Dong-sook nim listed as a ‘True Child’

Dong-sook nim could only be listed as a ‘True Child’ if she was one of Moon’s children. She was married to Moon’s first son, Sung-jin Moon.

Updated November 16, 2020

Sun Myung Moon and Dong-sook nim resemble each other. She was born on March 7, 1955.

Dr. Joon-ho Seuk (International Vice President of the Unification Church) made this announcement on August 17, 2012:
“Currently, True Mother and the True Children (Hyung-jin nim’s family, Kook-jin nim’s family, Hyo-jin nim’s family, Heung-jin nim’s family, In-jin nim’s family, Kwon-jin nim’s family, Sun-jin nim’s family, Ye-jin nim, Eun-jin nim, Yeon-jin nim, Jeong-jin nim, Dong-sook nim and Shin-mi nim’s family) are by True Father’s side offering prayer and jeongseong.”

She could only be listed as a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her father.

Moon appears to be talking about Dong-sook as a daughter here:

Sun Myung Moon: Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly
February 24, 2007 
Cheongpyeong, Korea

“… You children have gone and seen struggling families and seen more than Shin-gil had. I am thankful that Hyo-jin talked about him at Belvedere. How many days will you take to begin? How soon will you go? If you have the desire to set your sons and daughters before God on your behalf and be endowed with the right of ownership of everything, you should sacrifice all that and get rid of that desire.
Are Hyo-jin, Sung-jin and Dong-sook here? Haven’t they come? All you daughters should unite and bring your older brother Sung-jin here. His dad fulfilled his responsibility…”

Dong-sook nim, aged about 6, is sitting on the floor at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon is probably holding Ye-jin nim, which would date the photo early 1961.

From the left, Hyo-jin Moon and Sung-jin Moon (in the back). From the right, Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han), Dong-sook nim and Won-bok Choi.

Sung-jin Moon or Seong-jin 文聖進  문성진  /   Dong-sook  東淑  동숙

On July 18, 1973, Moon married Dong-sook nim to Sung-jin Moon. Did he marry his own son to his own daughter – even if they did have different mothers? Was Moon thinking to restore Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

Sung-jin nim and Dong-sook nim’s wedding at the Shōtō Headquarters in Tokyo (Shibuya neighborhood), July 18, 1973.

 It was followed by a picnic in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo.

Was it too risky for Moon to hold the wedding in Korea? Too many people there knew that he was the father of Sung-jin nim, and probably also the father of Dong-sook nim.

Sung-jin nim and Dong-sook nim had grown up together with Won-pil Kim and Dal-ok Chong. They must have felt that they were each marrying a sibling.

 Dong-sook nim looking at Ye-jin nim in 1961

In 1961, Moon asked both Dong-sook nim and Sung-jin nim to participate in special ceremonies to prepare the way for the first ‘sinless child’ ever to be born, Ye-jin.

“About the time that Mother began to have labor pains, a ceremony for the Day of Restoration of the Four-Position Foundation was held, from 10:40 to 10:55 am. This used bowls piled high with rice, beans and chestnuts, representing the sea, the land and the mountains. Father said it was a ceremony through which God, all created things, True Parents and the restored sons and daughters formed a relationship of heart centering on the baby in True Mother’s womb. It began with Won-pok Choi, Jeong-ok Lee and Jeong-hye Yoon offering full bows. True Father offered a prayer, and then Sung-jin nim, Won-pil Kim, Hyo-won Eu, Dal-ok Jeong, Dae-hwa Jeong and Dong-sook Kim offered bows in turn and the same prayer was repeated.

Next, Father indicated the four directions—east, west, north and south—and stated, ‘The mind, representing heaven, and the body, representing earth, were separated, so heaven and earth were separated. However, Father, representing heaven and Mother, representing earth, have restored what was lost and by us the child in the womb is loved, loved, loved.’ Everyone then repeated his last words. Sung-jin nim also stated that the baby was loved and repeated ‘loved’ three times. Next, True Father had three women in the mother’s position, those in the position of sons and daughters, and True Mother, do the same.”

from the Unification Church Korean History Compilation Committee

Hyo-jin’s funeral in March 2008. From the right: Ye-jin, Dong-sook, In-jin, Un-jin, Kwon-jin, Kook-jin, Hyun-jin, Sun-jin, Hyung-jin, Yeon-jin and Jeong-jin.

