. Moon had never divorced his first wife and although legally a bigamist, he viewed his blood replacement activities as responses to the Holy Spirit. Moon was freed from the Heungnam prison in October 1950…
After Ms. Kim Chong-hwa was released from the prison in Pyongyang, after a year [in prison], she moved to South Korea and never contacted Sun Myung Moon again. She had lost her faith in Moon as the messiah. In South Korea, Moon sent his disciple Pak Chung-hwa to meet her seven times, before finally accepting that she would not return. Later she moved to the United States.”

Kirsti L. Nevalainen’s book is available on Amazon.
Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church
ISBN-13: 978-1439261538

Ritual Sex in the Unification Church, Introduction – Kirsti L. Nevalainen

This post elaborates on the reference to the “wife of Jehovah” in
Sex organs found at Cheongpyeong – male and female organs installed outside the Jeongshim Prayer Hall.

5. Moon’s Other Gospel of Sex Rituals to “Womb Cleanse”

Author Ruth A. Tucker (PhD, Northern Illinois University) has taught mission studies and church history at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Calvin Theological Seminary. She is the author of dozens of articles and eighteen books. Here is an extract from Another Gospel: Cults, Alternative Religions, and the New Age Movement.

from: Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
“Choi could not endure Moon’s many sexual relationships and divorced Moon on January 8, 1957. In a 1993 interview Seon-gil Choi said: “My husband made relationships one after another by deceiving those women. I kept thinking that I couldn’t bear such a life any longer – so this was the reason for my divorce.””

from pages 249-250 of Ruth A. Tucker’s book:
The Unification Church: Accusations of immorality
“From the very beginning the movement was shrouded in controversy.… Moon’s critics argue that Moon’s church activities involved more than developing new doctrine—that according to a newspaper account. “A third jailing in 1955 reportedly was for ‘causing social disorder’ and having bad morals stemming from ritual sex with women in his church.” Followers of Moon strongly deny such allegations, claiming that Moon was arrested for draft evasion and later acquitted of the charges.

Restoring so many women was tiring for Sun Myung Moon.

[The Ewha Womans University sex scandal: Moon was sentenced to two years in jail. The church produced a fake certificate of innocence.]
see: Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers

The accusation of practicing the ritual of pikareum (“cleansing of the blood”) was specifically the charge that “Moon purportedly performed intercourse with each female initiate to purify her of the pollution she had inherited from Eve.” So widely believed was the charge that “the Korean National Council of Churches, representing various mainline Christian denominations, condemned the movement and refused it membership.”

The accusations of practicing ritual sex rites are the most devastating charges lodged against Moon during his earIy ministry. Are they warranted, or were they simply fabricated by enemies? Sontag rightly points out that “Every strong religious leader has been charged with sexual irregularities. Such stories surround Jesus too and survive in the early literature.” Yet, the accusations against Moon were made in many cases by reputable individuals. A Presbyterian minister in Seoul [Rev. Won Il Chei] gave the following testimony: “If we believe those who have gone into the group and come out, they say that one has to receive Sun Myung Moon’s blood to receive salvation. That blood is ordinarily received by three periods of sexual intercourse. But this fact they themselves keep absolutely secret.”

While such stories may be scurrilous lies, critics argue that they are made more believable within the context of Unification theology. A one-time supporter of Moon made the following observations of the sex allegations:
It is entirely possible that those sexual rituals were a part of the early church in Korea. Since original sin came through the woman’s [Eve’s] intercourse with Lucifer through which she received his evil characteristics, it is perfectly logical that the reversal of this, woman’s intercourse with the perfect man through which she could receive his perfect characteristics, would liquidate original sin. Then, as Adam received Satan’s evil characteristics from Eve through intercourse, so man would receive perfect characteristics through intercourse with the woman.

In 1960 Moon married again—some say for the fourth time. His new bride was Hak Ja Han, an eighteen-year-old follower who was less than half his age. That marriage is referred to as “the Marriage of the Lamb.” and through it, the couple became the Father and the Mother “of the universe.” Han, according to Moon, had been preparing for this role since the age of four, at which time she was blessed by a Korean mystic. “Being so young at the time, she did not remember the experience. But Moon was aware of it from the moment he met her.” Moon’s own marriage would reverse the sin of Adam and Eve that had infected all mankind.

