Soon-ae Hong, the mother of Hak Ja Han

Hak Ja Han’s mother was in a sex cult. In 1957 she was jailed for beating a mentally-ill boy (about 18) to death during an ansu session to remove evil spirits.

Updated June 9, 2021

Soon-Ae Hong, the mother of Hak Ja Han, was a follower of Gook-Ju Hwang.

Dr. Chang Shik Yang December 1998

[Soon Ae Hong also known as] Dae Mo Nim* was born on February 22, 1914 in Jung Joo to Hong Eu-Il (father) and Cho Won-Mo (mother) who were sincere Christians. … she gave birth to True Mother on January 6, 1943 in An Joo, Southern Pyung An province. Dae Mo Nim was practicing the Christian faith sincerely at the “New Jesus Church” which was led by Reverends Yong-Do Lee and Gook-Joo Hwang.

David Carlson (adaptation of a Masters thesis presented at the Unification Theological Seminary):

[Hak Ja Han’s] mother [was Soon-Ae Hong], a devout Christian, was a spiritual searcher and was active with several mainline churches. However, because she was not satisfied with the depth of their Biblical teaching, she searched in various peripheral spiritual groups as well. It is known from studies in the history of Korean religions that some of these groups, such as the “Holy Lord Order” [Holy Lord Church?] and “Inside Belly Church” were very spiritualistic in nature and taught doctrines based on what they believed was continuing revelation. Some of these doctrines were considered “orthodox” and others were considered “heretical” by the mainline churches.

The Cheongpyeong Providence and the Way of Blessed Family  2000

The strict providence of God to raise up a sacred lineage from the Satanic lineage brought about three generations of only daughter until the birth of True Mother, that is, True Mother, Dae Mo Nim, and the grandmother Won Mo Cho were all only daughters. Since the grandmother Cho and Dae Mo Nim were both devoted to Christianity and busy serving the church, it must have been challenging for them to take good care of True Mother. … Until she was nineteen, Dae Mo Nim grew up in Presbyterian faith. Then, in a three-day revival led by the minister Yong-Do Lee, who had been touring the country, spreading great fire of revival, she received incredible fire of the Holy Spirit. Afterwards, when Kuk-Ju Hwang’s great spiritual work fascinated her, she traveled from Anju to Shin Eui Ju. The minister Lee and Kuk-Ju Hwang were being persecuted by the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches at that time.

*Dae Mo Nim is the mother of Hak Ja Han, but Hoon Mo Nim or Hyo-nam Kim is often called Dae Mo Nim because in her body contains the spirit of Soon-ae Hong.

Who was Gook-joo Hwang?

Lee Yong Do documentation

The Cheongpyeong information is incorrect.  Soon-ae Hong said she had a younger brother…

“Three generations of the seven had only one daughter respectively. I had a younger brother. But he was studying in Japan, and it was not certain whether he would ever come back to his house.”

Hak Ja Han has a half brother, Wee-il Han:

▲ Wee-il Han, the half brother of Hak Ja Han, and his wife at a Moon church event.

Sam Park (another son of Sun Myung Moon) referred to Hak Ja Han and Soon-ae Hong in his July 2014 video “The only criterion [Sun Myung Moon] gave to finding his new bride was that she be a “nobody” and a girl where parental approval was unnecessary. As a teenager, Hak Ja Han was smart, hard-working and pretty, but unfortunately for her, she had a mother [Soon-ae Hong] who was both ignorant and unkind. In many ways, Hak Ja Han was a victim of circumstance, since she was the illegitimate product of an affair between her single mother and a married man, with whom she attended the same sex cult prior to her joining the Unification Church, where she ended up working in the kitchen as a maid. Since Hak Ja Han’s biological father didn’t claim her as his daughter, parental approval was never an issue.”

Sam Park video – recorded at ICSA in July 2014

Sam Park video transcript (July 2014)

Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han) spent two years in Chuncheon Prison after Ansu beating a mentally-ill boy to death.

All the early Korean members know that, and so have never really respected Soon-ae Hong.

Soon-ae Hong in the late 1950s.