It has been reported that Dong-sook nim’s mother died before 1960. The circumstances of her death are not known.

Dong-sook nim was born on March 7, 1955. She was presented as the daughter of Dal-ok Chong (who was the wife of Won-pil Kim).

It is said that Moon told Won-pil Kim to marry Dal-ok Chong. No marriage date or wedding photographs have ever been found for Won-pil Kim and Dal-ok Chong from 1954. In 1960, they were blessed as a previously married couple.

There is a strong family resemblance between Moon and Dong-sook nim, but Dal-ok Chong and Dong-sook nim do not seem to be related.

Dal-ok Chong died in 2000. If Dong-sook nim’s mother did die before 1960, then Dal-ok Chong is simply not her mother.

 Won-pil Kim and Dal-ok Chong (right) with Dong-sook nim.

Who would have the correct lineage to be blessed with Moon’s eldest son?
Sung-jin nim’s mother was Seon-gil Choi. (They were abandoned by Moon in 1946, when Sung-jin nim was about 3 months old. Moon left suddenly and went to Pyongyang in North Korea. Moon did not see his son or Seon-gil Choi for at least five years. They had to fend for themselves during very difficult times.)

If Dong-sook nim was the daughter of Sun Myung Moon, she, according to Moon’s thinking, would have the right lineage.

It seems to be most likely that Dong-sook nim was another of Moon’s children who were born before 1960, along with Sung-jin Moon (1946, mother Seon-gil Choi), Hee-jin Moon (August 1955, mother Myung-hee Kim) and, reportedly, others.

According to Chung-hwa Pak, Moon had 11 illegitimate children.
Sam Park is one who is now well known. He was born to Annie Choi in January 1966.

Hyung-jin Moon announces new True Child

On September 6, 2012 Hyung Jin Moon made a public announcement in the Chosun Ilbo newspaper in Korea. He listed all of the bereaved family members. Dong Sook Kim is listed. Her mother was presumed to be Dal-ok Chong, the wife of Won-pil Kim.

The newspaper announcement reads:

“Public announcement of the Cosmic Seong Hwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon True Parents of Heaven and Earth

Wife: Hak Ja Han; Chairman of the Seong Hwa Ceremony: Hyung Jin Moon; Bereaved: Hyung Jin Moon, Kook Jin Moon, In Jin Moon, Sun Jin Moon, Yeon Ah Choi, Hoon Sook Moon, Yeon Ah Lee, In Sup Park, Sung Jin Moon, Ye Jin Moon, Un Jin Moon, Kwon Jin Moon, Yeon Jin Moon, Jung Jin Moon, Dong Sook Kim, Ji Yea Park, Hwa Yeon Jeon, Jin Sung Park, Shin Il Moon, Shin Mi Moon, Shin Man Moon, Shin Goong Moon, Shin Jun Moon, Shin Duk Moon, Christa, Hyung Jin Lee, Otsuka Hirotaka, Young Woong Kang, Soon Nam Lee, Soon Ok Lee, Otsuka Soon Mi, Shim Mi Kang, Shin Sook Moon, Shin Bok Moon, Shin Goon Moon, Shin Hwa Moon, Shin Choon Moon, Shin Chool Moon, Shin Heung Moon, Shin Nyo Moon, Shin Soon Moon, Shin Jin Moon, Shin Myung Park, Shin Kwon Park, Shin Sun Park, Shin Yeol Park, Shin Pyung Park, Shin Wol Moon, Shin Yeon Moon, Shin Ji Moon, Shin Ah Moon, Shin Rae Moon, Shin Soo Moon, Shin Gook Moon, Shin Cheon Moon, Shin Pyun Moon, Shin Joo Moon, Shin Pal Moon

September 6, 2012

Chairman of the Seong Hwa Ceremony, Hyung Jin Moon”

For some additional information there is this Cleopas Kundiona video:

At about the 15 minute mark: “Here in Japan there is one son and one daughter of Mr Moon. [Sung-jin and Dong-sook live in Japan] He divorced his first wife [Seon-gil Choi] and married another lady, Mrs. Kim. When this lady was pregnant, Mr. Moon matched her to Won-pil Kim. And now Mr. Moon has matched his son and his daughter together to start family life, and they are here [in Japan]. Do you think that is a messiah?”

