Identity of Sun Myung Moon

Updated May 20, 2021

All the 30 of the photos in the picture section of this book have been posted here.
As a bonus, about 120 photos have been added, including those of more recent Moon family owned properties.

The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1)

by Kim Myung-hui

Published in Korea

1987 March 25 and March 31 – 1st edition

선교신학연구회 Mission Theology Research Committee
1989 November 20 – 2nd edition

Front cover text:

The horrible reality of Sun Myung Moon is revealed by Kim Myung-hui. Kim was once an avid believer in the Unification Church, and carried out secret orders from Sun Myung Moon himself!!

Moon’s dreams of global conquest are those of a madman. See the influence of Sun Myung Moon spread all over the world like a cancer. His evil scheme was worse than the plans of Hitler and Kim Il-sung.

Soon Moon will execute a total offensive to acquire political power of this country [South Korea] by mobilizing everything he’s got.

He has excessive religious delusions of grandeur.
The words of Sun Myung Moon:

• Confucius, Buddha and Jesus are my subordinates. (1975. 3. 15)

• Someday my words will be regarded as law. (1971. 11. 26)

• We should make the whole world submit to a single ruler. (1976. 3. 2)

•  All that is required is enough money, then we can destroy the established churches. (1969. 12. 3)

•  The Unification Church will develop and conquer the world. (1976. 2. 22)

• The time is coming very soon when you will have to choose one of three things, to believe in the Unification Church, to flee, or to die. I am creating that moment. (1972. 6. 25)

• It is precisely because all the activities are minutely planned, the moment to say “I didn’t know this would happen” will come. (1972. 9. 26)

• All the world’s women belong to me. (1972. 9. 25)

•  God allowed me to attain the highest record in receiving the love of women. (1977. 5. 3)

inside flap of front cover:

About the author, Kim Myung-hui

Kim Myung-hui, the author of this book, devoted 15 years of his life to Sun Myung Moon from January 26, 1963 to March, 1978. At Sun Myung Moon’s special direction he was authorized to resolve the Sutaek-ri [Guri] land case, and the Ilhwa Pharmaceutical tax evasion case. While dealing with and resolving Sun Myung Moon’s confidential cases, Kim Myung-hui uncovered corruption, illegality, and fraud – and the enormous evil schemes of Sun Myung Moon and his religious group. Kim made an effort to take corrective action, keeping a sense of mission for the future of the religious group and society.
For instance, on August 12, 1977 Kim invited 37 leaders of the Unification Church to get together for a policy meeting and to take corrective action. When the leaders did not show any sign of reflecting on the issues, or taking corrective action, following a time extension after the meeting, Kim officially left the Unification Church, informed various members of society and disclosed Sun Myung Moon’s fraud and the risk of danger from him.

Because of Kim’s activities against Sun Myung Moon, the Sun Myung Moon religious group brought up the fact that they compensated Kim’s private expenses, which he had incurred while solving the problems of the religious group. They then put Kim in prison on charges of demands for money using blackmail. They told Kim to suspend his campaign against Sun Myung Moon for compensation of 1 billion Korean won and also offered to help Kim emigrate from Korea to the United States, both of which he refused. Undaunted, following his release from prison, Kim carefully collected information on Sun Myung Moon for over seven years and then published this book.

inside flap of back cover:

Sun Myung Moon’s Evil Scheme
[using guile – skillful use of dishonest means to trick people or make them do what he wanted]

Sun Myung Moon had plans to be “Emperor of the world” so he established the Unification Church to bring people together, and collect properties, in the name of God, history, world peace, anti-communism, unification and other key causes that are difficult to reject. He organized the Coalition for Victory over Communism, the Professors’ World Peace Academy [PWPA], The Nationwide College Students Association for Research into Principles [ = CARP], The Nationwide Students Assembly for North and South Korean Unification, The Peoples’ Thought Movement for the Unification of North and South Korea, The College Students’ Volunteer Group and other groups. He also directed 150 or more businesses, institutions, and newspapers, making every effort in this critical period to obtain political power in South Korea, in Japan and in the United States – and to promote his evil scheme to dominate the world. Sun Myung Moon said, “Someday, my word shall be law, and will have influence.”

He appointed his staff to play the roles of the head of each country, for example President Reagan, the Emperor of Japan, President XX and others. He also held a ceremony where [he claimed] historical saints such as Confucius, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad and others knelt down and bowed to him. From the beginning Sun Myung Moon’s purpose was to “conquer and dominate the world” – this is revealed in many materials. Sun Myung Moon embraced thousands of martial arts practitioners to have them ready, stating, “In other words, you have to choose one of the three, believe in the Unification Church, or flee, or die. I am creating that moment.” He added, “The one who opposes the Unification Church may fall down even in broad daylight.”

If people fail to block Sun Myung Moon’s brutal scheme, the world may find it difficult to escape from another Dark Age, like one under Hitler.

Table of Contents

Preface – Catch that infamous thief ………………………………… 3
1. Sun Myung Moon’s true identity ………………………………… 17
2. Sun Myung Moon’s goal …………………………………………… 32
Flag ……………………………………………………………………… 35
My Pledge ……………………………………………………………… 36
Pledge Service / Pray in the name of True Parents ………………… 38
Church Holidays ……………………………………………………… 39
List of Church Holidays (Material 1) …………………………………… 40
Subjugation of Satan and Pledge Ceremony / Strange bowing ceremony ……………………………………… 43
3. Sun Myung Moon’s power ………………………………………… 45
Organizations and companies ………………………………………… 45
Religious organizations 45 / Social organizations 46 / Cultural organizations …………………… 47
Educational institutions 48 / Art organizations 49 / News organizations …………………… 50
Publishing companies / Printing companies …………………………… 52
Companies ………………………………………………………………… 53
Real estate / Buildings …………………………………………………… 56
Unification Church ………………………………………………………… 58
The regular workshops of the Unification Church (Material 2) ………… 66
A brief history of education by the Unification Church (Material 3) …… 69
Table of Mobile Witnessing activities (Material 4) ……………………… 77
Schedule of Sun Myung Moon’s speeches in 70 American cities (Material 5) …………………… 79
Countries where the Unification Church has penetrated (Material 6) … 82
List of world’s ‘Holy Grounds’ (Material 7) ……………………………… 84
International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVC) ………… 88
Brief history of IFVC’s education and meetings (Material 8) …………… 89
List of invited guests (Material 9) ………………………………………… 95
Problems involving the national organization of IFVC …………………… 97
Christian Association for Super Denomination ………………………… 99
Sun Myung Moon’s words ……………………………………………… 102
History of the trans-denominational movement ……………………… 103
Trips to Jeju Island for existing church elders and deacons ………… 107
Plan to purchase 1,000 rural churches at 1.2 billon won ……………… 108
Banquet by Moon, the leader of the Unification Church ……………… 109
Banquet for the regular members of existing churches ……………… 109
I am ashamed to be called a minister. ………………………………… 110
I am mortified by the tricks of the Unification Church. ……………… 116
Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) ………………………… 120
PWPA’s activities …………………… 123
List of professors related to PWPA (Material 10) …………………… 125
99 professors issued a statement supporting Unification Church activities (Material 11) …………………… 140
About Sun Myung Moon – A person with a lot of love and tears – … 144
About Kim Il-Sung – A great one –  …………………………………… 144
State funeral of General Yamamoto ………………………………… 145
We are the people of great Japan …………………………………… 145
International Conference for Christian Professors …………………… 147
Founded International Conference for Christian Professors ………… 148
Seminar by inviting professors …………………… 149
History of seminar on teaching principles (Material 12) ………………… 151
Conference organized by the Unification Theological Seminary and the New ERA (Material 13) ….……… 153
Summary of PWPA’s academy award winners (Material 14) …………… 162
Brief history of education by Unification Philosophy Research Center (Material 15) …………………… 163
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) …………………… 167
History of CARP’s major summer workshops (Material 16) …………………… 169
History of CARP’s 21 day workshops (Material 17) …………………… 170
Telephone numbers of CARP offices (Material 18) …………………… 171
International seminar on victory over communism for college students (Material 19) …………………… 172
International Christian Students Association ……………………… 173
Tempting Christian students of existing churches – …………………… 173
CARP activities in Japanese colleges / Colleges that have been penetrated by CARP …………………………………………………………… 175
Little Angels …………………………………………………… 193
History of the Little Angels’ overseas performances (Material 20) …… 195
Korean Americans’ public hearing of principles …………………… 196
Korean Americans’ public hearing of principles (Material 21) ………… 196
Dispute regarding the support of travel costs for Korean Americans visiting Korea …………………… 198
Exposing the truth of the Unification Church’s seminar for overseas Korean leaders …………………… 199
4. Photo book: True identity of Sun Myung Moon seen through photos …………………… 213
5. Sun Myung Moon’s words (Related to disguised organizations) …………………… 235
6. Sun Myung Moon, — In 1986 …………………………………… 242
Special report, Sun Myung Moon’s activities ………………………… 243
7. Political ambition ………………………………………………… 259
The Unification Church is a political group disguised as a religion …………………… 260
8. Sun Myung Moon’s words (Political ambitions) ……………… 262
9. Sun Myung Moon’s determination ……………………………… 263
10. Wrongdoings of the Japanese Unification Church
(Original title: These are Unification Church secrets) .…………………. 269
Taking over using force 269 / Strange bowing ceremony …………… 275
Frantically collecting money 277 / What is Happy World? …………… 279
Tax evasion methods 280 / Guidance for sales people ……………… 282
Table showing the costs and profits of Unification Church products sold in Japan (Material 22) …………………… 285
Tax evasion trial in the U.S. ………………………………………… 285
11. Petition ………………………………………………………… 289
Deceived for 25 years. ……………………………………………… 289
12. Response to Sun Myung Moon’s activities ………………… 296
Statement of Christian Pan-denominational Leaders Association …… 296
Conclusions of the U.S. Congress report …………………………… 299
Instructions of the Roman Curia ……………………………………… 302
13. Who is Sun Myung Moon? …………………………………… 306
Sun Myung Moon’s footprints ……………………………………… 308
1. Sun Myung Moon’s past ………………………………………… 308
1) Moon’s family background ……………………………………… 308
2) Moon’s education and career path ……………………………… 309
3) Moon’s religious background …………………………………… 310
4) Moon and the Holy Spirit movement in North Korea …………… 312
5) Moon’s imprisonment ……………………………………………… 314
6) Moon and the birth of the Unification Church …………………… 316
2. Foundation and development of the Unification Church ………… 318
1) The beginning of the Unification Church ………………………… 318
2) Full account of the so-called Ewha Women’s University incident … 320
3) Unification Church’s activities in Korea (1955-1979) ……………… 322
4) Unification Church’s activities overseas (1959-1979) ……………… 326
Who is Sun Myung Moon? ……………………………………………… 331
Stubborn Yong-myung …………………………………………………. 331
No record of Moon at Waseda University ……………………………… 333
Failed the middle school entrance test due to bad eyesight ………… 333
Sun Myung Moon good at lying ……………………………………… 334
Queen Elizabeth brought a present …………………………………… 335
Marriage with Kim Young-oon that did not last even a year ………… 336
Sun Myung Moon was conned ………………………………………… 336
Fortunetellers and miscellaneous spiritual guides on the back of Sun Myung Moon ……………… 338
Moon left his first wife ………………………………………………… 341
My Father is the fake Lord of the Second Advent …………………… 343
Secret story related to Heungnam Prison …………………………… 343
The charges against Sun Myung Moon were “Adultery and social disturbance” …………………… 346
Came south through hell and high water …………………………… 347
Another marriage of the lamb at an inn …………………………… 349
Kim Myung-hee who was pregnant with Moon’s child was stowed away to Japan …………………… 350
Sun Myung Moon and his activities in North Korea ………………… 350
Moon feared adulterous affairs with women ………………………… 351
The establishment process of the Blood Restoration Principle …………………… 352
Moon’s doctrine was based on the theories of Hwang Kuk-ju, Kim Baek-moon and Chong Deuk-eun …… 353
Claimed blood restoration in “Lectures on Principles” ……………… 354
Full text of “The Principle of Life” by Chong Deuk-eun, a woman who claimed to be possessed by the spirit …………… 355
Relationship between Chong Deuk-eun, Park Tae-seon, and Sun Myung Moon …………………… 363
Chong Deuk-eun’s daughter said, “My mother is lower than slime…” … 366
Park Tae-seon and Sun Myung Moon had an older and younger alumni relationship …………………… 367
Sun Myung Moon’s promiscuous sexual relationships ………………… 367
It would be better to draw blood with a needle and mix… …………… 368
You, a charlatan who uses religion! ……………………………………… 370
Blessed family pledge …………………………………………………… 376
Sun Myung Moon praised marriages between Japanese and Koreans …… 387
Sun Myung Moon afraid of secrets revealed ………………………… 377
Adulterous relationships of Unification Church officials ……………… 378
Moon’s view of history and his identity ………………………………… 381
Give everything ………………………………………………………… 386
The suffering of members of the Unification Church ………………… 387
Jang Young-ja and Lee Chul-hee were persuaded to the join Unification Church …………………… 388
Pak Bo Hi declared he was leaving the Unification Church …………… 389
Sun Myung Moon discarded people after using them ………………… 391
Suspicions surrounding the death of Eu Hyo-won, the first president of the church …………………………………………………………………… 391
Praying for courageous disclosure ……………………………………… 394
14. Sun Myung Moon’s relationships with women ……………… 395
15. The dangers of Sun Myung Moon ……………………………… 404