There was even an incident that occurred in 1957. An old woman, Jae-geon Kim, and Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han who is currently the wife of Sun Myung Moon) were released after a two year sentence in Chuncheon Prison. The two women had been charged with beating a mentally-ill boy to death during an Ansu session. He was about 18 years old. They had guaranteed that they could cure his mental abnormality with their divine powers.

1957년도에는 이런 일도 있었다. 18세 가량의 정신이상자인 소년 하나를 김재건 노파와 홍순애 (현재 문 선명의 부인인 한 학자의 모친)여인이 자기네들의 신통력으로 정신이상증세를 고칠 수 있다고 장담하면서 지나치게 안수. 안찰을 하다 결국 맞아 죽은 사건이 발생하여 두 여인은 강원도 춘천형무소에서 2년간에

page 336 from the book:
The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1)
by Myung-hui Kim 
published in 1987

LINK to the Korean text of The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1)

Hak Ja Han was illegitimate, according to the evidence

Hak Ja Han was a student in the late 1950s.

Soon-Ae Hong (True Mother’s physical mother – the original Dae Mo Nim)
December 21, 1973 at the Headquarters of the Moon church in Tokyo:

“My mother was an earnest Christian. When I was born, I was named “Soon-Ae” (“obedient love”) by the minister of her church. My mother guided me to become a Christian and trained me for three years under the guidance of Rev. Yong-Do Lee. After that period I moved to another church. I could not feel satisfied with the same old church, so I had been looking for a new church on a higher level. Next, I met Mrs. Sung-So Kim [Seong-Do Kim] (“Grandmother Kim”) and became her disciple. For fifteen years I was taught by this old woman…”

Kim Seong-do 金聖道 (1883 – April 1, 1944)

Seung-woon Han was never married to Hak Ja Han’s mother. She got pregnant one month after meeting Mr Han.

Sam Park, in his 2014 video, said: Hak Ja Han “was the illegitimate product of an affair between her single mother and a married man, with whom she attended the same sex cult prior to her joining the Unification Church.”

According to Today’s World magazine, Mr Han had several children with his own wife. One of his sons, Wee-il Han, is in the photo shown above.

Soon-ae Hong died on November 3, 1989. Sx years after her own death she was married – by Sun Myung Moon in 1995 – to the already married Mr Han.

Seung-woon Han, the father of Hak Ja Han. 

Soon-ae Hong continues her 1973 testimony:

“Physical Father of Mother
Mother was born in a village named Sinli of Anju District in what is now called North Korea at 4:30 a.m. on January 6 (by lunar calendar), 1943, when I was 30 years old. Her physical father had been a disciple of Rev. Yong-Do Lee when he received a revelation which said, “Marry a daughter of a man named Yoo-il Hong. Her baby, if it is a boy, will become the king of the universe. If it is a girl, she will become the queen of the universe.”
I met him at the end of February, and became pregnant at the end of March. In my family lineage, there are seven generations which performed meritorious deeds. Three generations of the seven had only one daughter respectively. I had a younger brother. But he was studying in Japan, and it was not certain whether he would ever come back to his house. So, my parents wanted Mr. [Seung-woon] Han (Mother’s father) to be adopted into my family. But, as he was very independent-minded, he rejected the offer and left me. It was when I was seven months pregnant. He did not come back to me even after the baby was born because my parents did not want to give up the baby to him.”

Today’s World magazine, April 2005 pages 14-16
“Mr Seung-woon Han (born in 1909 in Anju county) was a teacher. He was in charge of the Education Department of the New Christian Church of Rev Yong-do Lee, which was in Anju. Soon-Ae Hong and her mother, Won-mo Cho, attended this church. “While Mr Seung-woon Han and Soon-ae Hong were earnestly devoting themselves to the New Christian Church…”

Worried about the danger posed by the communists, Mr Han went to Seoul, South Korea in April or May 1946. He worked as a teacher. Mr Han had at least two sons, Wee-il and Wee-yong. They are half brothers to Hak Ja Han.”