It is not clear which Kim who Cleopas Kundiona is referring to. Myung-hee Kim had a son whose father was Sun Myung Moon. The wife of Won-pil Kim was called Dal-ok Chong. The mother of Dong-sook may have had the family name of Yang. It is clear that whoever the mother was, Dong-sook was hidden with Won-pil Kim and his newly given wife, Dal-ok.

A birthday celebration for Ye-Jin. In the back from the left: Sung-jin Moon, Hyo-jin, Sun Myung Moon, Ye-jin and Hak Ja Han. From the right, Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han) and Dong-sook nim. She is a talented artist.

Sung-jin Moon was born in Seoul on April 2, 1946 (lunar March 1)

Sung-jin Moon with his father and Kim Young-oon in 1959.
(His name
문성진 can also be written as Moon Seong-jin.)

He was the first son of Sun Myung Moon. His mother was Seon-gil Choi, Moon’s first wife. Two months after Sung-jin’s birth, Moon abandoned his wife and infant son and moved to Pyongyang. He gave them no financial support. Seon-gil Choi searched for her husband but had trouble crossing the border into North Korea. She eventually found him six years later in Busan on the south coast, but Moon was then constantly surrounded by other women.

Seon-gil Choi had a strong Christian faith and could never accept Moon’s heretical ideas and his pikareum sex rituals. She divorced him on January 8, 1957 due his never-ending adultery. One illegitimate child, and probably more, had been born during their marriage. She was forced to hand over her son to Moon who, however, did not look after him. Moon placed him with Won-pil Kim and other followers.

It is thought Seon-gil Choi died in 2008.

▲ Sung-jin Moon with Won-pil Kim. On the right is Cheong-sook Park who developed a good relationship with Sung-jin – but Moon pushed her to marry Seong-mo Choi. See ‘Honey Trap’

A dedication ceremony was held after the birth of Ye-jin Moon in 1961. Following the ceremony, Hak Ja Han put a crown on the head of Sung-Jin Moon and they took a commemorative photo.

▲ Sung-jin Moon graduated from Kyunghee University’s Department of History in 1969.

He was uncomfortable with being given a new ‘mother’ Hak Ja Han in 1960, who was just three years older than himself.

In 1974 (a year after his marriage) Sung-jin Moon sent out letters: “My father is a fake Second Coming Messiah”

This has now been translated from the Korean text (see below).

by Myung-hui Kim who was a 430 Blessed Couple:

My father is a fake second coming messiah
In 1974, Seong-jin Moon was the protagonist of the significant “Letter Incident”, in which he personally sent an important personal letter of explanation from Japan, to ten of the leaders in the 36 blessed couples.

The content of the letter was, “My Father, whom you are following, is not the Second Coming Jesus Christ, so it is better for you to go on your own way. It is not too late for you to make your own future.”

The letter caused an emergency at the Unification Church headquarters, and they scrambled to retrieve the letters from each in the group of leaders who had received one.

Immediately after the incident, the former Association chairman, Won-pil Kim, came to South Korea. The case of the letter incident was somewhat resolved by giving the excuse, “Mr. Seong-jin Moon was just trying to test your faith”.

After Seong-jin graduated from Kyunghee University’s Department of History in 1969, he married Dong-sook Kim in Japan on July 18, 1973. [It was asserted that] she was the daughter of Won-pil Kim (a former president of the Il-Hwa pharmaceutical company).

On May 2, 1976, their son was born in San Francisco, USA, and he was given the name “Shin-il nim” (信一님).

Seong-jin was blocked at Gimpo Airport, Seoul, in 1974 because of his Korean military service duty, and I wonder how he did manage to leave the country after that.

From the book by Myung-hui Kim who was a 430 Blessed Couple:

문선명의 정체
The Identity of Moon Sun Myung
통일교와 문선명의 정체
The Identity of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church

published in Korea in March 1987, and again in November 1989.