Sun Myung Moon, under his plan to become “The Emperor of the World,” established the Unification Church. He attracted people and made them his legs and arms, and on that base he established, the International Association for Victory, Professor’s World Peace Academy (PWPA), The Nationwide College Students Association for Research into Principles (CARP) and other groups around the world. He has organized more than 150 companies, various institutions and organizations, mobilizing all of these capabilities at a critical time, putting the political powers of Korea, Japan, and the United States into his grip. He is pursuing his goal to dominate the world like a thug. Thousands of martial artists are enlisted by Moon and waiting. The world is not able to avoid the disasters under the Unification Church when it can’t stop him in time, who said “The time is coming very soon when you will have to choose one of three things, to believe in the Unification Church, to flee, or to die. I am creating that moment.” There are hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have followed him as ‘Father’.

On one Holy Day he got his subordinates to kneel down and bow to him, each representing the head of a different country. President Reagan, the Emperor of Japan, President XX, and historical figures such as Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, etc., all symbolically bowed to the floor to Sun Myung Moon. He is resolved in his determination to be “The Emperor of the World”.

p. 213

Photo book: True identity of Sun Myung Moon seen through photos

It was the life of Sun Myung Moon that he had lived “desperately” with one ambition – to dominate this world. Thus, as such kind of people usually do, it was Moon’s trick to surround himself with a nice fence, while collecting money and incorporating businesses in the name of God, history, world peace, reunification, the way people should live, only to violate all areas of society with all that wealth. That was his plan of making himself really look like the Messiah. The US President and others in power, university professors, elders of established Christian churches, and college students and high school students were the targets of Moon’s attacks, and now, to some extent, he has succeeded in building a pretty nice fence. The greatest thief must always pretend to be a saint or messiah.

In Korea alone, there are about 250 self-proclaimed messiahs.

pages 2 and 3

▲ The painting was placed at the front of the Cheongpa-dong [Headquarters] Church during the birthday celebration service of Sun Myung Moon in the early 1960s. The child who is being nursed by his mother is Moon Yong-myung [as he was known before he changed his name to Sun Myung Moon], and the whole earth lies next to him [represented by the globe]. Winged angels bow and worship him. From his birth, Sun Myung Moon was destined to be the “King of Kings, Emperor of the World.” So all Sun Myung Moon’s activities are directed towards his goal of becoming an emperor. The Unificationists are very enthusiastic that they will become part of the imperial family of this emperor and direct nationals under him. This is the typical nature of all pseudo-religions.

▲ Sun Myung Moon, who aims to become the “ruler of the world, the emperor of the world,” sitting all dressed up in royal robes and wearing a crown.

page 4 (with added material)

▲ The Great Holy Mother (Dae Seong-mo 大聖母) Chong Deuk-eun 정득은, 丁得恩 or 鄭得恩 in 1953. It is believed she was the person who initiated Sun Myung Moon to be the “Second Coming of the Lord” [through a pikareum sex ritual in Pyongyang in June 1946].

The inside cover of the book states “Recorded Revelations of the woman titled The Great Holy Mother”. It seems that after receiving a “Revelation” Chong Deuk-eun became the “Great Holy Mother.”

▲ The cover of the Principle of Life book, which was published in 1958, as shown on the cover. The book was made from the written notes dictated by Chong Deuk-eun [in about 1947].

There are too many parts in Sun Myung Moon’s “Principle”, and his ideology and claims, that resemble the contents of the “Principle of Life” book. It also contains the sentence, “You must find a family that inherits the lineage of God.” In the 1950s, Sun Myung Moon frequently mentioned to his congregation about his close relationship with this woman, Chong Deuk-eun. [They had worked together in Pyongyang for about seven months from June 1946 to February 1947 when she moved to Seoul.]

❖ Additional information and photographs:

About 17 of her ideas appear in the Divine Principle.

The Principle of Life has three sections:
一  創造論      1. Discourse on Creation            page 11
二  復歸役事   2. The History of Restoration     page 36
三  生의 原役  3. The Principle of Life               page 55

In this photograph taken in Busan in the summer of 1951, Kim Won-pil is in the back row on the left. Clayton O. Wadsworth, a US Army chaplain is back right. In front of him is Lee Kee-hwan 이기환 who joined around this time. She was the daughter of Kang Suk-kyong, who was a follower of Kim Baek-moon. It was also around this time that Moon borrowed Kim Baek-moon’s theology notes and copied them. In 1951 Kim was also living in Busan with some of his followers. He did not get his notes back for about six months. Kim was furious with Moon. Moon was not writing original material as he sat by his oil lamp – he was stealing another man’s work. Sun Myung Moon is standing right behind Chong Deuk-eun. If you look at the photograph which is printed in the front of Mrs Chong’s book (above), you can see that it is the same person.

This photo was taken by Park Kyung-do who had also been a follower of Kim Baek-moon. His sister, a Kim follower, had delivered Moon’s first son, Sung-jin in Seoul in 1946!

LINK to Korean page on her book: 정득은 丁得恩 / 鄭得恩

▲ Unification Church leaders in Daegu in 1954. Front row from the left: Elder Kim (Tonghwadang), Lee Yo-han (이요한), Sun Myung Moon, Pak Chung-hwa (박정화) (who had been in Heungnam prison with Moon) and next to him is Eu Hyo-min (유효민).
Back row: Eu Hyo-won (유효원), Kang So-yong (강서용), Lee Han-seong (이한성), Lee Bong-wun (이봉운) and Shin Seong-muk (신성묵) who was the husband of Eu Shin-hee (유신희).

Lee Yo-han had been Chong Deuk-eun’s assistant pastor. He left her and joined Moon in Busan in 1952; he knew all her teachings very well. Eu Hyo-won wrote the 1957 Divine Principle with a copy of the notes of the teachings of Chong Deuk-eun and a copy of Kim Baek-moon’s first book on his desk.

page 5

When comparing the tables of contents of Kim Baek-moon’s Fundamental Principles of Christianity (published March 2, 1954) and Sun Myung Moon’s Divine Principle – the first edition of which, Discourse on the Principle was published on August 15, 1957 and the Divine Principle itself came out on May 1, 1966 – we find:

The Divine Principle, which was disclosed as revelation after Sun Myung Moon was victorious over millions of demons, was merely his reorganization of the medium, Chong Deuk-eun’s theories and the theology of Kim Baek-moon. A brief look at their tables of contents alone exposes how similar they are. If you open Chong Deuk-eun’s The Principle of Life and Kim Baek-moon’s Fundamental Principles of Christianity and read them together with Sun Myung Moon’s Principle you will soon find out that some parts have been plagiarized in the reorganized content.

The two Tables of Contents:

▲ Above is Kim Baek-moon’s book and below is the Divine Principle.

page 6

Concerning the issue about the statement made by Sun Myung Moon, “Confucius, Buddha and Jesus are my subordinates” which was published in the “Sermons of Sun Myung Moon” (No. 182 page 29 and No. 184 page 64).

When this statement became an issue, an apology was made about how it was the “editor’s mistake,” but you can find many thoughtless words and ludicrous statements such as “Even God is under my thumb,” and “Christianity is an organization of idiots” (January 1, 1969) all over his published sermons.

Sun Myung Moon Speech No. 182 (1975. 3. 15)

At least several billions of spirits that lived on the earth gathered in spirit world and are being mobilized to lift and help Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church. Do you know what that means? When you show the name ‘Sun Myung Moon’ to any advanced spiritual medium and ask him or her to pray for Moon, the medium first prays and then naturally starts to praise him while praying. Do you understand? It is like that. That is why unless the spirit world becomes unified, the earth cannot be unified. In fact, we have Sun Myung Moon standing here who has the ability to unify spirit world. Even Confucius, Buddha and Jesus are my subordinates. Just yesterday a Buddhist came before me and said “Buddha ordered me to pray 24 hours for Sun Myung Moon so I had no choice but to comply…..” Even Buddha will be at odds with heavenly law if he does not cooperate. In the future the communist world will also completely disappear. (page 29)

Sun Myung Moon Speech No. 184 (1975)

That is why you should be in a position where you can subjugate creation and subjugate the angels to unify into one to receive cooperation from heaven. You must come to grips with how the spirit world has already come under the command of Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church. That’s right. Buddhist spiritual mediums came up to me and bowed. Do you think a believer of Buddhism, a believer of Confucianism would do such things? Confucius and Buddha, the whole lot of them are my pupils. Do you know what that means? Pray about it to see if I am lying.

All this is why I am trying to resolve the global problems. Such a fierce fight should take place to base our responsibility on rules and principles so that we can pass the upper realm of hope. Formation was the era of offering creation, next was the growth era followed by the current era of the adopted child where the history of Jesus is that of attempting to restore the adopted child, he himself did not attain completion as a son. That is why he had to return. After returning he would have to subjugate the angels and subjugate the world of creation before standing before God. No one can enter heaven without standing before God. He is in the briefing room of paradise right now. Christians stupidly shout with loud voices even though they don’t know what they are talking about, but I say go ahead and die and see who is correct. (page 64)

[Sun Myung Moon thought Buddha came from China, when in fact he came from India.]

page 7 (with added material)

Sun Myung Moon’s September 18, 1974 rally at Madison Square Gardens, New York. It is notable that Moon had never held a public speaking rally in Korea before those he held in the US.

Sun Myung Moon speaking at the 1974 Madison Square Gardens rally.

On January 16, 1975, at 7 p.m., Moon hosted a banquet at the Chosun Hotel. He invited 650 people from all walks of life and proclaimed to them, “I have returned to Korea with my fortune.”

A meeting of Hitler with his fanatical followers. Note that the symbols of the groups of Sun Myung Moon and Hitler are similar.

It has been reported that Sun Myung Moon studied the Hitler propaganda film, Triumph of the Will.

1935: Triumph of the Will – The Power of Propaganda

Triumph of the Will is regarded as one of the most powerful propaganda pieces ever made, but how did the film advance the racist and anti-Semitic ideology of the Nazi party? What is the history of cinema as a tool of propaganda?