▲ This is a section of the Moon family tree from an official Unification Church website. Sun Myung Moon married Soon-ae Hong to Mr Han in 1995, six years after her own death. Mr Han (1909-?) was married to someone else, and his wife and other children are not shown on this family tree. It is acknowledged that Hak Ja Han has half siblings.

Yong-do Lee founded the New Christian Church. What kind of church was it? 
(The church Moon went to in Seoul in his late teens and early twenties was also based on the teachings of Yong-do Lee.)

Rev Yong-Do Lee was a famous Korean mystic and a revivalist preacher who made evangelical tours throughout Korea. In the last year of his life he was charged with heresy. According to one mainstream Christian source, Rev. Young Bok Chun, Lee’s congregation engaged in ritual nudity during public worship.

Yong-do Lee said: “Lo, seek and search for the Lord’s love, through deep thought and desire day and night. In this way, enter the inner room of love. That is the holy place of love. There, discern the true identity of the Lord. There, make songs about love, in the place which is splendid and bright, like Solomon’s brocades.”

Here is Rev. Young Bok Chun’s testimony: “I often went to these meetings when I was young. The pastor was an enthusiastic and eloquent preacher and advocated a peculiar interpretation of the Bible. During the meetings he used to roll up a newspaper and go around saying, ‘Satan, get out! Satan, get out!’ while the congregation was praying in a state of ecstatic shaking. This movement advocated the so-called ‘restoration of the original state’ before the fall of Adam and Eve. The congregation was dancing around and crying for the return of Eden. And when the pastor cried, ‘Adam and Eve were naked before the fall! Take off your clothes!’ the men turned to the women and stripped off their clothes, and they danced around naked.”

Yong-do Lee started a new style of revival meeting that was mystical – and indigenous to the Korean people…

From this mystic union, Yong-do Lee developed the idea of an “exchange of life” or “blood blending with the Lord,” which was possible through “the bloody connection with Christ.” This idea gave rise to fringe movements, especially in the 1930’s and after the Korean War of 1950-1953.

Yong-do Lee was branded a heretic by the mainstream churches, and banned from preaching in them.

David A. Carlson from the Unification Theological Seminary wrote:

Relatively little is known about her father. … Hak Ja Han’s mother met and joined the Unification Church. Because of her mother’s active involvement with the Unification Church, Hak Ja Han was raised by her grandmother [photo below] and her uncle. She first met Sun Myung Moon in Seoul in 1956. She was thirteen years of age.

Hak Ja Han

East Garden, May 3, 1977
“At that time I was living in the northeastern part of South Korea known as Chunchon, and Father had his headquarters in the Church at Chungpa dong, in Seoul, so there was quite a distance between us. I continued to attend church and go to school; I finished middle school and then went on to high school. In 1960, one month prior to the day of the blessing, which was March 16 by the lunar calendar, a formal notification came to me, saying, “You shall hereby prepare for a heavenly engagement and forthcoming wedding.”
When this instruction came from Father I felt totally selfless. I felt, “Who am I to decide whether this is good or bad? So far my life has been governed directly by God. Whatever the will of God, whatever His purpose or dispensation, I shall be His servant. I shall obey in everything.” That was my feeling.

Father knew me well. Particularly in those days, at the age of 18, in that early springtime I just did not want to analyze the situation. I wanted to totally give myself for the heavenly will. At that time I had a reputation of being rather on the quiet side. I enjoyed tranquillity and quietness, reading and music. I was known also as a rather intellectual young lady. I was not too emotional, not excitable. In a way I seemed slightly chilly and cold toward strangers who met me. My basic character was not outgoing. I always withheld myself and isolated myself from the outside world. I enjoyed my own world and was almost scornful of the world of men.

Did Soon-ae Hong really try to kill Hak Ja Han?

Was Hak Ja Han saved by her grandmother, Won-mo Cho (above)?

Perhaps we will never know the truth, but it is a fact that Hak Ja Han’s mother spent two years in jail for murdering a young man.