(page 343)

우리 아버지는 가짜 재림주다
문 성진은 1974년 일본에서 36가정 중 10인의 간부에게 개인별로 사신 (私信) 을 띄운 중요한 “편지사건” 을 일으켰다.
「당신들이 따르고 있는 우리 아버지는 재림주가 아니므로 각자의 앞길을 찾아 지금이라도 늦지 않으니 각자 갈길을 가는 것이 좋겠다」는 내용의 편지였다.
통일교본부에서는 이 편지 때문에 비상이 걸렸고 각자 간부들이 받은 편지를 회수하느라고 야단들이었다.
그 후 즉시로 전 재단이사장 김 원필씨가 한국으로 왔다.
「성진씨가 당신들의 신앙을 시험해 보기 위난 것」이라는 변명 아닌 변명으로 편지사건은 일단 수습이 되었다.
성진은 1969년도에 경희대학교 사학과를 졸업한 후 김 원필 (전 일화제약 사 장) 씨의 딸 김 동숙 (金 東淑) 과 [1973년] 7월 18일 일본에서 결혼식을 올렸다.
1976년 5월 2일 미국 샌프란시스코애서 득남하여 아이의 이름은 “信一님” 이 라고 명명했다. 성진은 1974년 출국시에 김포공항에서 병역미필로 출국제지를 당했는 데 그후 어떻게 해서 출국했는 지 궁금하다.

LINK to the Korean book

LINK to English information about this book

[It seems that he has mainly lived in Japan. Sung-jin has rarely been seen at official church functions. Dong-sook has attended some since the deaths of Hyo-jin and Sun Myung Moon. She visited him in hospital during his final days.]

▲ Sung-jin Moon with his father in the US on June 2, 1976, the day after the New York Yankee Stadium rally.

Sung-jin and Dong-sook had three children:
Shin-il Moon m. May 2, 1976
Shin-mi Moon m. Oct 30, 1977
Shin-sook Moon f. Feb 24, 1984

Sung-jin Moon and Dong-sook are now divorced.

Jin-Sung Park (husband of In-jin Moon) : “First son from first wife, Sung-Jin, did join but was very negative and rebellious.”

Sun Myung Moon had a girlfriend in 1941

Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed

The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon

Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa in Pyongyang

Kim Myung-hee, the third wife of Sun Myung Moon

The lie that Kim Myung-hee was raped in Japan

Sun Myung Moon’s fourth wife, Won-pok Choi

Hong Soon-ae, the mother of Hak Ja Han

Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong
Sam Park’s uncle, Choi Soon-yeong, explains how Sun Myung Moon destroyed his family and took his mother away to be one of Moon’s ‘Six Marys’, and then Moon pushed a member to marry Choi Soon-yeong’s father. He also talks about his sisters, Soon-shil Choi and Soon-wha Annie Choi, the mother of Sam Park.

Soon-ae Hong, the mother of Hak Ja Han
The mother of Hak Ja Han Moon was in a sex cult. In 1957, after she joined Moon’s church, she together with another woman were jailed for beating a mentally-ill boy to remove evil spirits. They killed the boy.

Sun Myung Moon’s fifth wife, Hak Ja Han

Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones

Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers

Moon neglected and beat his own children. How did it affect them?

The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon

Two Moon followers both pregnant in 1955

“Annie Choi joined Moon’s church along with her mother and sister in the early 1950s. … followers were expected to sacrifice everything for the church. For young female members, this included their virginity. Choi says the initiation rites for early female disciples involved having sex with Moon three times. She also alleges that Moon kept a stable of a half-dozen concubines, known as the Six Marys, and inducted her into the group when she was 17. Sometimes, she adds, he would assemble them all in a circle and take turns mounting them. Choi’s account is consistent with those of other early followers, who claim that Moon’s church began as an erotic cult, with Moon “purifying” female followers through sexual rites.”

Mother Jones EXCLUSIVE:
Meet the Love Child Rev. Sun Myung Moon Desperately Tried to Hide
How the family values crusader made the publisher of the Washington Times raise his secret son.
by MARIAH BLAKE        December 9, 2013

PDF of Mother Jones ‘secret love child’ article

Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
1. Moon’s first son wrote a letter saying his father was a fraud.
2. Ashamed to be Korean
3. Sun Myung Moon: “Women have twice the sin”
4. “Japanese blood is dirty,” Mrs Gil Ja Sa Eu said
5. Moon’s Divine Principle Theory Applied
6. Sun Myung Moon’s explanation of the Fall of Man is based on his Confucian ideas of lineage, and his belief in shaman sex rituals.
7. The establishment of a worldwide government under Moon