Triumph of the Will is one of the most famous propaganda movies ever made. The film is a semi-documentary take on sixth annual National Socialist conference in Nuremberg in 1934, by director Leni Riefenstahl. It covers 4 days worth of speeches, parades and city wide celebration. It’s edited together out of hundreds of hours of footage, and it unveils the core message of the conference without commentary or inter title.

Although it’s often praised as revolutionising the art of film propaganda, it actually adds very few techniques of its own, instead drawing on the decades of development in propaganda that came before. So let’s take a look at the history of the propaganda film and how theses techniques were used by Riefenstahl to advance the Nazi Ideology.


Triumph of the Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a propaganda film made by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters.[1] The film contains excerpts from speeches given by various Nazi leaders at the Congress, including portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler, interspersed with footage of massed party members. Hitler commissioned the film and served as an unofficial executive producer; his name appears in the opening titles. The overriding theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the True German Leader who will bring glory to the nation.

Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and rapidly became one of the best-known examples of propaganda in film history. Riefenstahl’s techniques, such as moving cameras, the use of long focus lenses to create a distorted perspective, aerial photography, and revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography, have earned Triumph recognition as one of the greatest films in history. Riefenstahl won several awards, not only in Germany but also in the United States, France, Sweden, and other countries. The film was popular in the Third Reich and elsewhere, and has continued to influence movies, documentaries, and commercials to this day.[2]

Hitler’s rally at Nuremburg

Sun Myung Moon’s mass marriages held in Seoul in 1992 and 1995. Their main purpose was to provide propaganda for Moon.

page 8

The crowd at the September 18, 1976 Washington Monument Rally in the United States which Sun Myung Moon addressed. Many had come for the entertainment, free meal and the fireworks – which were heralded to be spectacular. Free transport was also provided.

page 9

Sun Myung Moon making an impassioned speech.

The New Yorker Hotel in New York, USA – owned by the Unification Church.

page 10 (with added material)

The Unification Church Seminary at Barrytown, New York set in a land area of nearly 41 acres. It closed in about 2019 and the property is now up for sale.

Sun Myung Moon’s residence, East Garden, near New York, USA. It is a large mansion set in 18 acres of land (22,000 pyeong).

▲ Moon had this new building constructed in the grounds of the East Garden property at a cost of $40 million. The roof leaked.

page 11

The first Interdenominational Pastor’s Conference (1975. 8. 4~8) held by the Unification Church invited Lee Jae-Seok and Kwak Chung-Hwan to speak as lecturers on the first day, August 4. What would these lecturers teach for those four days? The interdenominational movement is rather Moon’s mere maneuver to infiltrate the established Christian churches.

An advertisement for a public hearing held by the Inter-denominational Christian Association at the Ambassador Hotel with the theme of, “Is the Unification Church Christian?” (August 27, 1979)

page 12 (with added photo)

Pastors from the established Christian churches taking a break during the retreat/seminar. At a luxury hotel dinner party held for the inter-denominational movement, an old pastor said, “We are in tears because you treat us, old folks, like this (so well).”

Sun Myung Moon proclaimed “With the necessary financial resources, the established church can be destroyed” (December 3, 1969, Bulletin No. 14, p. 2). He exerted his evil influence on the weakness of senior pastors.

Sun Myung Moon mobilized one million senior citizens to Yeouido’s “Rally for National Salvation and Victory”. They were told “Let’s go to Seoul” and “Let’s go on an outing” and transported from the countryside by bus. (June 7, 1975)

In English it was also known as “The World Rally for Korean Freedom”

“Rally for National Salvation and Victory” at Yeouido in Seoul in June 1975.

page 13

A view of the 16th Seminar on the Principles of Unification hosted by “the Faculty Principle Research Association” held at the Songnisan Tourist Hotel. The Faculty Principles Research Association is a gathering of professors who are practically Moon worshippers already, and these are the core forces of the Sun Myung Moon movement in the academic community. Dr. Tae-Soo Han gave an opening speech entitled “The Impact of the Unification Church Movement on Modern History.” What kind of influence did Sun Myung Moon have on modern history? (1977. 1. 20〜22.)

page 14

Because of his great contribution to Victory over Communism (VOC), Yong-seok Choi, a member of “International Association of Victory” which is under Moon’s control, is being presented with the 5.16 National Prize for Security. At this time people still did not know that the Association of Victory was merely a political organization that promoted Sun Myung Moon and built a political structure in preparation for elections. (1975. 5. 16.)

A view of the 10th “International Conference on the Unification of the Sciences” which Sun Myung Moon hosted in Seoul. He promoted ICUS claiming that dozens of Nobel Prize winners always participated. Such grand shows are the reason why professors and celebrities are overwhelmed. (1981. 11. 10. Seoul)

page 15

The Principle Study Association Summer Training Group

College students who participated in the 10th College Student Principles Workshop held in Cheongpyeong. (1975. 7. 21〜27.)

Banners of the Principles Research Council on the Chung-Ang University campus.

page 16

Young people indoctrinated by Sun Myung Moon

page 17 (with added photo)

The ‘Little Angels’ children are like budding flowers. Sun Myung Moon used 100% of these Little Angels to advance his movement to the world stage.

On the evening of April 2, 1976, an event for Korean Americans was held in the United States. What would Bo Hi Pak give a speech about while waving his arms about? Whatever the names of each meeting were, “the communist party must be stopped, the role of Korea is important” and “the great leader is Sun Myung Moon” were the main content of each and every Unification Church related meeting and conference.

page 18 (with added material)

A poster used to promote the Yankee Stadium rally in New York where Sun Myung Moon spoke on June 1, 1976.

The Yankee Stadium rally

Sun Myung Moon had a short meeting with President Nixon. Rallies were held to impress the lonely Nixon following the Watergate scandal. Unification Church members prayed and fasted in front of the US Capitol and the White House. Adverts were placed in newspapers across the United States promoting “support for President Nixon.”

Statement by Sun Myung Moon on President Nixon and Watergate printed in The New York Times. The UC activities were held to impress Nixon, to gain influence, and to acquire photos that Moon could use for his own benefit and to impress new contacts.

Sun Myung Moon’s purpose and strategy on how to influence Nixon during his Watergate impeachment. “We are right on the edge of influencing people. Master wants to give an address to a joint session of Congress. As someone other than a head of state, this is difficult. We must push hard for the victory between now and January 14 as a foundation for nationwide impact.”

Despite the meeting and cheering from Sun Myung Moon, who claims to be “God’s substitute and His son,” 20 days later Nixon was ousted from the presidency. (1974. 2. 1)

See Footnote for the full text of the Unification Church ‘Project Watergate’

page 19

▲ Two days before the US election vote counting was complete (in November 1980), President Reagan was happy to hold up the Unification Church’s News World newspaper. The headline was “Reagan Landslide – Will win by more than 350 electoral votes and carry New York as well.” Sun Myung Moon deliberately printed such a heading in order to appeal to the US President. It is said Bo Hi Pak ran to the Reagan campaign headquarters with this newspaper.

page 20

One recent example of the disguises the Sun Myung Moon group uses is an anti-communist and unification offensive. Hidden behind the “tempting words” that seem to express concerns about the future of the country and about modern youth are schemes to attract the public to Sun Myung Moon.

In-tae Hwang, Yong-soo Seol, and Dae-o Son, were lecturers at the event. They have been loyalists to the Unification Church and at the forefront of Sun Myung Moon’s propaganda for more than 20-30 years. (The Chosun Ilbo advertisement was printed on February 13, 1987).

“오늘의 학생운동과 좌경사상”에 대한 공개강좌

대학 신입생과 학부모를 초대합니다

지금 우리나라는 심각한 정치적 갈등과 더불어 만성화된 학원문제에 시달리고 있읍니다.

나라의 장래를 이끌어 갈 우리의 젊은이들이 현실의 부조리에 아픔을 느끼다 못해 스스로 계급투쟁을 앞세운 폭력혁명 이론의 덫에 몸을 던지고 있는 이 비극적 상황은 이제 새로이 대학에 입학한 학생과 그들을 지켜보는 학부모 모두의 걱정거 리요, 고민이기도 합니다.

이렇듯 사상적으로 혼미한 대학가의 상황을 보고만 있을 수 없어 고심해 온 많은 교수와 학생들은 그 해결을 위한 구체적인 이념으로서 승공통일사상과 그 실천운동으로 새로운 학생운동의 성과를 확인하고 이에 “오늘의 학생운동과 좌경사상”에 대한 공개강좌를 아래와 같이 마련하여 대학 신입생과 학부모 여러분에게 일조가 되고자 합니다. 여러분의 깊은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.

1987년 2월 일

Open Lecture on “Today’s Student Movement and The Ideology of the Left Wing”

Invitation for new college students and their parents

Our country is suffering from chronic problems in schools and universities, along with serious political conflict.

It is a tragic situation where our young people, who will lead the country’s future, are throwing themselves into the trap of the theory of violent revolution that led their own class struggle – because they felt pain from the absurdity of the reality. This is now a worry and concern for both new college students and their parents who are watching over them.

As such, many professors and students who have been struggling because they cannot only neglect the situation of the ideologically confused campuses strive to affirm the achievements of the new student movement with the ideology of the victory and the unification as a concrete ideology for solving the problem. The following is an open lecture on “The Student Movement and The Ideology of The Left Wing” of the universities to help new students and their parents. We look forward to your interest and participation.

February, 1987

● 주최 : 전국대학교수학생 남북통일운동연합
● 후원 : 사단법인 세계평화교수협의회
● 협찬 : 전국대학원리연구회(CARP), 국제기독학생연합회(ICSA), 남북통일전국학생총연합

● Host: National Federation of University Faculty and Students for North-South Unification Movement
● Sponsor: Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)
● Sponsored by: The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), International Christian Students Association (ICSA), National Association of Students for the Unification of North and South Korea

❖ Additional information:

Shamanism lies at the heart of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han’s church – even if it uses a Christian signboard.

She was known as Nonsan Halmeoni ( = Grandmother from Nonsan 논산 할머니 ). Her real name was Lee Baek-im 李白任, 이백임. She is sitting in the center, wearing a hanbok with a white top. She was born in 1909 and joined the UC in 1972. Sun Myung Moon asked her to do nationwide ancestor liberation tours in Korea – which she did in the mid 1970s. Here she is pictured with members at the 청주 통일교회 Cheongju Unification Church in September 1973. Moon incorporated some of her shaman practices into the UC.

There is a pig’s head on the altar, to the left of the black object. In the Bible the pig is known as a dirty animal. Shaman ceremonies like this, performed by the Moons and Won-bok Choi, contradict Christian beliefs. Mrs Choi, who was known as second mother, is on Moon’s left; Hak Ja Han is on his right. Moon put the two women in the positions of Leah and Rachel, the two wives of Jacob, since he claimed to be restoring ‘Jacob’s course’. The ceremony above may be to liberate or mobilize spirits, or it may be to ask for many children, since pigs have many piglets and, in Korea, represent prosperity.

Here the two wives can clearly be identified. Choi Won-bok is on Moon’s left and Hak Ja Han is on his right. This photo was taken on January 1, 1968 on the occasion of the establishment of ‘God’s Day’ when other shaman ceremonies were performed. They involved six women in two trinities. One trinity was led by Choi Won-bok and the other by Hak Ja Han. LINK

Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God

The Enthronement Hall of Kyongbok Palace, Seoul.

The Sun and Moon Screen which a background for the throne chairs formerly belonging to the rulers of the Empire of Korea. Such a screen with the Sun and Moon symbolized the physical sway which rulers held over the elements, as well as over the lives of their subjects. The screen still remains in the empty Enthronement Hall, although the Yi family which reigned for over five centuries has given way to democracy.