There are two accounts of what happened just after Hak Ja Han’s birth:

The Path that True Mother has Followed
by Soon-Ae Hong (True Mother’s physical mother – the original Dae Mo Nim)
December 21, 1973  Unification Church Headquarters, Tokyo

“Satan Comes
In Korea it is the custom that women who have just finished delivery drink seaweed soup. When I was drinking it, Satan came to me and said, “If you leave this baby-girl as she is, the world will become terrible in the future. So, you must kill her now.” I embraced the baby, saying, “How can I kill my daughter?” At that moment my physical mother [Won-mo Cho] came to me and asked what was going on. I told her that Satan had come and ordered me to kill the baby. One week after the incident, when I was wondering why Satan wanted to take my daughter’s life, Grandmother Sung-Do Kim appeared to me from the spirit world and said, “Soon-Ae, this baby is the daughter of the Lord. You must raise her as if you were her nurse.””

Mother’s Course
by Hak Ja Han
March 4, 2011, Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas

“In 1943, Korea was immersed in darkness. I recall now that my mother remembered seeing a vision in a dream, then, of all kinds of metal ware coming across the sea, across the Korea Strait, through the courtyard of the house, and into the room where I was born. Isn’t that strange? All those things poured endlessly into the room where I was lying.

All kinds of metal ware had been gathered up and taken from Korea when Japan was supporting the war – sometimes even brass sacrificial vessels were also taken.

I think God was giving her a revelation, that although I didn’t know it, I was destined to meet Father, and that, with us standing in the position of True Parents, everything would flow into Korea through Japan, which has the mission of the Eve nation.

There are many anecdotes, but the story I remember most is about material blessing and that Satan came and said, “Your birth has brought about my downfall. Therefore, I must kill you.” He strangled me, but my mother, who had just given birth, used all her strength to stop him and saved me.”

Was Hak Ja Han affected by the attack that seems to have been physical, and not just spiritual? Won-mo Cho heard a commotion and came in to see what Hak Ja Han’s mother was doing. Apparently it was a serious incident.

In Hak Ja Han’s version, she said it was her mother who saved her. According to Soon-Ae Hong, and other accounts, it was her grandmother, Won-mo Cho, who saved Hak Ja Han’s life. 

Later, Soon-ae Hong was often busy with her religious life and left Hak Ja Han to be raised by her uncle and Won-mo Cho.

Kim Seong-do and the roots of the Divine Principle

Hwang Gook-joo and his orgies

Lee Yong-do (includes an eye-witness account)

Chong Deuk-eun – Great Holy Mother

Park Tae-seon – another Korean Pikareum Messiah

Kim Baek-moon talked about “sexual union with God”

Kim Seong-do and the roots of the Divine Principle

Moon claimed authority through his “meeting with Jesus”

Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives

Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest

How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968

The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian

Shamanism in the church of Sun Myung Moon

Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong   NEW

Shamanism lies at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church, even if it uses a Christian signboard
Ancestor liberation, bowing to pig’s heads and marriages between dead people and the living are some examples.

Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God
Sun Myung Moon copied the Enthronement Hall of the Korean emperor. The sun and moon motifs symbolize his power over all people and the elements.

The shamanic ‘Holy Grounds’ of Reverend Moon
Sun Myung Moon made 120 ‘Holy Grounds’ around the world to connect those nations to the shamanic powers of the Korean Guardians of the Five Directions.

Shamanism: The Spirit World of Korea
Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.

Hananim and other Spirits in Korean Shamanism
In July 1955 Sun Myung Moon was imprisoned for gross immorality, but was subsequently released.

Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon Church
Black Heung Jin Nim was the name given to Cleopas Kundiona from Zimbabwe. He claimed to be the embodiment of Moon’s son who had died in a car crash. Reverend Moon approved him as his son, but there was a lot of violence in the Unification Church before he sent Cleopas home. In Zimbabwe he set himself up as a messiah.

Sun Myung Moon had a girlfriend in 1941

The Choi family’s entanglements with Moon

Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa in Pyongyang

Dong-sook, born in 1955 and listed as a ‘True Child’, was married to Sung-jin Moon

Sun Myung Moon’s third wife – Kim Myung-hee in South Korea

The lie that Kim Myung-hee was raped in Japan

Sun Myung Moon’s fourth wife, Won-pok Choi

Hak Ja Han

The Fall of the House of Moon – New Republic

Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones

The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon