Moon personally extracted $500 MILLION from FFWPU Japanese sisters in the fall of 1993. He demanded that 50,000 sisters attend HIS workshops on Jeju Island and each had to pay a fee of $10,000.
Moon said “Japan would ruin if we failed to bring in the minimum of 50,000 sisters into this providential workshop.”
The Jeju / Cheju island (Jejudo) workshops for Japanese women were from October 6 to December 22, 1993. There have been rumors that Moon spoke about being illegitimate and “the son of a minister.” He apparently said this was a necessary qualification for him to be the messiah – following the pattern of Jesus being the illegitimate son of the priest Zechariah, according to Moon’s own narrative.
There were 25 training sessions.
There are also photos in a UC book called ‘A Pictorial History of the 40 years of the Unification Church.’
Over 51,800 sisters ranging from 16 to 80 years of age attended the workshop.
Moon, Ken Sudo and Hideo Oyamada lectured.
“Although the four days were not every long time, for 50,000 sisters of every part of society to visit Korea within less than three months was never an easy matter. Many of them had to leave without full contentment of their husbands, largely due to the negative church images mounted by recent media offensive in Japan.”
“At the later part of the workshops, Father began to mention that Japan would ruin if we failed to bring in the minimum of 50,000 sisters into this providential workshop. Setting all other important works aside, Father literally poured 100% of his time and energy. “It is impossible for me to stay in Jeju for three months just to take care of you,” said Father frequently. That much Father invested his love to raise Japan to a true mother position. The rise and the fall of Japan depended on the outcome of the training.”
10月6日~12月22日 韓国の済州島で日本の女性信者の修練会。文鮮明が直々に「日本女性幹部特別修練会」を行う。延べ人数16万人の女性信者を参加させ、教育できるかどうかに、日本の救いがかかっているとされた。翌年の水澤里での修練会と合わせても16万人の参加は困難だったので、数を埋め合わせる為に、同じ人が数回参加したことで、象徴的には勝利したとされた。参加した者には「救国献金」という1万ドル(約110万円)の献金が要請される。(複数回参加した信者はその回数分の献金が要請された。)
October 6 – December 22, 1993, training meetings held on Jeju Island in Korea for Japanese women members. Sun Myung Moon held the “Japanese women leaders training special meeting” in person.
It was said that the salvation of Japan depended on the success of recruiting a total number of 160,000 women followers to participate and be educated. This number was difficult to reach, even if the participants of the training sessions at Sutaek-ri the following year were added, so to meet the goal, some people participated several times, and a symbolic victory was won.
A “National Salvation Donation” of $10,000 (about 1.1 million yen) was requested from each participant. (Believers who participated several times were requested to pay for each time they attended.)
Here is an official UC report:
Report on the 50,000 Japanese Sisters’ Education on Cheju-Do Island
by Mr. Sano – Cheju Island (Jeju Island, Jejudo), Korea
Cheju-Do is the largest island in South Korea, famous for luring thousands of honeymooners all year round.
However, even this famous travelers’ spot is no exception as both Korea and neighboring Japan where the largest number of foreign visitors come from, suffer from a long period of economic recession. Despite a fresh appearance of recently reconstructed Cheju International Airport, the souvenir shop owners grieve over the poor sales results nowadays.
All of a sudden, this relatively quiet island was stirred up, as if being awakened from a sleep, when thousands of Japanese women started to flow into the airport every three days. With no doubt, having 50,000 Japanese visit within a short period of three months was a history-making for Cheju-Do island. But, considering the number, the people of island remained relatively cool, as they soon came to realize that Rev. Moon invited these people. By now, they also seem used to the fact that the things unusual for them is not necessarily so for Rev. Moon and the Unification Church.
From Oct. 6 to Dec. 22, the Japanese Woman’s Leadership Training was held over 25 sessions at Cheju International Training Center. The center is located at the southern town of Namwon, the region where the mandarin oranges are exclusively produced and exported to the rest of Korea. The training center is attached to a factory that True Father built initially to help the farmers by buying the waste oranges and processing them into the orange extract. It took five years from 1988 for the building to be completed. During the ’80s and ’90s, Father frequently visited Cheju island for offering prayer with the providential significance.
Over 51,800 sisters ranging from 16 to 80 years of age attended the workshop. It was so special in that True Father himself was the direct organizer, inheriting the spirit of Alaska Workshop. In Aug. 1993, Father started the workshop in the Kodiak island of Alaska specially designed to educate Japanese sisters, as the world came to enter the woman’s era. Cheju-Do symbolizes woman or mother’s position within Korea, and because of this, Father has set up and blessed Cheju-Do as the second Japan into which Father has been refused to enter for the past 14 years till March 26 of 1992.
At the later part of the workshops, Father began to mention that Japan would ruin if we failed to bring in the minimum of 50,000 sisters into this providential workshop. Setting all other important works aside, Father literally poured 100% of his time and energy. “It is impossible for me to stay in Cheju for three months just to take care of you,” said Father frequently. That much Father invested his love to raise Japan to a true mother position. The rise and the fall of Japan depended on the outcome of the training.
During substantial two days of period, Father spoke on the topics such as: “Let us find a True Self,” “Let us go over the Hill of Indemnity,” “The Four Great Realms of Heart and Three Great Kingships” and “The True Parents and Rebirth” for seven to eight hours daily.
In support of True Father, Rev. Ken Sudo lectured to help the trainees get clearer insight of how Father’s words relate to our conventional ideas of the Principle, while Rev. Hideo Oyamada spoke on how we should comprehend this new age from the viewpoint of Unification Thought and VOC. While Father was resurrecting the entire movement of Japan, True Mother traveled in her public tour, proclaiming “The True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.” She spoke at 40 universities in Korea, and then continued through 40 nations around the world.
Father went hand in hand with True Mother by listening to every single speech being transmitted on the phone from another part of the world.
Although the four days were not every long time, for 50,000 sisters of every part of society to visit Korea within less than three months was never an easy matter. Many of them had to leave without full contentment of their husbands, largely due to the negative church images mounted by recent media offensive in Japan.
However, Father, in his speech, stressed how God’s True Love could be implanted between husband and wife, touching on many intimate situations. It was clear that the sisters’ hearts were tremendously liberated in listening to Father in whom God’s vertical love and human horizontal love were in perfect harmony. There were dozens of testimonies that, seeing the wives whose heart became so open and resurrected, the husbands were also became inspired. It was truly another miracle of God’s love, that there was no single marriage harmed in the wives’ coming to the training.
Towards the end of the workshops, the number of participants swelled to 4,000 and more in a single session. Upon the completion of 50,000 woman’s training, a new responsibility is being given to Japan to continue and expand the mission within the 163 nations of the world. Turning to the second year of the Completed Testament Age, another series of training started in Cheju-Do, primarily to prepare women as overseas missionaries and to stimulate the Tribal Messiah activities.
Moon performs a ‘Jade Crystal Ball Dedication Ceremony’
韓国済州 [ 島 ]・・・・(Moon’s shoulders) 教
Jeju [island], South Korea ……………….. Training
1993年11月11日午前7時 水玉(read すいぎょく)奉献式 於済州島公館
Jadeite Dedication Ceremony at the Jeju Island official residence [of the Moons] at 7AM on November 11, 1993
[Jadeite is a green, blue, or white mineral that is one of the forms of jade.]
“My eyes were opened.” A huge UC scam in Japan is revealed.
Unification Church Tied To Sales-fraud Scheme In Japan
Dae Mo Nim (Hyo-nam Kim) pours guilt on the Japanese
How Moon bought protection in Japan
¥1,400,000 to be paid to Hak Ja Han’s church by each Japanese UC family
Murder-suicide fire protest against Japanese “severe donations”
Japanese 20-year-old woman recruited by the UC, and then sold to an older Korean farmer
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
1. Moon’s first son wrote a letter saying his father was a fraud.
2. Ashamed to be Korean
3. Sun Myung Moon: “Women have twice the sin”
4. “Japanese blood is dirty,” Mrs Gil Ja Sa Eu said
5. Moon’s Divine Principle Theory Applied
6. Sun Myung Moon’s explanation of the Fall of Man is based on his Confucian ideas of lineage, and his belief in shaman sex rituals.
7. The establishment of a worldwide government under Moon
8. Sun Myung Moon in 2012: “There is no Mother”
9. Sun Myung Moon’s words on Hak Ja Han, Justin Kook Jin and Sean Hyung Jin
10. Hak Ja Han married “God” in January 2012. Moon was furious.
11. The Sokcho Incident – the removal of Hyun Jin from the succession
12. In 2018 Hak Ja Han was questioned about the Sokcho Incident