According to Robert Boettcher: Once the vows of matrimony were exchanged, Moon as Perfect Adam could not let himself fall into the same trap as the first Adam. He “snatched her out of the Satanic world” and taught her to obey. Since Adam fell by being dominated by Eve, he had to reverse the precedent by achieving complete domination over his wife. Obedience training went from formation to growth and perfection, to the point where, after three years, he says, she would sacrifice her life if he so ordered.”

6. Three testimonies about Sun Myung Moon’s pikareum sex rituals

A letter from the Church of the Nazarene in Seoul
reproduced in an October 1975 FBI Report (San Francisco office) gives an interesting summary of the official and the unofficial theology of the Unification Church.

The letter indicates that he has divorced three wives having had one child by each of them. He was accused in 1955 of conducting a group sex orgie… The letter alleges that actually Moon borrowed his doctrines from those taught at the Monastery of Israel [of Kim Baek-moon].

The letter additionally states that the group also secretly observes such other beliefs [besides what was registered with the authorities] and practices as the following:

1) Founder Moon is the Second Advent Jesus.

2) A believer receives a spiritual body by participating in a ceremony known as blood cleansing which is for women to have sexual intercourse with Moon and for men to have intercourse with such a woman. This idea of blood cleansing comes from the teaching that Eve committed immorality with the Serpent and she passes on to all of us serpent blood.

3) Secretly observed doctrines are Holy covenant and are of more value than the Bible.

4) Members who have experienced blood cleansing can produce sinless generation [children].

5) Founder Moon is sinless.

FBI and other reports on Sun Myung Moon

Newspaper report in the Dong-A Ilbo Seoul daily dated July 7, 1955. Sun Myung Moon had been arrested on July 4, 1955.

There are many women who have been sexually abused.
The behavior of Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, attracts attention.

◊ Indoctrination methods – New recruits have to listen to sermons about the teachings of the religion for 72 hours (three full days). The sermons are given by Church Leader Mr. Moon. The weekly lectures on Mr Moon’s doctrines start at 10 in the morning on a Monday and run until 10 in the morning on a Thursday. If anyone doubts the teachings and wants to leave, Church Leader Mr. Moon stops them from leaving by sternly saying, “If you leave, you will die.” Mr. Moon also says, “Koreans are the people chosen by God and Pyongyang is the Jerusalem of the world.” He preaches that he is the son of God, and if a woman has a sexual relationship with him, she will give birth to a world teacher [a messiah].

◊ The behavior of a man who hunts women (a sexual predator) – Mr. Moon is an eloquent speaker. They say that when he finds women who truly believe in him, he entices them into his abode (a single room inside the said Association building) and violates them. Four victims have been identified and these women are middle-aged (over 30 years of age) with husbands. Their families are above middle class. One of them is a Mrs. Kim Soon-chang (not her real name), aged 36. She was a decent well-to-do upper class housewife, but after she fell prey to Church Leader Mr. Moon’s offerings she experienced the fate of being abandoned by her husband. …

A news item was broadcast on Japanese national TV in the fall of 1993 at the time The Tragedy of the Six Marys book was launched. The news item was well researched and put together. There of the important contributors to the book were interviewed, and the 1955 sex scandal at the Ewha Womans University in Seoul was also covered. The text below is an extract from a new translation of the full Japanese transcript.

Full transcript: ‘The Tragedy of the Six Marys’ video transcript 
Here is an extract:

Mr. Pak Chung-hwa: “There is something called ‘the return’ – it is sex. And you don’t have sexual intercourse not just once, but three times!  In reality, the 血代交換 [pikareum = blood cleansing] is done by having ‘the return’ sex ritual.”

Presenter: “Former core members confirm that restoring the dirty sinful blood to the pure blood lineage of God’s original ideal was done through ritual sex. … ‘The Return’ ceremony was once a sex ritual. Later it was redesigned in the mass weddings [and presented as the holy wine ceremony and the three day sex ceremony].”