Sun Myung Moon frequently uses such a screen:

The Moons dressed in royal robes wearing Shilla crowns in front of a Sun and Moon screen denoting the Moon’s Lordship. The food offering is in traditional shaman style.

Both of the Moon’s crowns have shaman motifs featuring Cosmic Trees and deer antlers. The seven branches on the Cosmic Tree indicate the wearer could travel through the seven levels of heaven. The pinnacle of each of their trees represent the residence of the chief shaman deity.

▲ Diagram of Shilla gold crown showing three cosmic trees and two deer antlers.

▲ Shilla crown from Kyŏngju

Shilla crowns and a Sun and Moon screen

The Cosmic Trees are prominent.

The Moons claim dominion over America in 2004. They are wearing Cosmic Tree crowns.

Minions bow to the Moons at the ‘Original Palace’ beside the Lake at Cheongpyeong. A second palace was built on the hillside above the lake.

The Moons’ ‘Original Palace’ beside the Lake at Cheongpyeong.

Kim Hyo-nam, shown here, conducted ancestor liberation and ancestor marriage blessings in the main hall at the Original Palace.

Payment booths in the basement of the Original Palace. Cash preferred. Unification Church members came from all over the world to free their ancestors from hell. They paid millions and millions. For one non-Japanese member to liberate and bless all their ancestors could cost $25,000 or more. Japanese members were charged many times that amount.

The 2006 opening ceremony for the $1billion palace at Cheongpyeong.

A view of the palace from above. The largest indoor stadium in South Korea can be seen in the upper left. One of the reasons it was built was as a venue for Sun Myung Moon’s 2012 funeral.

LINKS for further information:

Shamanism is at the heart of the church of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God

Holy Grounds and the Shamanic Guardians of the Five Directions in Moon’s church

Shamanism: The Spirit World of Korea
Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.

Hananim and other Spirits in Korean Shamanism

How were the vast extravagances of the Moons funded:
A huge Moon Church scam in Japan is revealed

Shocking video of UC of Japan demanding money – English transcript

Top Japanese ex-UC leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, interviewed

Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members

p. 336

Kim Young-oon’s marriage did not last even one year

Kim Young-oon, Unification Church missionary to the United States, was Blessed to an outsider. This was in spite of the fact that outsiders, who are not believers in the Unification Church, are condemned as satans according to the principles of the religious leader Sun Myung Moon. They divorced soon after.

In fact, Kim Young-oon had been a headache to the religious leader Sun Myung Moon because she was famous for speaking out against injustices while she was going through difficulties in her early missionary life. In terms of character among the team sent for missionary work to the U.S., she was a great scholar.

Kim Young-oon might have been weeded out naturally when she got married off to a worldly person [in 1964]. She was dangerous to the religious leader Sun Myung Moon who was not well versed in biblical knowledge, or theology. Kim Young-oon pointed out things to him, while other believers just blindly followed.

It was hard to understand the true intention of the religious leader Sun Myung Moon who carried out the unimaginable act of marrying a member to an outsider who did not believe in their doctrine.

They said the wedding ceremony was an event which pleased heaven, and it was blessed – according to the old women who surrounded the religious leader Sun Myung Moon and claimed to receive revelations about the wedding ceremony.

It was held at Cheongpadong Church, the Headquarters of the Unification Church. However, Kim Young-oon and her husband separated in less than a year.

Sun Myung Moon was conned
I remember something that happened around 1956. A Minister Kim was the school minister of the Baejae School at the time. He studied the life of religious leader Moon while living in the Cheongpa-dong Unification Headquarters. He listened to Moon lecturing about the Principle for about a month in an effort to study Unificationist theory. He came to the conclusion within that time that leader Moon was the anti-christ.

▲ Soon-ae Hong in about 1957

There was even an incident that occurred in 1957. An old woman, Kim Jae-geon, and Hong Soon-ae (the mother of Hak Ja Han who is currently the wife of Sun Myung Moon) were released after a two year sentence in Chuncheon Prison. The two women had been charged with beating a mentally-ill boy to death during an Ansu session. He was about 18 years old. They had guaranteed that they could cure the mental abnormality with their divine powers.


The Unification Church is all deceptive and a fraud in fact although they have many experiences of miracles and divine cures in the beginning.

Insane people possessed by evil spirits were recognized Jesus in the Bible, but the mentally-ill who stayed at the Unification Church Headquarters as part of a last ditch effort protested against being cursed by leader Moon who was the so called Lord of the Second Advent. However, it is assumed that he must seem like such a silly false Lord of the Second Advent from the perspective of actual evil spirits.

If leader Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent, he should at least be able to exorcise a possessed young man with a single word as shown in the ‘Unification of Religions from the Perspective the Advent Spirit People’ mentioned in the chapter on Resurrection in the Divine Principle.

There was an incident which happened in 1957. Kang Dae-Sung, father of Mr. Kang, a 36 Blessed Couples member, approached the Unification Church, and said to leader Moon and his executives, “There is an empty house in Manri-dong which would be good for a gathering place.” He continued, “This house is undergoing trial at the moment, I will obtain the title and donate it to the Unification Church.” Accordingly, leader Moon and his executives went to take a look at the house in Manri-dong filled with greed.

Having heard from Mr. Kang senior that the house could be had with just one million won, leader Moon hurried to prepare the money and delivered it to Mr. Kang who deceived Moon into thinking that such a house could be bought with only a million won. As soon as he received it, Mr. Kang senior took the money and ran.

This incident reveals the vision of leader Moon, who like any other, cannot see through people although he calls himself the Lord of the Second Advent. This has been covered as a shame in Unification Church because as they saw the swindler is the problem as is the swindled.

This next incident happened in the early 1960s. A good looking woman in her 50s approached leader Moon as she called herself a spiritual medium. Her name was Lee Dong-Seok. She said she had eighty thousand Buddhist Classics from the Haeinsa Temple and she also had a lot of gold and treasure hidden away underneath her wardrobe which was prepared for her to achieve the will of God.

Leader Moon was overcome with greed when he heard about the treasure hidden under her furniture. Therefore, leader Moon became close with her. Leader treated her with respect and used to give her rides in his jeep.

Leader Moon concocted a scheme plot by arranging for this woman to adopt his pupil, Kim In-cheol, as her son in order for Kim to confirm that there was in fact treasure worth of billions of won beneath her furniture. One day, the woman said she had an urgent matter and asked leader for 400,000 won which he promptly gave her. She then hurried off leaving leader and no one ever heard from her since. Leader had worked so hard for nothing. This also represents failure to act the role of the Lord of the Second Advent who cannot even see into the near future.


There is yet another scam leader Moon fell prey to due to his greed. It is the Oh Chang-Hwan incident which took place in 1955. Leader Moon was imprisoned in Seoul Prison together with his leaders from headquarters at the time of the Ewha Woman’s University incident.

A 37-year-old convict named Oh Chang-Hwan, who was placed in the same cell with the Association president Eu Hyo-Won, came one day to the Unification Church Headquarters looking for Eu Hyo-Won who was released earlier than Mr. Oh.

When Eu Hyo-Won introduced Mr. Oh to leader Moon, Mr. Oh buttered up leader Moon with the following some days later.

“There is a lot of lumber in Incheon and we can do some trading which can net us several times the profit with only 800,000 won.” After listening to his words, leader Moon instructed a Mrs. Kim to hurry and prepare the money. The next day, Mr. Eu an Association leader took the money bag and left for Incheon together with Mr. Oh.

Mr. Oh escaped with the money bag in a bus bound for Incheon. Finally, leader Moon pursued Mr. Oh with a few believers as he was much angered by Mr. Oh’s scam.

Kim Young Oon, who could speak English fluently, was looking for Mr. Oh at every American military base as they said that Mr. Oh used to be found around American military bases in Incheon and Noryangjin. Her efforts were for naught, but Mr. Cho Dong-Seok found Mr. Oh by chance, and leader had him put back in prison.

Considering this case, if he was the true Lord the Second Advent, leader Moon should have been able to spot a con man.

Moreover, Jesus sacrificed his life and bore the cross for sinful people and his enemies. However, the modern Lord of the Second Advent Sun Myung Moon turned his back against Mr. Oh – who apologized for his mistake – and instead pressed charges to send him back to prison. We can fully understand the level of sympathy of leader Moon, who is said to be the True Parent of mankind, has for others.

Fortunetellers and miscellaneous spiritual guides on the back of Sun Myung Moon

The story of Yoon, a Buddhist monk, who used to live in Wonhyo-ro, Yongsan-gu from the 1950s is interesting. His relationship with leader Moon accurately shows what kind of a group the Unification Church is. (Yoon was murdered in 1981.)

The Buddhist monk Yoon called himself a spiritual medium who worked as a fortuneteller in front of Yongsan Station and he had connections with Unification Church since the 1950s.

He worked as a fortuneteller and physiognomy reader for believers of the Unification Church many times and evidenced that leader Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent. And so Unification Church members touted the Buddhist monk Yoon as an example in the resurrection theory in their doctrine surrounding the unification of religion on Unification Church since they believe that miscellaneous spiritual guides recognize and evidence leader Moon as the Lord of the Second Advent.


However, when the Buddhist monk Yoon was murdered in Wonhyo-ro in 1981 their advertising material disappeared with him and they even performed such nonsense as posting their condolences for his death in their weekly religious newspaper.

When leader Moon and Kim Deok-Jin (currently a minister) who once stayed in the same prison with leader Moon in Heungnam Prison left for Busan, the Buddhist monk Yoon saw Kim Deok-Jin on the train and said to him, “You will develop great things in the future because you look good.”

They came to meet the executives of Unification Church and got friendly with each other as they talked about Sun Myung Moon in the middle of their story.

According to the prescribed plot between the Buddhist monk Yoon and senior Song, leader Moon was evidenced as the Lord of the Second Advent.

Leader Moon took the most advantage of the Buddhist monk Yoon who evidenced him as the Lord of the Second Advent, and the Buddhist monk Yoon enjoyed his business to the extent that he provided his fortunetelling services to almost every believer in the beginning. In such a way, the connection continued between leader Moon and the Buddhist monk Yoon.

Considering that the Buddhist monk Yoon said that he had a relationships with a Ms. Kim as he seemed to have the trait of a womanizer, his connection with Unification Church executives is not very clear as well.

Leader Moon used him as advertising material while enjoying with keen interest if anyone testifies that he is the Lord of the Second Advent regardless of the truth.

Leader Moon liked fortunetellers. Leader Moon was close to an old man called Lee Myung-Hak who served as a professional fortuneteller in Insa-dong, Jonno-gu in the early 1960s.

Mr. Lee provided fortunetelling services for Blessed Families of the Unification Church (couples that took part in the marriage ceremony officiated by leader Moon). Following the fortuneteller’s advice, leader Moon matched 36 couples and 72 couples, and Senior Song was the person who ran the errand of fortunetelling.

Leader Moon who carried out the advent ceremony of bonding men and women according to the fortuneteller’s judgments and made matches if the fortuneteller Lee said they were good together or vice versa. Those blind believers did not understand that they were matched not by leader Moon, who was said to know everything about them, but rather matched by the fortuneteller.

We can hardly understand these superstitious injustices of leader Moon of the Unification Church which says it serves God and pursues His will. He is a master of deception because he advertises that even Satanic outsiders testify the decisions by leader Moon in the Unification Church.

Why have many blessed families been withdrawn and divorced after the decision and matching by the famous fortuneteller and Lord of the Second Advent?


Let’s consider the story that occurred in 1965 with the fortuneteller Lee Jae-Deok. Lee Jae-Deok knows the inner story of Unification Church after his connection with Unification Church through Senior Song.

There was once a period where leader Moon had difficulty exercising his will. During this time, Mrs. Choi Won-Bok frequently visited the fortuneteller Lee as a spiritual guide and women believers of Unification Church visited Mr. Lee’s house in Sangdo-dong like their own house.

Mr. Lee said leader Moon is the son of the God and he is the father of Mr. Moon.

When Mrs. Choi visited Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee presented a great bow right away to her as saying “You are the mother of mankind.” He said, “If Unification Church wants to prosper, it needs reproduction with his offspring.” “The missions of leader Moon in heaven have ended.” Those stories were told by one of the defectors.

The problem is that we can hardly understand why Unification Church members who are said to believe in God have to busy themselves looking for miscellaneous spiritual guides to prove that Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent.

This is only the twisted method to make Sun Myung Moon appear as the Lord of the Second Advent. [‘grandmother’ Lee Baek-im of Nonsan was known as ‘Nonsan Halmeony’]

In 1973, in a resort house at Cheongpyeong in Kyeonggi-do, Leader Moon held an ancestor exorcism rite (kut) with the 36 Couples witnessing team members at the end of their three-year course which started in 1970.

At that time, they performed a shaman ceremonial bow (on their knees) and carried out an exorcism (kut) under the direction of ‘grandmother’ Lee Baek-im of Nonsan [known as ‘Nonsan Halmeony’], offering sacrificial rites to heaven with unstrained rice wine (makkolli), a pig’s head, rice cakes, and so on, on an ancestor memorial service table [altar].

At that time, the grandmother Lee Baek-im was 67 years old and was originally [OR primarily] an adherent of Daejong-gyo. She came to know Sun Myung Moon in 1973, and was warmly received in the Unification Church as a spiritual medium with authority. Whenever the Unification Church performed any ritual ceremony, she usually [OR always] performed the role of leader of the [or led?] ceremony each time. However, she died of cancer in September 1979.

Faith leader Moon explains that performing a formal deep bow and leading the ceremony with one woman in the position of Rachel and another in the position of Leah on either side [of him] in front of the ritual table is a ceremony to liberate the spirit world.

The grandmother from Nonsan [Nonsan Halmeony] was a famous authority on spiritual matters [OR a spiritual medium] to the extent that every Unification Church member knew who she was and participated in this kind of ceremony while she was touring each company controlled by [lit. under the influence of/ which was a subsidiary of] the Unification Church.

This kind of exorcism is exactly the same as that of a Korean shamanic exorcism (kut). Therefore, considering that the Unification Church holds this kind of secret ceremony under the signboard of Christianity, we can know that the Unification Church does not appear to be Christian but rather it is pseudo Christian.

Within the Unification Church, other than those ancestor exorcism rites (kut), there are many functions where there are bowing ceremonies in front of a ritual table [or altar]. Especially, believers perform formal full bows to faith leader Moon.

An unimaginable ritual happened in leader Moon’s room on the 2nd floor of the Unification Church Headquarters in Cheongpa-dong. Many church leaders, including Gwang-Ryeol Yu, were dressed up as delegations from various countries. They performed a ceremony offering obeisance to leader Moon. For example, one leader announced “Soviet Union Delegation OO” and offered a full bow.

It goes without saying that tremendous funds were required for the luxurious altar and the costumes for those Mondo Cane style rituals.

Although leader Moon carries out spiritual ceremonies to resolve the grudges of the dead, the priority should be to resolve the lives of people who sacrificed their youth, property and virginity in the history of Unification Church.

It makes no sense to carry out ceremonies to resolve the grudge of the dead ancestors while one is keeping a grudge against living people.

Leader Moon deserted his wife who shared difficulties.

Yong-Myung Moon married with Choi Seon-Gil at Jangyo Church in Gwansapyong, Gwanju-myeon, Jeongju-gu, Pyeongbuk when he was 25 years old on April 28, 1945.

Choi Seon-Gil was a faithful member of the Jangyo Presbyterian Church. She changed churches to the Reconstruction Church according to her eldest brother Choi Jong-Gil who was a steward in the church. Another elder brother is Choi Jong-Geon and his father is Choi Yong-Il.

Their eldest son Moon Seong-Jin was born during her newly wedded life in Heukseok-dong, Seoul in March 1946 of the lunar calendar system. Moon went to Pyongyang in June 1946 but came south to Busan at the retreat [during the Korean War] on January 4, 1951. In the next year, he reunited with his wife Choi Seon-Gil when they had gathered secretly in Busan. Since then, the company of women continued to surround Sun Myung Moon. Mrs. Choi often conflicted Sun Myung Moon because her religious views did not go well with leader Moon’s disorderly life, while she made efforts to discontinue leader Moon’s relationships with women as much as possible.

Hence, leader Moon was evasive from Mrs. Choi. As he betrayed his wife and offspring, he started his gathering and began preaching around the principle of restoration (doctrine of pikareum) while moving around Beomnatgol (Beomcheon-dong) and Sujeong-dong in Busan.

Even Mrs. Choi has mobilized private detectives to look for her husband who betrayed her and his offspring.

Mrs. Choi, who knew leader Moon’s secret of pikareum, was blocked off by lunatic believers whenever she looked for leader Moon, including many times with a tussle.

Mr. X as one of his close colleagues provided his testimony that he mobilized money from women believers as leader Moon became hysteric against his original wife Choi Seon-Gil while spending much money to block off opposition by Mrs. Choi.


Mrs. Choi finally departed from leader Moon in the form of an agreed divorce on January 8, 1957 after she continued to pursue him under her blazing vengeance against her husband who had betrayed her.

The conclusion of an agreed divorce between leader Moon and Mrs. Choi could be made because they were relatives under the marriage between Choi Jong-Geon as the second elder brother of Mrs. Choi and Mr. X as the representative of Unification Church.

Mr. X as the then representative of the Unification Church gave Mrs. Choi 500,000 won as compensations and her son was exchanged in the same way that anti-communist prisoners are exchanged. (Mr. X has now left the UC.) In this way, Mrs. Choi became alone and leader Moon took custody of his son. However, as the grudge in the heart of Mrs. Choi could not disappear, she kept a vicious circle of taking or losing her son while making leader Moon suffer for it.

Mrs. Choi’s second elder brother provides the following testimony: He disclosed his rage as saying “In the beginning, I told my sister Seon-Gil to endure as I can understand the action of leader Moon.” “But Yong-Myung, that bastard, son of bitch.”

Mrs. Choi kept herself busy to disclose the truth of Unification Church to the world together with two other women (the wife of Eu Hyo-yeong and the wife of Eu Hyo-min) whose husbands suffered damage from the Unification Church from leader Moon during 1960s and thereafter.

Mrs. Choi is now attending a church in Sangdo-dong while curing her scars of betrayal with her religion in Yeongrak Church in Seoul.

Mr. Eu used to be the representative of Unification Church at the time of the divorce from leader Moon, but has now left. He asked about Mrs. Choi when he met the relative elder brother of Mrs. Choi randomly on a street. The investigative organization made a contact one day and ensured the security of Mrs. Choi. In other words, leader Moon’s younger brother Moon Seung-Gyun (representative of Korea Titanium) had been providing economical help to Mrs. Choi once a month without Unification Church members knowing this.

However, village people suspected that a widow seemingly living alone was making a good living and a middle aged man with a North Korean accent often visited there, so that they reported her to the investigation organization because she was suspected to be a spy.

Those people who left the church say that it is intolerable in terms of ethics that leader Moon remarried Hak-Ja Jan (his current wife) who was a 17 year old girl after deserting his faithful wife in religion while calling himself the Lord of the Second Advent.

Hence, his son Moon Seong-Jin did not like his father’s behavior. Moreover, as he is the eldest brother of offspring from a different mother, he has much agonies that cannot be spoken of while calling and serving Hak-Ja Han as his mother who is only three years older than himself.

A dedication ceremony was held after the birth of Moon Ye-jin in 1961. Following the ceremony, Hak Ja Han put a crown on the head of Moon Seong-Jin and they took a commemorative photo.


Moon Seong-jin sent out letters in 1974: “My father is a fake Second Coming Messiah”

In 1974, Moon Seong-jin [who was born in 1946 and was the eldest son of Sun Myung Moon] was the protagonist of the significant “Letter Incident”, in which he personally sent an important personal letter of explanation from Japan, to ten of the leaders in the 36 blessed couples.

The content of the letter was, “My Father, whom you are following, is not the Second Coming Jesus Christ, so it is better for you to go on your own way. It is not too late for you to make your own future.”

The letter caused an emergency at the Unification Church headquarters, and they scrambled to retrieve the letters from each in the group of leaders who had received one.

Immediately after the incident, the former Association chairman, Kim Won-pil, came to South Korea. The case of the letter incident was somewhat resolved by giving the excuse, “Mr. Moon Seong-jin was just trying to test your faith”.

After Seong-jin graduated from Kyunghee University’s Department of History in 1969, he married Kim Dong-sook. [It was asserted that] she was the daughter of Won-pil Kim (a former president of the Il-Hwa pharmaceutical company), in Japan on July 18, 1973.

[Dong-sook did not resemble Kim Won-pil’s wife at all, but she did resemble Sun Myung Moon and it has been said she is his daughter. She has been listed as a “True Child”.]

On May 2, 1976, their son was born in San Francisco, USA, and he was given the name “Shin-il nim” (信一님).

Seong-jin was blocked at Gimpo Airport, Seoul, in 1974 because of his Korean military service duty, and I wonder how he did manage to leave the country after that.

The graduation of Moon Seong-Jin from Kyunghee University’s Department of History in 1969.

[It seems that Moon Seong-jin has mainly lived in Japan. Seong-jin has rarely been seen at official church functions. Dong-sook has attended some since the deaths of Hyo-jin and Sun Myung Moon. She visited Moon in hospital during his final days.]

page 389

Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his membership form at a top leader’s meeting in Korea

▲ Pak Bo Hi, Choi Won-bok, Sun Myung Moon, Mrs Pak and Hak Ja Han.

The Little Angels Dance Company was the essence of tears and sweat of the entire Unification Church. How did it become the exclusive object of Col. Pak Bo Hi? If you are a believer of the Unification Church, you need to think about why the Little Angels operate under the rule of Pak Bo Hi’s clan system.

▲ The Little Angels School in Seoul, now called the Sunhwa Arts School.

The members of the Unification Church nurtured the Little Angels by going hungry and working hard with sweat. Even though they struggled, they felt pride and the reward of advancing Korean national prestige through the Little Angels activities. By the way, Pak Bo Hi also established the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation (KCFF) in the United States, and was also the one who achieved some success by conducting public relations activities while visiting numerous famous people, including the late Yang Yu-chan, a former ambassador to the United States.

The stated reason behind the Little Angels American performances was as  consolation performances for families who were veterans of the Korean War, and a plausible reason was to boost the prestige of Korea. It was a great success both at home and abroad. Innocent people from all over the world, who do not know that the Unification Church lurks behind the Little Angels, enthusiastically welcomed the Little Angels and the image of Korea was greatly enhanced.

Held for the first time in 1965, the first 100-day performances in the United States were a success.

▲ 1. Col. Pak with former US President Eisenhower in 1965
2. Col. Pak with the Queen of England in 1971
3. The Little Angels at UNESCO in 1973
4. The Little Angels meet unknown
5. The Little Angels with Raisa Gorbachev in 1990
6. The Little Angels meet the Japanese Crown Prince and Princess in 1971

At that time, Leader Moon was doing a world tour during which he sought to establish ‘holy grounds’. Col. Pak paid the enormous travel expenses for Leader Moon’s travels [around the world] with the foreign currency earned by the Little Angels. The money earned by the cute little children was used for such an outrageous purpose.

[ LINK to a page on the ‘Holy Grounds’ and Moon’s 1965 world tour.]