Interview with Rev. Tahk Myeong-hwan: “I could believe that the Unification Church was a sex cult because I have studied the teachings. Even though it was in the early days of the church, I was surprised to discover that it actually happened. Religion has to have a basis in reason and ethics. Without them, it is not a true religion.”
[Rev. Tahk was murdered]

Presenter: “This man [Pastor Kim Deok-jin] left the Unification Church. Now he works as a police pastor, offering music and prayers to prisoners, as his way of repaying for his past in the Unification Church. He performed sex acts in the name of restoration with a lot of women.”

Pastor Kim Deok-jin: “It was a very nice job. Oh, I thought this wasn’t a sin; it is not a sin. To carry out what God required, this is a really, yes, a good job.”

Eu Shin-hee 劉信姫 on Japanese national TV

Presenter: “Eu Shin-hee, had ‘The Return’ sex ritual directly with Sun Myung Moon.”

Mrs. Eu Shin-hee: “I wanted to receive ‘The Return’ when I entered Rev. Moon’s personal bedroom. I was asked “Are you qualified?”, I said: “Yes I am qualified.”

Sun Myung Moon: “You have to receive ‘The Return’ restoration three times, through the stages of formation, growth and completion.”

Mrs. Eu Shin-hee: “After finishing the formation stage, I stood up and bowed. Outside the room there were older members sleeping. In that way I received restoration.” LINK

Additional information from an interview given by Mrs. Eu Shin-hee in about 1993:
Question 6: “Please explain some more details about the ‘the restoration’ with Sun Myung Moon.”
Eu Shin-hee: “One female member talked me into it. [at the Seoul church. It was Kim In-ju 金仁珠 who joined in 1946. She was the aunt of Kim Won-pil and she first introduced him to Moon.] She led me to Sun Myung Moon’s pitch-dark room late at night. That, in my case, was how I was ‘restored.’ It was finished in just a short time, it was all over in a few moments. I was told that I should come back two more times to complete the ‘restoration,’ to clean up the satanic blood, but I had ‘restoration’ pikareum only once, and then I stopped it.”
Question 7: “Why?”
Eu Shin-hee: “Sun Myung Moon had many relations with various women. I did not know when my turn would next come around, and then because I heard a very unpleasant story. There was a woman who came from the same village as me, and she had a cute daughter. From when she was small, we would hold hands and go to the mountains and rivers or to the church to pray. Later this daughter became a university student. She was still a virgin. Then Sun Myung Moon took her to his room and had sex by force with her. He took away her chastity with the excuse of ‘restoration.’
When this daughter told me, she was crying. Even if it is done in the name of ‘restoration’ it is still sexual intercourse. It doesn’t change the fact that he hurt a young woman by doing this. That is why I gave up on being ‘restored’ two more times.” LINK

Taught at a Family Federation for World Peace and Unification workshop:
“The Purpose of God’s Providence of Salvation is to end the journey of God’s sperm.”

7. Sun Myung Moon: “God himself nursed Adam and Eve”

Sun Myung Moon

These questions and answers have been transcribed from tapes made during our Leader’s sessions with members and guests at centers throughout the United States during his trip in March and April 1965.

Chapter 5  The Master Speaks On Creation

Question: Do science and religion conflict in regard to the time lapse of the creation and the historical records?
Sun Myung Moon: No historical record goes back more than 4,000 years. So there is conflict between historians and anthropologists or archaeologists.

Question: Is creation only 6,000 years old? Scientists say it is much older.
Moon: I do not necessarily think that Adam lived 6,000 years ago. The time between Adam and Abraham is considered as the prehistoric age. At that time, according to the Bible, people lived 800 or 900 years. We don’t know if they had the same kind of calendar we have today. Nine hundred years in their time might not be 900 years by our way of measuring time. As it says in the Bible, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Often things revealed by God are not literally true, but symbolical.

Question: If the prehistoric age (prior to Abraham) is to be taken as revelation, then how can we base our explanation of the history of resurrection on a literal interpretation of that part of history? We say it is 10 generations from Adam to Noah, 10 generations from Noah to Abraham, and so on.
Moon: The 10 generations are not necessarily literal. God may choose one person out of 10 million to accomplish a certain mission. He will count that person as one generation. Adam was the first generation; Jesus was the second generation; and the Lord of the Second Advent is the third generation.
There have been two forerunners to our Leader. They were both elders in the Christian church. Both did great work, but neither followed him. Spiritually gifted people sometimes receive that Mr. [Un-mong] Na was the first generation and Mr. [Tae-seon] Park was the second generation and that our Leader is the third generation. They [Mr Na and Mr Park] are not related at all.
We should count the generations from Adam to Noah and Noah to Abraham just as we count Adam, Jesus and the Second Messiah.

Question: We get into difficulties with this, in that we have made such a point of these numbers. If we suddenly say they are not to be taken literally we might well get the answer, “Then why should we take the days of the flood, or the fall itself literally?”
Moon: Not all people who lived between the times of Adam and Noah are considered, but only those selected people. Noah’s account should be taken literally. God’s providence or dispensation with Noah was carried on by that individual. Therefore, the events in his lifetime must be literally taken. Only the time element is not to be taken literally. The existence of Noah and of Adam as individual human beings is factual.
Pray about this matter and try to get answers yourself. Some explanation of this may be given in the new book which will help those you teach to understand better.

Question: The question of time is not the thing that bothers me most. It is the question of taking the Bible as literal in regard particularly to evolution. Did man come into existence suddenly, while the rest of creation was the product of evolution? Or did man gradually evolve?
Moon: Grass didn’t take long to grow. Bees didn’t take long to grow. They took originally just as long as they take today. If you sow a seed this year, it will grow and become a young tree next year.

Question: The theory of evolution, which may or may not be right, says that life started out as a single cell and continues to multi-celled organisms. This is not true?
Moon: Man is made of animal essence, vegetable essence and mineral essence. Suppose you have prepared all the material necessary to build a house. It doesn’t take long to build the house itself. To collect the material may take time, but once you have the materials the building itself doesn’t take much time. Likewise, the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms were all created over perhaps millions of years. All the materials were there. Out of those essences, it wouldn’t take long to create a man.

Question: Did Adam and Eve have earthly, physical parents?
Moon: No! The source of creation is energy. You don’t need physical parents to be created. Adam was a special creation.

Question: Were Adam and Eve created from other animal-like humans?
Moon: Have you ever wondered how a plant came into being? Where did the seed come from? In the small seed is every potential of the big tree. Likewise, in God’s energy and power itself is all the potential of man. A baby is born through the strong love of its father and mother. God’s strong love, His energy, created the baby. Eve was not created out of Adam’s rib, but was created after Adam and after Adam’s pattern.

Question: Were Adam and Eve born of God as we understand birth? That is, physiologically?
Moon: Through the power of God, Adam and Eve were created as a baby is created by humans today. Man was a special creation.

Question: Archaeologists are coming up with the bones of humans considered to be many millions of years old. How does this relate to Adam and Eve being created all at once.
Moon: On the whole, the process of creation was evolutionary. It took a long time to have plants, animals and minerals on earth. There may have been animals very like man. It is probably these skeletons which have been discovered.

Question: If there was no link between ape and man, what were the early men like?
Moon: There could have been men like Adam for some time…History both before and after Jesus must be viewed symbolically rather than literally. The important point is in the meaning. Our calendar was changed at the time of the Roman Empire. Who knows what it was prior to that time, particularly before Abraham…The matter is not important except in its symbology…The prehistoric age is revelation and should not be taken literally. Since it is revelation, the figures appearing prior to Abraham should be regarded symbolically. It is not literally 2,000 years.

Question: Why don’t we ask the spirit world about the exact time of the creation?
Moon: The spirit world does not have the same conception of time as we do, (It is useless to ask them how many years it has been). Our earth revolves around the sun once a year. But other planets revolve maybe once in every 20 years. So even spirits cannot tell us the time in terms of our own time.

Question: We receive many questions on evolution. Can you tell me how the Divine Principle looks at evolution as Darwin expounded it?
Moon: Evolution is true, and all the creations of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms have developed through the evolutionary process…This, of course, does not include man’s creation.

Question: Then man, too, is continually evolving? Were Adam and Eve, then, an actual physical creation as it says in the Bible; or did their physical bodies evolve and their spirits evolve?
Moon: Adam and Eve were produced by exactly the same process as we produce a child. By strong love and energy of father and mother, a child is conceived and grows, first within the womb, then outside of it. In the same way, God created Adam and Eve. By His love and energy, a little thing was created which grew and grew and became Adam. It is all an evolutionary process.

Question: Then who nursed the two babies?
Moon: God Himself did. They were raised in a very unusual environment.

8. Five of the many ways in which the Divine Principle view of the Fall is nonsensical

by Graham C. Lester

The Divine Principle explanation for the fall is not just wrong but entirely nonsensical.

1. The Principle interpretation is biblically nonsensical. When God gives the commandment to be fruitful we must assume that God knows the meaning of the words he is using. From a botanical standpoint, an organism can only be fruitful after sexual reproduction has taken place. If God were to use the phrase “be fruitful” in the context of a commandment to not have sex until after attaining perfection then God would be demonstrating a fundamental ignorance of basic botany.

Eve says the Tree of Knowledge is “in the middle of the garden.” If she herself were the tree, why would she speak of the tree as being located in the middle of the garden?

Divine Principle says that Lucifer seduced Eve and Eve then seduced Adam. However, the Bible says (Gen 3:6) that Adam was with Eve at the time she first tasted the fruit. Adam then tasted the fruit immediately afterwards. This makes nonsense of the Principle’s claim that Eve repented after “eating the fruit” with Lucifer and then later had sex with Adam from a desire to return to her original place.

2. The Principle interpretation is historically nonsensical. Even if the Divine Principle account were a solid interpretation of the Genesis story the latter would still be only a story and not an actual historical event. Let’s look at the two explanations that Unificationists give of how the story came to be: 1) it is an ancient oral tradition that has been passed down from Adam and Eve’s family; 2) it is a revelation received directly from God at a later date.

It is impossible for an ancient oral tradition to have been preserved from the time of Adam and Eve for the simple reason that any original ancestors would have had to have lived at least 125,000 years ago, and probably over 400,000 years ago. We know that because control of fire by early humans was already prevalent 125,000 years ago and seems to have existed for several hundred thousand years before that. Control of fire is not something that animals are capable of, not even the most intelligent animals. In fact even today most educated people would not be able to successfully create and control fire if they were dropped alone into a remote wilderness. Could you? Unless you have been in the armed forces, or at least the Scouts, you probably could not. The control of fire is a complex set of behaviors that has to be learned. If there were such a thing as the human spirit then it would have to go back at least to the time when humans first learned to control fire. Can you imagine an oral history remaining intact for 125,000 years in the absence of any sort of writing? It is preposterous. And then, who decided to pass it on in a symbolic form? Perhaps Adam and Eve decided that the whole tale was too shameful to be explained clearly and yet realized that it would some day be needed by Divine Principle lecturers and so they cleverly disguised it with symbols. Not likely is it?

Neither is the Genesis account a revelation. If God were going to give the Divine Principle story by revelation in symbolic form he would surely get the order of events correct, make the symbols clear, and not mistakes about basic botany that could be spotted by an intelligent ten year old. And why would God talk about himself walking in the garden as if he were a human? Moreover, according to the documentary hypothesis (look that up!), Bible scholars have found that the Genesis story was not originally a single story but two, three, or more earlier stories that have been somewhat haphazardly edited together. This is why, for instance, Genesis repeats the story of creation of man in Genesis 1: 26-28 and then in Genesis 2: 5. Notice how there are no plants in Genesis 2: 5 despite the fact that God has already created them in Genesis 1: 11. Why would God give mutually contradictory revelations and then leave it to a tribe of uneducated ancient Israelites to create a coherent narrative out of the parts?

3. The Principle interpretation is nonsense from the standpoint of science. There are literally millions of pieces of evidence that creatures evolved gradually over hundreds of millions of years. Why all the dinosaur bones? There never were such people as Adam and Eve. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Would it make any sense for God to create all the different life forms by evolution and then cap it off by creating Adam and Eve as special creations? Why not use special creation for all the animals if that were the case? But let’s say that God did use special creation for humans only, then why did he also create so many transitional forms between the ape and man? Why Australopithecus? Why the Neanderthals? Why the Denisovans? Why would God create humans as special creations and then leave a long trail of evidence to make it seem as if they had evolved? And if God was just practicing when he made the earlier hominins, as some Divine Principle lecturers say, then why does Unification Thought declare that God already had the perfect image of Adam and Eve in mind before he began the creation?

Then there is this whole problem of angels. How exactly did they help God create the world? What do they do today? Do they help the True Children with their homework? Have you ever seen one? How do they get on with the pixies and the fairies? Why do spiritualists disagree on basic facts such as what sex the angels are and whether or not they really have wings? Are you so sure about these angels?

4. The Principle interpretation is nonsense from the standpoint of psychology. Would you make the whole success of your global master plan contingent on the ability of a sixteen-year-old girl to outsmart the brilliant archangel who co-created the universe? That’s what the Divine Principle God, Hananim, did.

Apparently, Hananim didn’t think through the relationships he was setting up at all carefully, and he didn’t even have any back-up plan. He just figured that he could leave a really hot teen-age girl alone with a very lonely male caretaker, who had no other sexual or romantic outlet, and that nothing could possibly go wrong. Even the worst parents in today’s world tend to be at least a little bit careful whom they leave their children with. But not Hananim, apparently. Not only did Hananim skip Botany but he flunked Common Sense 101 too.

Remember, all Eve had to go with was the commandment. The punishment for failure was the creation of hell, plus tens of thousands of years of suffering for the whole human race. And yet Divine Principle mocks Christians for saying that God threatened his children with death. The punishment in Divine Principle is far worse than the mere death of an individual. By its own standards, doesn’t the Principle deserve far greater mockery?

5. The Principle interpretation is nonsense from the standpoint of theology. The glaring problem here is that it does not explain how sin comes into the world or how it is passed from generation to generation. In the Unification Church there are as many different explanations for how sin is transmitted as there are members who are willing to venture a suggestion. Some people think sin is passed on socially. Others think it has something to do with the sung sang of the blood. Some think it is more of a legal predicament resulting from Satan’s claim over humankind – a bit like if you accidentally sign up with AOL and then find it impossible to cancel your membership. And then there are those who think it is connected with being deprived of the life element from God. Moon was never able to clearly explain it in spite of having over sixty years and tens of thousands of hours of sermonizing during which to do so. He left it up to the members because he didn’t actually have an answer. It’s like a criminal who gives a different account of his actions every time he is questioned; then, when he is put up for trial and asked which version is the truth, he shrugs his shoulders and suggests that the jury pick whichever story they find most believable.

If sin is simply passed on socially then why do we need a wine ceremony (with those special ingredients!) to change the lineage? Why did infertile couples always have to adopt from other blessed couples? Why did we have a True Family? Why all that sex in the early days of the movement? Clearly the view that sin is merely passed on socially cannot be considered an orthodox Unificationist position.

The notion of sin as a legal predicament certainly has some roots in Christian theology, where Christ is our advocate and God is our judge, and where Christ takes our punishment upon himself. But sin cannot only be a legal formality. There is certainly an element of inner corruption, of falling short of the glory, of concupiscence, too. Take away the devil and all his works and we are still sinners, from a Christian standpoint. There must be more to it.

What about deprivation of the life element inhibiting our spiritual growth? That sort of leaves it up to God. We are like an engine that doesn’t have enough gas. Hananim has the gas but he won’t put enough in the tank, or he can’t because Satan won’t let him, or something. How do we get to the point where Hananim is going to allow us enough gas? We go to the blessing but our gas allowance remains the same as before; perhaps it goes down a little. If we can’t get the gas how can we be blamed for not going the extra miles?

Most Unificationists would deny that sin is a material thing like a disease that is passed down from generation to generation. They would reject the notion that we ought to be able to identify it substantially in the blood, even if we had a really good microscope. Some would say that sin is a collection of “evil elements” that stained Eve’s spirit in some way. But are fear and jealousy transferable from one object to another in the same way that energy is? Is there a conservation of depravity that works like the conservation of momentum? Perhaps we can imagine ways that these emotions could have been transferred between individuals, but how do they then get into the “blood” and affect future generations?

I think the most common belief among Unificationists who even attempt to make sense of their own teachings is that sin is a corruption of some invisible inner essence (sung sang) of the blood, or the DNA — a spiritual condition that has a material effect in terms of our failure to unite mind and body. But, how did this come about? Can we really believe that it was somehow passed from Lucifer to Eve through his sperm, which was entirely spiritual, and then passed to Adam through Eve’s kisses or whatever, and then passed to the children through the blood? How did it go from the Luciferian sperm to the human blood? No answer. Perhaps we can think of a drop of ink spreading in a container of pure water. No, that is an analogy not an explanation. There is no real explanation, just a bunch of vague mumbo jumbo that every Divine Principle lecturer is free to make up as he goes along. Really, how does any of this work? What is the mechanism? It is not that the Unification Church has a poor explanation for sin: it has no explanation whatsoever. And yet its Messiah has already come and gone, and the removal of sin was supposed to be his main mission.

Also by Graham C. Lester:

Imagination Theology: The problem and the solution

A Workable Plan to Fulfill the Three Blessings and Create an Ideal World

Ten reasons why the atom is not a good role model for human couples

The Unification Church should follow the Anglican model

The Failure of Prayer

Ten differences between what the church used to teach and what the church taught at the time of Moon’s death

9. Moon’s Divine Principle Theory Applied

by John H

The Bait, the Hook and the Resolution
… and the false promise of eventual release.

The Divine Principle, which, whether conceived by Moon or not – he most likely stole it in part or totally from other Korean sects – is the message. Not peace, not love, not kindness or understanding, not forgiveness and most certainly not freedom.

The Bait:

First you need to attract people to hear your “life changing” theory and since you can catch more flies with honey, use that. A great big instant family, new instant friends, the brother or sister you never had but wish you did. Offer them “unconditional love”. Never was this love more conditional than in the Unification Church – but never mind that for the time being. Promise them perfect happiness, perfect fulfillment, perfect health, a perfect husband or wife, perfect children … promise them The Kingdom of Heaven.

The Hook:

OK, so now you’ve got their emotional attention – which really is the most important part – work on making it sound air tight logically. It doesn’t have to be logical at all, just sound logical. This isn’t as hard as it may seem when using a closed system, circular reasoning and dense long lectures which on the surface sound well researched. If they swallow some key unprovable premise the rest is an easy sell. It also doesn’t hurt if the recipients are well seasoned and buttered with plenty of bliss inducing fuzzy wuzzy. You want open, relaxed and receptive, a baby at their mother’s breast, not critical and defensive. Just when they are starting to feel that they have arrived and all is right with the world and themselves, set the hook … hard ! You’ve just painted a glowing paradise, the shores of which they could see in the near distance with the scent of magnolia blossoms wafting over a calm sea. Well, you can’t go there just yet and the reason is, and here you go for something universal, mysterious and primal and what could be more universal and primal than sexuality – or as a Divine Principle lecturer would say “The reason is the Fall of Man.”


After you invent the disease with which all of humanity is afflicted, then you propose the cure. This cure, make no mistake, is exclusive and unfortunately comes at a cost, a very high cost. The rest of the Divine Principle goes about realizing its very contrived forgone conclusion, which is that no one holds the key to this dilemma (the Fall of Man) but Sun Myung Moon. He has literally got you by the balls, Bubba. There is no resolution except on his treadmill. (indemnity?) Pay up!

That is the message.

Is it worth keeping?

All the talk about love, sacrifice and service was mostly that, talk. Oh, the members for the most part were sincere (even most of the indoctrinated leaders, they probably believed they were justified or even great in making members suffer for their own benefit). All of the effort was subverted as a result of their misguided trust and the great amount of energy offered, the sacrifice and service, was in bolstering Moon’s power, influence and economic standing. The theory, Divine Principle, justified and even demanded that. To not compliantly fall into line and be a subservient, obedient and hard working member was to be a problem member.

Don’t forget, if forgetting this was even possible in the Unification Church, that you are fallen and have no value without the “messiah”. No value meant just that – no voice, no autonomy, no rights other than to follow the directives given through the appointed chain of command.

The key prerequisite for a leadership role in Moon’s church was obedience and loyalty to him and the ability to bring in the money and new members – who could themselves bring in more members (who could bring in more money) – and nothing else. Personal qualities like compassion, kindness, etc., be damned. That is unless, of course, they were used for the above purpose.

A part of the Divine Principle (again the theory or “message”) in keeping fallen people in line, fallen people being everyone except Moon himself and his family of course, is the part on the “four fallen natures”.

1. Not seeing from God’s point of view (meaning Moon’s)

2. Reversal of dominion (don’t you dare try to second guess your Moon appointed leader or override their directives)

3. Leaving one’s position (stay where you are put)

4. Multiplication of evil (evil here is anything not condoned by Moon, especially don’t publicly critique or spread doubts of any kind or sow any seeds of dissent)

It could have been simplified into one easy to follow directive:

“Shut up and do as your told, you worthless piece of shit.”

I guess camouflaging it in a more academic and layered way would make it more palatable. The meaning is the same though.

The common thread that runs through the entire Divine Principle (the message) is one of control and compliance within a rigid top down pyramid structure. To think otherwise is to be fooled by the window dressing (all the talk of love, and world peace, etc.)

That is the message.

Is it worth keeping?

John H

10. Tamarism is a key theology upon which Moon based his mission

As the Unification movement hangs by the very thin thread of Moon’s Tamar theology, it’s appropriate to examine the theology of “Tamarism” which is the belief that the Fall of Man is restored through illicit sex. Tamarism is the theology upon which Moon based his mission.

Moon said, “… If you can understand about Tamar, you can understand the whole Principle. Whom did Tamar have a relationship with? Her father-in-law. How could a baby born out of such a relationship inherit the blood lineage of Israel?…The woman named Tamar had a relationship with her father-in-law, Judah. According to the law in those days, a woman who committed adultery had to be stoned to death. Tamar’s first husband had died, and then her second husband had died also; but she knew God loved the blood lineage of her husband. She knew she had to protect and continue that blood lineage. For Tamar, her personal dignity was not a factor. She was only concerned about preserving the blood lineage which God loved. Since she loved that blood lineage, she stood in a providential position and she was able to establish the proper condition of heart. With such a heart, she had a relationship with her father-in-law.”

However, Tamar’s first two husbands were Judah’s sons born of a Canaanite woman (Gen 38:2). Tamar tried unsuccessfully to have children with each of them. The Canaanites were considered by God to be impure and Israelites were not permitted to marry them.  If Tamar was only concerned about preserving the blood lineage which God loved, why did she at first try to multiply the Canaanite lineage which God hated?

Nowhere in scripture is the fornication of Tamar explicitly praised or condoned. In fact, the curses uttered by the midwife during the birth of Tamar’s son give the incident a violent and gruesome connotation. The legitimacy of her action and the saintly status thus accorded to her by Tamarists, therefore, is derived solely from the supposed legitimacy of Judah which is derived from Genesis 49:10. But the legitimacy of Judah’s elevated status and sovereignty, as has been shown, is a contrivance.

This leaves Tamar’s virtue, the Tamarists and the Unification Movement resting solely on the word of Reverend Moon. Reverend Moon’s words have proven so far to be less than completely reliable.

Reverend Moon asked, “How could a baby born out of such a relationship (fornication) inherit the blood lineage of Israel?”

By the “blood lineage of Israel” Reverend Moon is referring to the Messianic lineage from which Jesus descended. So what is the indication that the child of Tamar and Judah was the one to “inherit” the Messianic lineage? Tamar is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. However, there are many people named in the genealogy of Jesus including Adam and Eve (Gen 3:15) (Luke 3:23-38). Being mentioned in the genealogy, therefore, is not enough.

Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest

FBI and other reports on Sun Myung Moon

Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”

Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives

Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest

How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968

Naked dancers join the UC in 1955 by Gil Ja Sa Eu

The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian

The Moon family makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
1. Moon’s first son wrote a letter saying his father was a fraud.
2. Ashamed to be Korean
3. Sun Myung Moon: “Women have twice the sin”
4. Gil Ja Sa Eu: “Japanese blood is dirty,”
5. Moon’s Divine Principle Theory Applied
6. Sun Myung Moon’s explanation of the Fall of Man is based on his Confucian ideas of lineage, and his belief in shaman sex rituals.
7. The establishment of a worldwide government under Moon
8. Sun Myung Moon in 2012: “There is no Mother”
9. Sun Myung Moon’s words on Hak Ja Han, Justin Kook Jin and Sean Hyung Jin
10. Hak Ja Han married “God” in January 2012. Moon was furious.
11. The Sokcho Incident – the removal of Hyun Jin from the succession
12. In 2018 Hak Ja Han was questioned about the Sokcho Incident