Pak Bo Hi had a conflict with Leader Moon due to the financial income relationship through the Little Angels. He quickly returned to Korea and invited the executive staff of the Unification Church Headquarters to the Sejong Hotel. The invited officers came to the hotel to learn about the current status of Leader Moon who was staying in the United States at the time.

At the invitational meeting, Col. Pak declared that he would leave the Unification Church and, as he had planned in advance, he tore apart his own membership form in front of the officials.

The executives were astonished, and the shocking incident was immediately reported to Sun Myung Moon in the US. This was extraordinarily shocking because Col. Pak served as Moon’s right hand man. He was also one of the main couples of the 36 couples who are the core couples of the Unification Church. And Col. Pak was at least the fourth most important executive in the ranks.

In order to persuade Col. Pak, Leader Moon talked with Col. Pak all night in the United States, but Col. Pak returned to Korea without a conclusion following their talk and caused the troubling scene in the the Sejong Hotel.

Col. Pak knew the weaknesses of Leader Moon all too clearly, as well as the inner secrets of the Unification Church more than anyone else. He was a disciple who was always loyal to Leader Moon. Moreover, he even registered Samuel Moon [who was born in Washington, DC] as his and his wife’s son on the US birth certificate (see below). In fact Samuel was the son of Leader Moon and another woman [Choi Soon-wha]. It is believed that Leader Moon and Pak Bo Hi truly shared a common destiny in life and death because Col. Pak was raising Samuel as if he was his own son.

▲ Sam Park sitting on the lap of Pak Bo Hi in about 1972

[Sun Myung Moon had sex with Choi Soon-wha, or Annie Choi, many times in 1965 at the home of Pak Bo Hi in Arlington, Virginia, while he was on his world tour. Moon did not leave the Washington, DC, area until he knew she was pregnant. That explains why he was in the Eastern US for most of the time over about three months. Sam Park was born on January 28, 1966. Mrs. Pak had put cushions under her clothes to fake a pregnancy. The Paks pretended to be the parents of Sam and made false declarations on Sam’s birth certificate. When Sam was about 12 he figured his friendly ‘aunt’, Annie Choi, was his mother and Sun Myung Moon was his father.]

▲ Annie Choi with Sam in the house of Pak Bo Hi.

However, people outside the Unification Church cannot tell whether the Samuel Moon that Col. Pak is currently raising is Col. Pak’s son or the son of Leader Moon. One journalist owns a house near where Pak Bo Hi also lives in Arlington, which is near Washington, DC. The journalist said it seems that the blood relationship cannot be denied because Samuel resembles Moon. But it is difficult for foreigners to conclude with confidence that he is the son of Leader Moon.

▲ Inside the Little Angels School

Eventually, Leader Moon handed over to Col. Pak the Little Angels Company, which had been the fruit of the efforts and devotion of the Unification Church members. It is known that the Little Angels operate under Col. Pak’s rule. There has also been a saying that when the Sunhwa Arts School was founded [as the Little Angels Art School in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul in 1973], Leader Moon supported it with 200 million won.

▲ The Theater at the Little Angels School, Seoul

Behind the Unification Church’s growth into today’s Unification Church, some believers fell and died while working hard on unfamiliar frontiers for the Unification Church; some under persecution from the established churches for being heretical, while others died from inhaling the fumes from coal briquettes. Regarding the suffering of the blood-stained believers, Leader Moon gave a few words of consolation or praise, which did not cost him any money. The leaders and followers thought that was their highest honor.

The fact that a member of the Unification Church had torn up his membership papers was more shocking and frightening than the fact that he or she would go to hell. Given that fact, why did Leader Moon, by talking to him all night long, try to persuade Col. Pak who declared that he would himself leave? Leader Moon is a sociopath who uses and treats well people who dress well, studied well, are capable, handsome, and worth using – but he completely ignores poor believers who were not educated.

▲ Pak Bo Hi with former President George Bush, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il

Samuel Park’s birth certificate with the names of Pak Bo Hi and his wife falsely listed as his parents

Unification Church leader, Pak Bo Hi, was detained on fraud charges in 2004

JoonAng Daily  July 20, 2004
by Min Dong-ki

Pak Bo-hi, 74, allegedly the second-ranking official of the Unification Church, has been arrested and detained by prosecutors in Seoul on charges of fraud. The church was founded by Rev. Moon Sun Myung, a controversial religious figure who has called himself the “son of God.”

Mr. Pak allegedly received 2 billion won ($1.7 million) from a real estate developer in December [2003] after promising the developer the rights to build an apartment complex on land in [Sutaek-ri], Guri, Gyeonggi province, owned by Ilhwa Corp., a food processing company owned by the church. The sum was a down payment for the sale of the land, prosecutors said.

Mr. Pak failed to make good on the promise, although the circumstances surrounding the contract are not fully known. Mr. Pak returned only 1.3 billion won to the developer.
A Unification Church official told the JoongAng Ilbo that Mr. Pak was no longer an official of the church, and is only a lay member. He said Mr. Pak had not asked the church to pay back any of the funds that had been given to the developer. It was not clear whether Mr. Pak had any church sanction for the contract.

Mr. Pak was the key official in arranging for Rev. Moon to meet the late North Korean dictator, Kim Il Sung, in Pyeongyang. He founded the Washington Times, a church-owned daily newspaper in Washington, D.C. in 1982; he was also the publisher and president of the Segye Ilbo, a Seoul daily, from 1991 to 1993.

page 391

Suspicions surrounding the death of Eu Hyo-won, the first president of the church

Eu Hyo-won sitting on a chair because of his health problems.

When Eu Hyo-won, a loyal subordinate to Moon and the most important contributor to the Unification Church, who made the doctrine called the Discourse on the Principles, was hospitalized, Pak Bo Hi visited him. But Mr. Eu was banned from having visits from anyone. Col. Pak had written a note to Yang Yun-shin, and, fortunately, Col. Pak was allowed to visit Mr. Eu and they were able to talk together for 30 minutes.

When Eu Hyo-won saw Col. Pak come into the hospital room, he was happy and tears came to his eyes. At the time Mr. Eu was limping due his osteomyelitis. Leader Moon advised Eu Hyo-won to undergo a second operation. However, Mr. Eu, knowing that he had no hope of getting better, refused the offer of a re-operation from Leader Moon. He cried with tears that Leader Moon had stopped coming to see him for seven days since Mr. Eu had refused the second operation, and that he would not undergo a second operation even if he was to die.

A recommendation to have a second operation on a dying patient only hastens the end of their life. It is possible that Sun Myung Moon tried to shorten Eu Hyo-won’s life through his having an unreasonable second operation because Mr. Eu knew the secrets of Mr. Moon more than anyone else and because his existence was a hindrance to Mr. Moon.

page 391

Sun Myung Moon discarded people after using them. (Sutaek-ri demolished.)

Leader Moon was donated the land in Sutaek-ri, Guri-eup, Yangju-gun, Gyeonggi-do, and the building in Myeong-dong, by a widow in the congregation named Lee Shin-sil, and Leader Moon was donated the X middle and high school, which was also run by this woman.

▲ The Central Training Center at Sutaek-ri, Guri, built on the donated land. It has been demolished.

But what is the current situation of this important woman today? Her usefulness has now ended in Moon’s eyes. It is said that this woman only receives some living assistance from the Unification Church Foundation. This woman is said to now be a completely back-room guest.

Most of the wealth created by the congregation’s hard work is being controlled by Leader Moon’s clan members [Moon relatives]. Only a few of the top executives are living in clover, while other executives and believers’ loud complaints of not being chosen are reaching the sky. It will only happen sooner or later that their discontent will explode.

Once it shakes up, it [the organization] will surely all fall like Jericho.

Sutaek-ri factory construction, April 6, 1966.

2014. The old Central Training Center at Sutaek-ri, Guri, is in the lower part of the photo. The Il-hwa ginseng factory is in the middle and upper left. The building with the blue roof, upper right, is the newer Training Center with a large hall on the top floor where at least one mass marriage took place. Prior to the ginseng factory, there was a gun factory on the site.

Sun Myung Moon in the hall (under the blue roof) at Sutaek-ri in 2000.

Members demonstrate against the destruction of the Sutaek-ri complex.

The demolition of the entire complex, including the Central Training Center.

2018. Everything was demolished and high-rise apartments were built. All for profit. Built on the land donated by the widow, Lee Shin-sil.

2018. The apartment towers under construction.

Yongpyong Resort, covering 4,300 acres, is owned by the Moons

Yongpyong Resort, located on the ridge of Mt. Balwangsan on the east side of Korea, is open all year round. It covers 4,300 acres, which is 6.7 square miles.

It is the first domestic ski resort opening in 1975. With an average of 250cm of snow each year you can enjoy skiing from November until April. Compared to other ski resorts, the ski season is considerably longer. It is 215km from Seoul, and with the construction of a 4-lane highway, the travel time has been shortened to 2 hours. When ski season finishes, you can enjoy golf from April to November as well.

This is where the 1998 World Cup Ski Competition and the 1999 Gangwon Winter Asian Games were held. The Rainbow Red*Silver*Gold slopes have been authorized by the International Ski Federation (ISF). Also there are slopes for beginners such as the Yellow Run and the Pink Run, and the new Red Run and Green Run for intermediates. There are 18 slopes and 15 lifts in total, with a 3.7km long gondola which can accommodate 8 people at once. There are other convenient indoor facilities such as the swimming pool and sauna, and within the complex there is a sledding hill, indoor golf course with a capacity of 6 holes, survival game park and the indoor mountain bike path. There are also the forest bath walk, archery, crocket, tennis courts and the campsites.

For accommodation there are hotels, condos, youth hostels which add up to 1,087 rooms available in total.

130, Yongsan-ri, Doam-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do

강원 평창군 도암면 용산리 130


Greenpia. The Moons have a top floor apartment.

Satellite image of part of the complex. The red marker is for the Greenpia condominiums.

Kook Jin Moon opened the Peak Island Water Park in 2008

Peak Island

Peak Island Water Park

▲ Peak Island swimming pool

Yongpyong Resort has activities for all seasons  

Available Facilities
Dragon Plaza, Dragon Peak, Fitness Center, Valley Center, YongPyong Dome

Dragon Valley Hotel, Tower Condominium, Villa Condominium, YongPyong Condominium, YongPyong Hostel, Birch Hill Condominium, Greenpia Condominium

Subsidary Facilities
1) Indoor Leisure – Swimming Pool, Health Club, Bowling Alley, Sports and Health Massage, Sauna

2) Outdoor Leisure – YongPyong Cable Car, ATVs, Alpine Slider, Survival Games, Bicycles

Free parking

The YongPyong Golf Club

45-hole golf course:

1. The YongPyong Golf Club : 18 hole-traditional golf course
6,800 yards Par 72

2. The Birch Hill Golf Club: 18 based on the theme of
“meeting with water” 7,000 yards Par 72

3. The YongPyong 9-hole picturesque course surrounded by water
3,167 yards Par 36

Golf condos

Yongpyong ski runs (lower left & center) and golf courses from satellite

Going to the top of Mount Balyang

Mount Balyang – top station for the cable car

Ski runs


Yongpyong at night

Ski Season mid-November ~ early April

Maximum Daily Capacity 25,000 guests

Total number of Slopes 31 (including 2 half-pipes)

Total number of lifts 14 (including 1 cable car)

Cross Country Trail 15km

Rental Shops 3,000 sets of Skis and Snowboards

Golf Season Early April ~ Late November

Private Golf Club YongPyong Golf Club : 18 Holes

Birch Hill Golf Club : 18 Hole

Public Golf Course YongPyong 9 Golf Course : 9 Holes

Lodging Facilities 1,078 rooms

Special Facilities
Restaurants, Ball Rooms, Meeting Rooms, Leisure Sports facilities, etc.

Hak Ja Han at her Greenpia apartment at Yongpyong.

A view of the Yongpyong complex.

Beaché Palace is owned by the Moons. Who paid for it?

▲ Beaché Palace was opened in July 2008. It is located at Muchangpo, near Boryeong, South Korea.

78, Yeollinbada 1-gil, Ungcheon-eup, Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do
충청남도 보령시 웅천읍 열린바다1길 78

Muchangpo Beaché Palace is a resort in Muchangpo, one of the most peaceful beachside areas on the west coast (yet to be discovered by many tourists). The resort has themed pools and a spa. Each of the rooms has an ocean view and the entrance of the resort is connected to the beach. During the summer tides, you’ll be able to witness the area’s almost miraculous parting of the sea.

It has 234 rooms, a spa, spa therapy (The Spa Hasta), souvenir shop, convenience store, a swimwear rental shop, etc.

The Restaurant (Western and Korean food), Dongbaek (Korean restaurant), Robby Lounge Cafe, Umibe (Japanese restaurant), outdoor café.

▲ Hak Ja Han held a WFWP conference at the Beaché Palace in March 2012.

▲ There is a Helipad on the roof for the convenience of VIP guests.

Beaché Palace is on the west coast of Korea. The Yongpyong ski resort is in the north and the Yeosu resort is in the south.

$18 million Ocean Resort in Yeosu is owned by the Moons. Partly paid for by Japanese members.

This resort is near Yeosu, seen in the distance, on the south coast of Korea.

San 99, Soho-dong, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do
전남 여수시 소호동 산 99

Video (4 minutes)
Tour of Resort, Water Park and Country Club Golf Course


The Ocean Resort is part of the Hak Ja Han / Moon family property empire in Korea. Their empire is worth $billions.

The resort was opened by Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han in February 2012.

▲ The governor of South Cholla Province, Chairman of the 2012 Yeosu Expo Organizing Committee and Mayor of Yeosu also attended. True Parents were very satisfied with the completed hotel.
The Ocean Hotel was built by the Tongil Foundation-affiliated Ilsang Oceanic Development Co.
The Ocean Resort is a vacation condominium complex also owned by Ilsang that opened in 2008. Both are part of True Parents’ plans to develop Yeosu as a major world center for leisure activities related to the ocean.
The Tongil Foundation has accumulated much experience in hotel and condominium operations through its properties in Yongpyong and Muchangpo (Beaché Palace).

The Moons’ suite. Their photo is on the wall.

The view from the 12th floor of the hotel.

Resort entrance

Night view

Water park

Swimming pool

The Ocean Hotel’s ballroom can fit over 1,000 people.

Room with a view

The Ocean Resort Condo is an accommodation in ‘The Ocean Resort Water Park’ in Jeollanam-do Yeosu. The water park is set against the beautiful backdrop of Dadohae National Park along the south coast, providing a pleasant mix of wilderness and man-made landscaping.
The condos have 5 different types of room. Each room has bedrooms, a living room, one or two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a balcony looking out towards the ocean. Facilities include a restaurant, a coffee shop, a convenience store, and banquet halls with state-of-the-art AV and lighting systems.
Guests at the condos can easily enjoy the water park in the resort, as well as explore nearby tourist attractions. The beautiful seaside city of Yeosu has numerous tourist attractions such as Suncheon Ecological Park and Dadohae Maritime National Park.

When construction started in 2006 the plan was for a much taller hotel tower with 43 floors, and a water park of twice the size – as shown above. The final hotel tower has 17 floors. 

Architectural Company – Jeonin A&E
Executive Company – Unification Company Ltd.


It was also agreed that Japanese and Korean Christian churches would cooperate with the committee tackling the Unification Church problem in Yeosu city in South Korea.

Japanese representatives pointed out that the Unification Church sponsored resort development in Yeosu is supported by funds stolen from Japanese victims. They stated their policy to thoroughly investigate the source of the funds to stop the development in Yeosu.

The resort

Yeosu on the south coast

Another Moon owned golf course – part of Ocean Resort, Yeosu

바다를 품은 골프장  •  디오션 컨트리클럽
A golf course that embraces the sea  •  The Ocean Country Club

The Ocean Country Club opened for business in about 2013.

The course

The original plan. The development of the golf course was delayed because of local protests. The many small buildings (illustrated in the foreground) were not permitted.


The Ocean Resort Country Club near Yeosu is owned by Hak Ja Han and the Moon family.

Geomun Island Palace, paid for by members, was built on the orders of Sun Myung Moon. It is now unused.

Sun Myung Moon: “Live for the sake of others.”

▲ Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han open the Ocean Palace on September 12, 2011.

Geomun Island in South Korea
(do = island)

There are three islands, Godo, Dongdo and Seodo in the group. There is a 30m tall phallus shaped rock below the sea near Mt. Suweolsan on Seodo. It was named Munpilam Rock. (Did Sun Myung Moon think that was a reason to buy property on the island?)

According to a folk legend, Admiral Jeong Yeochang of the Chinese Qing Dynasty came to the islands and was deeply impressed and named the group, Geomundo.

–   Geomun Island is dotted with thick camellia forests full of mature trees.

–   The island has some of the most beautiful views on the southern coast of Korea.

–   Many historical sites attract tourists.

–   At the furthest south of Mt. Suweolsan on Seodo the Geomundo lighthouse can be viewed. It was first lit in 1905.

▲ Geomun Island is situated between Yeosu on the mainland and Jeju Island.

▲ The Moon’s helicopter and ferry company. The palace is located in the south-west.

The Unification Church got a building permit for a hotel, but built a palace and called it the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel. Visitors who knocked on the door and asked for accommodation were refused. Many islanders do not like the “hotel”. Moon wanted a bigger palace, but the authorities rejected his plans. The UC also bought the ferry business which links the island to the mainland. About seven members look after the unused palace.

It is possible that Moon bought the land in the 1970s since there were reports of Moon owning a Korean island at that time. Perhaps Moon wanted a remote bolt hole he could escape to if opposition to him got too great.

▲ Building the Palace in 2010

▲ The palace plans, signed by Moon in 2010.

Sun Myung Moon
Sept. 12, 2011   Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel dedication

“… The people of this island, however, do not think on such a large scale, and so the palace grew smaller and smaller until it became what you see now.”

“…Father has said that there must be four palaces, and according to Professor Oh, these will represent the four directions, with True Parents at the center. The main Cheonjeong Palace in Cheongpyeong represents East. This one in Geomun Island represents South. Two others, as yet unbuilt – one in Seoul and one in Switzerland – represent North and West respectively. The Ocean Cheonjeong Palace also represents a palace for the underwater world, which originally True Father had intended to establish in the Pantanal wetlands in South America. The center of the Ocean providence, however, has since moved (via Hawaii) to the Yeosu area. Professor Oh mentioned in particular that, as many have died at sea, this providence opens the way for those unhappy spirits to be liberated.”

▲ The opening ceremony:
Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon in the palace entrance.

▲ The palace dominates the bay on the beautiful island.

▲ The palace is lower left.

▲ Members bow to Hak Ja Han during the brief visit she made on October 13, 2012.

Video of her 2012 visit:

Hak Ja Han visited the Palace by helicopter for one meal in October 2012

This 12 minute video is in Korean. After her talk (at 9:30 minutes) she eats the meal. Her eyesight is not so good. Then there is a short tour of the palace and departure. Kim Hyo-nam (aka Dae-mo nim) also came on the visit.

Dedication Ceremony of the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel on Geomun Island


Sun Myung Moon owned shares in the Central City complex in Seoul. They were sold for $925 million to pay for lawsuits in the Yoido Parc1 dispute

▲ Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Kook-jin Justin Moon at Central City.

This is an explanation of the 2012 sale of Central City that was put up in the Korea CARP Café.

Regarding the sale of Central City shares:
We ask for our members’ understanding regarding a special situation.

According to a Yeon Hap News article from October 16, 2012, Shin Se Gye Shopping Mall acquired 60.02% of Central City’s shares from 4 separate companies in Malaysia. The price at which the shares were sold was approximately 1.025 trillion won (close to $925.7 million dollars). After quickly checking with representatives of Central City, we confirmed that the news is true.

Central City, Gangnam, Seoul

For several years Central City was at a deficit due to bad management, however, recently that situation was turned around and operations were completely normalized to the point where it was making a profit and the value of the asset increased by several times. This process did not happen on its own, but it was due to True Parents dedication and Heaven’s support, along with the hard work of the management team of Central City. Especially, from the beginning of the project Mr. Dal Soon Shin who worked as president of Central City and his staff showed great administrative and managerial skill, and although he did not interfere with the details of management, Hyun Jin Nim has also been providentially guiding the work from behind the scenes.

From the members’ perspective Central City is not a providential institution like Pyung Hwa Motors or the Peace Cup which carry on specific providential work, but it is purely part of a business foundation. Currently the business is bringing in a profit and it has the potential to grow in the future as well. Naturally, people will wonder why it was decided to sell the company. From a business perspective, people will wonder whether it was the best moment to sell the shares. We asked those questions to representatives of Central City.

The representative said that the sale did not just happen suddenly, he explained that it was a decision based on a careful strategic study. Based on the assumption that this was his personal opinion, the representative said that the current decision was made as a measure to manage risk by reducing the burdensome debt the company acquired from the beginning; and considering the potential of a worldwide economic recession and its impact on the Korean market, it was a wise choice to sell the asset at the best price possible to maximize profits. He also added that selling the asset was a desperate measure of last resort to confront the endless lawsuits from the Tongil Foundation and the Unification Church, and in order to absolutely complete the Yoido Parc1 Project which is the fruit of the jeong-seong of our True Parents.

Although it isn’t appropriate to enter into the details at this moment in time, if the Tongil Foundation had not initiated all types of lawsuits against Y22 which was undertaking the Yoido Parc1 Project, it would have been possible to avoid selling the shares of Central City.

The figures of the legal fees incurred from the ever-increasing lawsuits are an astronomical amount of money that both sides have wasted. Also, the damage from having to stop and prolong the construction for 2 years at the Yoido Parc1 construction site (due to the Tongil Foundation’s lawsuits) has brought financial loss in the millions. But it does not end at that. After losing and appealing the case, chairman Kook Jin Moon of the Tongil Foundation and their board members have taken their Parc1 lawsuit to the Supreme Court and they are of the position of continuing the lawsuits for many years to come. Furthermore, in spite of having been sentenced by court to pay 45 billion won plus overdue interest as the first phase of damages, the [Tongil Foundation is trying to buy time and] refusing to pay up even as they incur a 20% yearly interest rate on the amount promised.

Although the assets that should be invested for God’s providence are being thrown away at a fast rate, and the Parc1 construction site looks like a scar on the city of Seoul, there is no end in sight to the meaningless and futile lawsuits which are creating a sick atmosphere in the entire Unification Movement. Perhaps we will experience the end of the Unification Movement even before the decisions are made on the lawsuits and it will be too late to regret what happened.

In this situation, when having to make a choice between [selling] the Yoido Parc1 project or Central City, perhaps most people would choose to keep the safe and profitable Central City which on its own is a quite big asset instead of choosing the wounded and uncertain Yoido Parc1 project. However, this decision was the complete opposite. This was perhaps a measure taken in order to not allow the foundation of dedication that True Father invested into Parc1 to be lost and to never allow his dream of finalizing the project to go to waste. The measure can be seen as a strong will to bring True Father’s dream to fruition. And it also contains the unbending resolve to fight to the very end these unjust lawsuits that are destroying the providence.

God’s will and the providence are eternal. The dream that True Father had for Yoido was not unrelated to God’s providence. Therefore, it will be accomplished regardless of what sacrifices have to be made. We sincerely pray that the sale of Central City’s shares was done with this kind of big purpose behind it. We also pray that all the lawsuits come to an end as soon as possible, and that we can bring an end to this period of fighting and distrusting one another, so that we may once again join forces and focus on realizing the legacy that True Father left behind for us.

Lonely Planet review for Central City Mall
A popular mall next to the express bus terminal that includes Shinsegae Department store, a food court, a six-cinema multiplex, endless underground shopping and Nolboo Yuhwangorijinheukgui, a great duck restaurant.

Yongpyong Resort, covering 4,300 acres, is owned by the Moons

Yeouido Parc 1 dispute – UC Foundation lose, Y22 win

New Hope Farms International Equestrian Park

Belvedere estate was purchased in October 1972


12/29/73 – 6:30 p.m.

Present at meeting:
Mr. Neil Salonen
Mr. Dan Fefferman
Mr. Torrey
Mr. Dan Stein
Mr. Breland
Mr. Harries
Mr. Brabazon
Mr. Lee
Mr. Gregory Novalis
Dr. Joseph Sheftick
Mr. Lombardi
Mr. David Beard
Miss Marchant
Miss Barbara Mikesell
Miss Goldman


PART ONE: GOAL OF PROJECT – President Salonen

To bring new life to the archangel, Nixon – hence to make him aware of our significance.

We are ending the 3-year period for America, when Master is going to decide if He can work in America or not. We must show Him He can by our being adaptable, responsible, and quick.

For deciding Congressmen this is the crucial time. Impeachment proceedings are beginning. Yet polls are indicating that Nixon’s popularity has just gone up by four percentage points to 31%. Now is the time to affect them at the grass-roots level.

The Watergate Statement is a difficult one for many. It is a point of judgment, of Christian conscience. Yet 4 Senators and 31 Congressmen have given their support – it can be done.

In order to show Nixon and Congress both our own power and the outer support that we can generate, we emphasize 3 aspects. Rallies must accomplish:

1. Impact on the media – visibly, strongly

2. Impact on Congressmen

3. Impact on influential community leaders to approach Congressmen themselves

This is to be done in all fifty states, and before Congress reconvenes. It is to be done in a strong and disciplined fashion, but with as little disruption as possible to the centers. Master expects membership to increase. Get outside groups to participate.

It should not be necessary to have our Family caravan from place to place if you can effectively organize outside participation. There should be as little movement as possible.

This region, #8, is meeting first, in order to serve as a pattern for all other regions.


Dan Fefferman is overall National Project Director.
Each region is headed by a Project Director

Linda Merchant continues in dual capacity as Media Director for Watergate as well as “Day of Hope.”
Keep in touch with Mr. Fefferman constantly.
Regional director should serve needs of his states, but remain in constant communication with headquarters.

Regional director should meet with his state leaders to discuss the most efficient way to accomplish rallies in each state. It may mean a morning rally in one state, an afternoon rally in another, and an evening rally in a third. January 1, New Year’s Day, is a good day to meet and plan. It is not a good day to hold a rally.

Be self-supporting. Day of Hope has left Headquarters with many debts. Pool your resources along the way. You must handle your own mailing; however, we will provide literature for nothing, and “Forgive, Love, Unite!” buttons at cost (10¢ each).

If people should push you for a stand, say you are against impeachment and are supporting him – but project forgiveness, love, and unity for America.

This is a direct priority from Master. Each of us must work like 10 people to seem like at least 10,000. Approach this short-range project with a long-range view. We will always be doing and planning things like this. Always be ready.

We are right on the edge of influencing people. Master wants to give an address to a joint session of Congress. As someone other than a head of state, this is difficult. We must push hard for the victory between now and January 14 as a foundation for nationwide impact.

Prayer Meeting:
On January 9, all fifty states should hold a nationwide interfaith service. Master definitely wants this done, but He wants it done well.

If all you can manage is a service in your basement with a few people. He doesn’t want it. The standard is that everything we do must be extremely successful. No unsuccessful things are allowed!


For purposes of the rally, put a bit less emphasis on “Forgive, Love, Unite” and more on “Support the President – we trust him.” Our approach is a political effect caused by a religious concern. The motivation is nonpolitical: religious and national unity for mankind, instead of the damage the atmosphere of accusation is doing to the world.

The problem is that without a definite stance on Nixon, the media have nothing to sink their teeth into. They will try to pin you down. So be careful, but GET THE PRESS THERE.

When it comes to the prayer meeting January 9, then is the time to emphasize “Forgive, Love, and Unite.”

A new and necessary area for us. The White House, Congress, and the people will become aware of us through the press. They must see something strong and nationwide. We saw unedited soundless films of our demonstration and meeting Nixon – and it was impressive. Once edited, with sound, we will see something moving and amazing. With 1,000 people, we pulled off a demonstration of 10,000. That’s better than the Communists could do.

It is unlikely that the regional director can be present at every rally. It is essential to have a separate media person, preferably someone who is already trained or experienced.

The media coordinator should phone in a daily report. Let us know what papers ran articles or pictures, on what page, by what reporter. With a list of such articles nationwide, your newspaper can get specific information and photographs by AP wire service (professional, free of charge, and faster than anything we could possibly manage).

Move as quickly as possible. Delivery services deliver their press releases 3:00 – 6:00 p.m., and the various editors don’t pick up the copy till the next day. So get them moving fast, and supply any details you don’t have later. ALWAYS BE ONE STEP AHEAD OF THE PRESS.

It’s good to be in ongoing contact with your press offices, If you have had a sincere but inexperienced member doing public relations, pair him/her up with someone who really knows the ropes – let the one smile and give support and the other cover all the necessary angles.

In this or any area you are working on, know a name, and it really helps. Know names, things about them, their personal situations and sensitivities. All can be used for our benefit. That way we know how to approach the people most fruitfully.

Question: How do you avoid an editor with whom you have had a bad experience?

Answer: It’s good if the City Editor (or the Managing Editor – the same in many papers) is on your side. He determines what news goes in during the week.
The Religion Editor is not exactly under him; but during the week, the City Editor can reject what he wishes. Only once a week does the Religion Editor have a whole page; then he can do what he wants.
Feature editors, assignment editors are good too. The assignment editor is also important for radio and TV.

RALLIES ARE PERFECT FOR TV: they’re pretty, active, and involve timing.

Image (Note):
If necessary, take a more political stance; only do it delicately. No newspaper accepted the Watergate Declaration as an ad at religious rates.

Who are we exactly? The rally and prayer meeting are projects of the National Prayer & Fast for the Watergate Crisis, which is associated with the Unification Church. All the DC press has identified us that way. HOWEVER, STRESS THAT OTHER CHURCHES ARE WORKING WITH US.

The founder of the Unification Church started the project. Of course, the UC wholeheartedly backs the project; UC also coordinates the participation of other churches.

Media Outlets:
Mailagram – goes as a telegram to the post office, then is delivered by mail from there. We sent things to the Day of Hope cities this way. Your story could include notes on the tree lighting ceremony, the. Citywide Day of Prayer on the 19th, and end with a push for the January 9 Day of Prayer.

Religious Wire Service – We sent the Star-News article (“Repent, Forgive, Unite”) this way. (Up to the reporter – in this case, William Willoughby). The service goes out to over 800 outlets, including Christian magazines, major denominational headquarters, etc. They have carried articles on us since the Day of Hope started.

TV Hints:
Small, intimate, personal things can make a large impact (one excerpt showed one person crying as she prayed). It gave weightiness, integrity, and sincerity one level deeper.
After Nixon met Mr. Salonen, the film showed many kneeling down and praying before the White House; this was beautiful.
(Don’t artificially create things, just know that these real details are important.)

On camera, medium strong prayer looks good. Very strong prayer doesn’t. It looks strange.

Don’t clench your fists Hitler-like when you are singing. If you are marking time while you sing, do it with your hand open.

Refer to Master, of course, as “Rev. Moon.” Play Him up as the leader and initiator, but don’t make Him the central focus. He’s coming under in order to lift up the President. (Then people will ask, who’s lifting up the President? We, as the Adam tribe, love the Archangel President.)

Though “Mansei”’s are meaningful to us, on the outside they can look funny, foreign.
For public media exposure, they are inappropriate to this project. Be American.

Media Feedback:
Many liked what we were doing, but were offended by the conclusion. So their support was always qualified. But many see that we’re giving the only pragmatic solution. Plus – we’re giving dignity to the whole issue. So now people are writing about us without including controversial side remarks.

William Willoughby of the Star covered us 3 weeks in a row. He said, “I’m embarrassed. It’ll seem like I’m a member! But I have to admit – you’re the hottest religious news item in town.”

William McKaye of the Washington Post, a sophisticated man, has been luke-warm to us. But because we’re making national impact, he came to see the responses and stayed some 3 hours asking questions. As a result, he is interviewing Mr. Salonen on Monday. He will probably do not only one Prayer and Fast article, but others just on the church as well. This to them is a whole different thing than something like the Day of Hope – a whole new arena.

One final note: Say you are having a rally, and they have promised to come – and they haven’t.

CALL THEM; RIGHT UP TO THE LAST MINUTE. You can always find someone to talk to who can help.
You never know who may have forgotten or who was called out of town suddenly – out of no ill will. It’s almost never too late to get them out.

(Also: have one person remain uninvolved at the rally, especially prepared to spot out press people and talk to them. You should know exactly who they are and exactly what they’ve seen and heard while they are there. This is always true.)

Direct impact through the media is essential.
Also, try to get signatures from Congressmen.
Show him there is grass-roots support for this group he met in Washington. Visit Senators, Representatives, and your family’s Congressmen too. Check with the League of Women Voters. Be informed on his stand, background, and approach. The Watergate Political Committee kept excellent records of what aides and Congressmen they contacted.
It is very effective to say, “Well, we talked to Mr. Smith, Senator X’s aide, while in Washington.” Also, get on the Congressman’s mailing list.

If possible, the rally should be in the capital city, or wherever is the center of attention.
Call and inform your Congressman. Involve him somehow – you could march from some prominent historical spot in the city to his office and ask to speak with him.


The media are pushing impeachment in January.
The jobs of these representatives of the people depend on their constituents’ response. So for the Republicans, it may be a question of their own jobs if they support an unpopular Nixon.

It is very important that we are getting BIPARTISAN support. It is to us sickening that this is becoming a political issue. Should only be a moral issue, one depending on justice and God.

At least 100 people should participate. It is absolutely necessary for you to have outside groups participating. If you can get those key group leaders, you can get as many as a few thousand out at best.

1. Young Republicans (Mr. Fefferman will contact the National Director to ask if he can send a letter of support to us.) If friendly, can give people. However, we don’t want to come off as being affiliated with them.

2. Committees to support President , e.g. YAF (Young Americans for Freedom.) Very conservative. (Again we’ll try for a letter from the director.)

3. Ethnic groups, e.g., Hungarian, Polish, etc. Eastern European ethnic groups almost always are conservative and anti-Communist. We joined a Support the President rally here, and met many Eastern Europeans. Italians, also.
Example: New Jersey should contact their Hungarian Catholic community.

문선명의 정체! (1) 김명희

문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)

野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1
.    박 정 화 외2인 지옴 (前 통일교창립위원)

유호민 – 통일교회의 경제적 기반에 공헌하고 배신 당했다.

유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.

김덕진 – 섹스릴레이의 실천자

진정서 “25년동안 속았읍니다” 송 부 웅

홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.

박사무엘 비디오의 대본

1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들

김백문의 ‘섹스 타락론’, 무엇을 말하나

정득은 丁得恩 / 鄭得恩

원리원본 原理原本 1952년

통일교 여성 피해자의 체험담 (K씨)

여성신자U씨의 체험담